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Fates Headcanons


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Just a topic to discuss anyone's theories or head canons for Fates, here's one of mine based on Fuga's backstory:

As we know, Hayato is the foster son of Fuga, after his parents died, and it is also a fact that Fuga had romantic feelings for Hayato's mother, which he never confessed to her. After Hayato's mother married his father, they were murdered by Faceless, leaving Hayato to be taken in by Fuga. Here's where my theory comes in, Fuga used to be a mage who studied Nohrian magic, and when Fuga got angry over his love marrying someone, and having a child, he summoned Faceless, which are created by Nohrian magic, to kill Hayato's father, but it backfired, and killed both of Hayato's parents instead, and Hayato was raised with the knowledge in some of Fuga's old magic, but he specifically didn't let him study the Faceless magic. Here's the kicker, when Hayato and his wife had Rhajat, Fuga gives his foster son some books of magic for his newborn child to study as she grows up, and among them, the books which were used by Fuga to summon the Faceless, and then Rhajat had an affinity for them, causing the Faceless to be summoned which were faced as enemies in Rhajat's paralogue. Feel free to try and deconfirm this theory if you can, and post your own below!

Edited by HappyHawlucha
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One of my headcannons is that Gunther and Reina are old rivals.

Reina is the one responsible for Gunther's face scar and Gunther is the one responsible for Reina's face scar.

Despite that they have a lot respect for each other and they consider each other worthy rivals.

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I headcanon that Yato is actually a Falchion forged from Tiki's fangs. I'm just waiting for Revelations to kill this one

I also headcanon that while Garon's motive for the war is selfish, most Nohrians, read, anyone not from Cheve or the Ice Tribe, actually support the war due to Nohr having a desperate need for resources, and conquering Hoshido being a garonteed way to get them. Pun intended

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I have a head-canon in Revelations that Xander marries one of the Hoshidan siblings, which makes the alliance at the end of the game just than much stronger. It's based in literally nothing because you can marry any two units together, but it's part of my own personal head-canon, so.

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I have the headcanon that Kamui/Corrin is actually a Machiavellian protagonist that feigns ignorance and naivety in order to manipulate the people around them into doing their bidding. Despite what many think, the Nohrian ways actually have embedded themselves into young Kamui/Corrin's mind and, combined with Camilla, Xander and Elise's worship/ass kissing of them, they are quite the narcissist as well. Each gameplay path is merely a different scenario in which Kamui/Corrin ultimately their way onto the throne of their selected kingdom after the final cutscene.

Yes, I realize there are too many problems with such a line of thinking but, damn it, the plot makes Kamui/Corrin into an untouchable being and my Kamui/Corrin is aware of that and exploits it!

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My headcanons:

Ryoma marries Scarlet after they bond during the war, and as a gesture of more positive Hoshidan/Norhian relations.

Camilla develops serious attachment/trust issues after the concubine wars and her attraction to Kamui is based on a need for a "safe" sibling to love.

Garon is a loving father who became hardened by the difficulties of leadership in Nohr.

The ability to change into a dragon is a recessive trait that people in the royal families sometimes have.

Kamui is a full blooded sibling of the royal Hoshidan kids.

Just a topic to discuss anyone's theories or head canons for Fates, here's one of mine based on Fuga's backstory:

As we know, Hayato is the foster son of Fuga, after his parents died, and it is also a fact that Fuga had romantic feelings for Hayato's mother, which he never confessed to her. After Hayato's mother married his father, they were murdered by Faceless, leaving Hayato to be taken in by Fuga. Here's where my theory comes in, Fuga used to be a mage who studied Nohrian magic, and when Fuga got angry over his love marrying someone, and having a child, he summoned Faceless, which are created by Nohrian magic, to kill Hayato's father, but it backfired, and killed both of Hayato's parents instead, and Hayato was raised with the knowledge in some of Fuga's old magic, but he specifically didn't let him study the Faceless magic. Here's the kicker, when Hayato and his wife had Rhajat, Fuga gives his foster son some books of magic for his newborn child to study as she grows up, and among them, the books which were used by Fuga to summon the Faceless, and then Rhajat had an affinity for them, causing the Faceless to be summoned which were faced as enemies in Rhajat's paralogue. Feel free to try and deconfirm this theory if you can, and post your own below!

Wow, that puts him in a dark light. "Hey Hayato, I killed your dad on purpose and killed your mom on accident using the magic in these books. Maybe you could teach it to your daughter?"

I headcanon that Yato is actually a Falchion forged from Tiki's fangs. I'm just waiting for Revelations to kill this one

I also headcanon that while Garon's motive for the war is selfish, most Nohrians, read, anyone not from Cheve or the Ice Tribe, actually support the war due to Nohr having a desperate need for resources, and conquering Hoshido being a garonteed way to get them. Pun intended

Sigh... Now I want, no, NEED, to see a Nohrian war propaganda poster that reads "Join the Nohrian war effort! Victory is Garonteed!" with Garon clenching his fist, looking proudly towards the viewer and a squadron of Wyvern riders flying over.

But yeah I'd be more on board with Nohr if the war was about necessary resources.

Edited by NekoKnight
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[spoiler=Crack Nohr 18 AU, Warning: Ryoumarx]

Okay this is mostly just something of a joke I came up with the other day please don't take it seriously

Alternate universe where everything else is the same (the get Garon to sit on Hoshido's throne plan) but instead of invading Hoshido, Corn tries to get the niichans to sleep with each other instead

And so the trip to Izumo is actually Corn tryna get these niichans together and it was a success

So as the "venerable father-in-law" garon is invited to sit on the throne because filial piety and shit, right, gotta show respect to your new parents, and he goos the fuck up right there and since gay shipper corn planned this entire thing, they also prepared weapons

Poor Xander though, wedding day ruined by goo dad

Actual, much more serious headcanons to come later, they're in my big catalogue of Ryoma writings

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Spoilery HC.

