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Rend Heaven the Best Offensive Proc?


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I dont get the hype about sorc doing a x4 Lightning on someone when the class cannot double anything, the same as why say Master Ninja sucks when it can double everything and talk about the defense being low when the only relevant way to tank is to avoid(which master ninja can do comfortably having 2 weapons to work around some breaker skills, and having inherent 35 max SPD).

Like Witch is just better than Sorc just for the extra speed, that is without the fact that Countermagic and Tomebreaker are seen everywhere.

I am planning to use Awakening with some shennanigans, basically attacking with the weapon that lowers your HP by 30% use Azura , use the weapon again to get to 40%,kill and proc Galeforce, kill another unit with a brave, with Lucky Seven and Awakening I have 50% of avoid there, I have not tested it but since is easy to one round everything I think is better to focus on having that extra avoid, maybe use it with a Master Ninja+ Vantage so even if I die I can lower stats of a couple of units.

If you like being paired-up (as in Dual Stance [Guard] which procs Nohrian Trust) you can try (but do not use E-Rank Weapons or Magical Melee Weapons):

*Nohrian Trust: When you're only having defensive skills on, you want some way to do extra damage by using the offensive trigger skills of the supporting partner.

*Quixotic: Increases your Hit Rate and skill rate activations (does the same for the enemy but that's why the remaining skills help remove the penalty against you).

*3 Breaker Skills: These skills will change depending on the predicting of the weapons that your enemies will use. Also somewhat recommended to run +2+ Dual Weapons to force mindgames on your opponents if you lack the appropriate Breaker Skills to help cover you.

Examples (please correct me if the Dual Weapons I mention don't work against the enemies by reversing the weapon triangle to your favor):

->Lacking Swordbreaker and/or Tomebreaker, use Dual Club and/or Dual Yumi.

->Lacking Lancebreaker and/or Shurikenbreaker, use Dual Katana and/or Calamity Gate.

->Lack Axebreaker and/or Bowbreaker, use Dual Naginata and/or Dual Shuriken.

**Take Note that Dragonskin/Divine Shield will halve all normal damage while negating poison damage, Lethality, Counter and Counter Magic but Dragonskin halves all offensive trigger skill damage should said skill activate as well. The first part of Dragonskin and Divine Shield passively halve all normal damage after normal damage calculations are applied. If you were to do 30 points of damage to the enemy normally, Dragonskin/Divine Shield instead allows the enemy to take only 15 points of damage.

Support Partner should at least have some of the following skills:

*Aether/Luna: Enemy's current Defense/Resistance stat (after support and buffs are applied) is halved during the damage calculations and the former grants a healing bonus if you can do sufficient damage.

*Rend Heaven: Uses the enemy's current offensive stats (if the enemy's Strength/Magic stat is debuffed than you get less damage added but if the enemy's Strength/Magic stat is buffed then you do more damage) against them if you use the right weapons. Physical Weapons use 50% of the enemy's Strength Stat while Magical Weapons use 50% of the enemy's Magic Stat. One of the strongest offensive trigger skills in the game in terms of use and power alongside Vengeance (if you aren't forced to fight Hexing Rod users and if you play right) and Aether (healing + more damage).

*Ignis/Dragon Fang: Uses your own stats to do more damage. Ignis will add half of your Magic Stat (if you use a physical weapon) or half of your Strength Stat (if you use a tome/scroll/dragonstone) to your current damage as bonus damage. Dragon Fang does the same but instead it adds half of your original attack power to your current damage.

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Dragon Fang (Skill% x 0.75): Adds half of your original attack to your current damage as bonus damage. Basically, this is a weaker version of Rend Heaven but it works off of your own stats and damage just like Ignis. Unlike Ignis, it only applies half of your original attack power and your current damage on the enemy instead of using your own Strength or Magic Stat. Critical-hits make it somewhat better, and give it a more unique battle sequence animation.

Uh... no? Dragon Fang takes half of your atk before reducing it by target's def and adds it to your atk after calculating in target's def. This means that it uses your own stats like Ignis, but also adds half of your weapon attack. The kicker is that you don't need to be a hybrid class to make good use of it unlike Ignis. The only similarity to Rend Heaven is that it applies someone's offensive stat, but even that is a stretch.

As far as Rend Heaven being the best offensive proc... I have to agree since smart usage and positioning mitigates the chances of empty procs* occurring. Also, like many people have said already, it doesn't work nearly as well on magic units.

*"Empty proc" is what I'm going to call what happens when it activates but does nothing or nearly nothing.

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Uh... no? Dragon Fang takes half of your atk before reducing it by target's def and adds it to your atk after calculating in target's def. This means that it uses your own stats like Ignis, but also adds half of your weapon attack. The kicker is that you don't need to be a hybrid class to make good use of it unlike Ignis. The only similarity to Rend Heaven is that it applies someone's offensive stat, but even that is a stretch.

As far as Rend Heaven being the best offensive proc... I have to agree since smart usage and positioning mitigates the chances of empty procs* occurring. Also, like many people have said already, it doesn't work nearly as well on magic units.

*"Empty proc" is what I'm going to call what happens when it activates but does nothing or nearly nothing.

Thanks for the correction on how Dragon Fang works, it's hard for me to pull the damage calculation for skills that add damage than reduce the target's stats.

For PvP, Rend Heaven can't go wrong, at least if you can guess if the majority of the player-base online run either physical or magical teams you can use RH to the full extent. PvE, most enemies not named bosses are purely physical so RH on a physical attacker or Dragon Fang on a magical attacker is better than placing RH on a magical unit. RH is ok against magical units, if your unit can use Tomes/Scrolls/Dragonstones though.

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I'd say Aether, Rend Heaven, and Dragon Fang are all top tier.

sure Aether has that lol Skill/2, but its god dang Aether.

Dragon Fang is safer for those that can get it, personally I use Rend Heaven mostly for Caeldori because of the way her personal works.

Nohrian Trust Cael with Siegbert with Aether, Rend, and Sol does some good work if I do say so myself.

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