Corrin is the full blooded sibling of the Hoshidans. He gets his draconic powers from when he was being born. Mikoto grew very ill and when giving birth, both she and Corrin were to die. But, Sumeragi had a potion that he got from Valla that revitalized her allowing her to give birth to a living Corrin. This potion however increased the draconic blood in his bloodstream giving him these more enhanced draconic powers. This is also the reason Takumi has grey hair and why Sakura's hair is not fully red as their are some remnants of the potion in their blood stream.

Azura is the blood daughter of Garon and thus half sibling of the Nohrians.

More, less spoilery ones:

-Corrin was given this name from Garon to cover up his Hoshidan origins. Kamui is his real name.

-Zero is an alias taken up by Niles since he fells that he is not worthy of bearing his original name. Niles is his real name and only Leo and his possible lover know this.

-Names like Hana, Kaze, Mozu etc are all nicknames given to said characters.

I have more, but I will post them later.

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Kaden's name is pronounced Kah-den as opposed to Kay-den. After spending time in Cyrkensia, people have been using the second pronunciation and Kaden just went with it.

Niles' last name is Crowley. I dunno, it just sounds right.

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More, less spoilery ones:

-Corrin was given this name from Garon to cover up his Hoshidan origins. Kamui is his real name.

-Zero is an alias taken up by Niles since he fells that he is not worthy of bearing his original name. Niles is his real name and only Leo and his possible lover know this.

-Names like Hana, Kaze, Mozu etc are all nicknames given to said characters.

I have more, but I will post them later.

I like these. My headcanon is that Garon let Kamui keep his name to distance him from his blood-related children who of course have Nohrian names.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: my headcanon will forever be that Garon is one of the armor designers in the game, and he blames certain designs, like Effie's, on Nohr's poverty.

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Headcanon here that Takumi actually suffers not just from crippling insecurity, but from anxiety as well.

Conclusively diagnosing a fictional character with mental illnesses is obviously impossible (especially since I am not even a psychologist), but I think there is some pretty telling evidence for it.

First thing: his terrible and almost constant nightmares that cause him to scream in his sleep.

In his support with Sakura, they discuss about how awkward they always feel at banquets. While Sakura tries to talk about ways to get through the event, Takumi argues for ways to get out of it entirely.

In multiple supports he shows how much he worries about what others think of him, outright admitting it to Kiragi. The line "[..] a weak, anxious fool, who always worries about what others think of me." stands out here.

Then there is miscancellous facts: Like how he was apparently constantly clinging to a doll in his childhood, and had to always have someone accompany him to the bathroom (unless Orochi was just exaggerating this). Normal childhood behaviour I know, but added to the above it does fit in the picture.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: my headcanon will forever be that Garon is one of the armor designers in the game, and he blames certain designs, like Effie's, on Nohr's poverty.

Garon: "We ain't got no money for armored pants. Just wear some underwear; you'll be fine."

Adding to this, I headcanon that the mages in Nohr are ordered to place protective enchantments on uniforms to bolster the defensive properties. Like, there is an invisible shell of armor covering bare areas. So, basically, the mages put spells on underwear.

EDIT: To further describe it, it is something like the Alteration spell, Oakflesh, in Skyrim.

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Here's one related to naming. When Percy was born, Arthur wanted to give him a heroic name, and conclusively decided on Perceval. His wife, whoever it may be, disliked the name as much as Arthur loved it, and they ultimately compromised to Percy. Eventually, when Percy developed the ability to voice his opinions, he inherited his mother's dislike of his full name, and to this day, he hates it whenever his father refers to him as "Perceval". A quirky idea for a quirky family.

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Garon: "We ain't got no money for armored pants. Just wear some underwear; you'll be fine."

Adding to this, I headcanon that the mages in Nohr are ordered to place protective enchantments on uniforms to bolster the defensive properties. Like, there is an invisible shell of armor covering bare areas. So, basically, the mages put spells on underwear.

With a 5 base defense growth, I don't think that underwear is enchanted. Awakening Dark Mages, sure.

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With a 5 base defense growth, I don't think that underwear is enchanted. Awakening Dark Mages, sure.

Maybe they just don't wear their underwear correctly; if they didn't put their panties and boxers on the outside of their outfits I'm sure the enchantments would work.

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With a 5 base defense growth, I don't think that underwear is enchanted. Awakening Dark Mages, sure.

Hey, it's just a canon. A headcanon.

I meant in-universe. LOL. How else would the units be able to take hits for days? I also meant for all of Nohr's soldiers, if that wasn't clear before.

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I headcanon that weapons are still fully breakable like in the older games, but the Fates characters actually REPAIR their weapons inbetween battles ala FE4

I'll also add that thanks to the Amiibo, I believe Smash is canon to the FE series.

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With no less then two artworks showing Camilla with a little drink I think she's quite the fan of alcohol.

Real Garon and Sumeragi could possibly have had a more mutual respectful rivalry. If Sumeragi was as good a guy as he seems to be and if real Garon was a better man who actually adresed Norh's need for resources then Sumeragi might possible understand his actions, even if he doesn't agree.

And speaking of Sumeragi I think Takumi may just have named Kiragi after him.

I also don't (want to) believe the kids are entirely canon. I find it better if the kids are just born after the game and that their presence in it is just a neat little extra to those that want the mechanic.

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I also don't (want to) believe the kids are entirely canon. I find it better if the kids are just born after the game and that their presence in it is just a neat little extra to those that want the mechanic.

I think this is shared by a lot of people; it simply doesn't work in the story anyway; casual trips to other dimensions and instant pregnancies during the war is a little hard to swallow.

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