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Best classes for +Magic, -Def Male Corrin and Kana

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Oh I should've clarified; I meant S-Rank Class (for the crit bonus), they wouldn't be using S Rank weapons because their drawbacks are ridiculous. They'd either be using a Forged Iron/Killer/1-2 range weapon. A Forged Iron is pretty much equal to Hans' S Rank Axe - the Str halving effect as it is.

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Braves (lightning specificly because nobody builds res statues) do have the niche of flat erasing anything they're pointed at regardless of the skill build and forge level on any S weapon MCU with no pairup or support unit which makes gale force actually usable.

Made a clone of my current casual ch23 data and skill bought for the first time ever, got non maxed ophy+corin darting blow/speed+2/gale force/agressor/heartseeker and slapped unforged lightning on them. Then I just watched as they ripped half a max cap castles units to sheds on turn one.

Turns out 60x4 is not survivable raw magic damage for anything ever in this game outside of pavise/miracle. (res cap is sub 40 with statues lol) Too bad mag damage cap is effectively 120 raw.

I actually screwed up and exposed ophelia to a +7 tomebreaker silver sword double on some derpy procstack build when I did a few more shitscrims for funsies, and ophy just tanked it with sorc def and ORKOed after the first hit with her base 45% crit @ 70% hit rate.

Gonna say braves and sorc's are still pretty top tier.

Edited by joshcja
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Scrub question.....but.....why -Defense over Luck or Strength for a magic build?

Not really a scrub question but it effects other growth rates. Also, I guess Sorc can be good for males but most females are gonna want to switch to Witch when that comes around.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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the war

Not really a scrub question but it effects other growth rates. Also, I guess Sorc can be good for males but most females are gonna want to switch to Witch when that comes around.

I'm pretty sure warp is a skill like every other DLC classes gimmic.

So unless witch randomly has better hiddens and def than sorc...no.

(Again not disparaging stave options on sage at all, that utility is so huge once you get out of awful wep rank land and even then Erank is enough for rescue)

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Oh I should've clarified; I meant S-Rank Class (for the crit bonus), they wouldn't be using S Rank weapons because their drawbacks are ridiculous. They'd either be using a Forged Iron/Killer/1-2 range weapon. A Forged Iron is pretty much equal to Hans' S Rank Axe - the Str halving effect as it is.

Whoops. Anyways, the only S rank classes I can really claim to care for are Witch, and... that's pretty much it. Also, I don't care about forging because it sounds too tedious to be worth it.

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Eh, just my two cents~

Feel free to compare:

Witch - Fire Emblem Wiki - Wikia

Sorcerer - Fire Emblem Wiki - Wikia

Both can S-Rank tomes. Witches have nice Speed. Sorcerers have an edge on bulk. Overall, the stats of the Witch give it a little bump offensively while the Sorcs get a bump defensively. Also, I'm sure you know the class is Female only. Warp Scrolls are primarily for the Males.

Oh, an Sorcs can use Nosferatu (unless you use a slot for Shadowgift)

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Even without forging a good Brave or Killer weapon can still end lives. My Charlotte gets 80%+ crit with a unforged Killer Axe for example.

Personally I'm of the camp that thinks that Witch > Sorc for Females. If I really need a Sorc Leo does the trick quite nicely. Considering Sorc's main bonus > Witch is really just Nosferatu access, yeh. Maybe a good Orochi!Asugi too whenever I get to playing Revelations

Unrelated but Witch Nyx looks great with that Veil of hers and the Hat covering up that forehead :)

Edited by Jakkun
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Personally I'm of the camp that thinks that Witch > Sorc for Females.

Same here. Also, Witch gets an avoid boost, while Sorcerer gets a slight boost to... hit... and crit evade (they both get a 10 crit boost, so I didn't mention that).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Eh, just my two cents~

Feel free to compare:

Witch - Fire Emblem Wiki - Wikia

Sorcerer - Fire Emblem Wiki - Wikia

Both can S-Rank tomes. Witches have nice Speed. Sorcerers have an edge on bulk. Overall, the stats of the Witch give it a little bump offensively while the Sorcs get a bump defensively. Also, I'm sure you know the class is Female only. Warp Scrolls are primarily for the Males.

Oh, an Sorcs can use Nosferatu (unless you use a slot for Shadowgift)

Yeah It's going to take me forever but I'm farming lotto for the mythical +7 nos aka ultimate power. (15 of 128 so far x.x)

That said 26 def is really fugly, sorc already clings to "dont orko me bro" benchmarks by the skin of its teeth. The 50 hp cap looks decent though It may come down to individual unit benchmarks.

I'll probably use both if witches have similar hidden stats to sorc's (I don't mean wep rank hiddens). Hell I'll use both just because i love the way witches look, but I'm reserving my final opinion on their effectiveness till I do more digging/try em out.

Edit: oh that 5% loss of hit/Crit evade hurts. (Yes I consider 3 def and 5% hit/Cavoid rate significant dammit. You are not dodging heartseeker/breakers) That still looks sicknasty as fuck for anyone without inherent sorc access or who really needs that speed (Orachi and the other weebsages come to mind)

More edit: Fuck leo, speed benchmark to get doubled by zerkers? NO, I am not wasting slots on wary fighter x.x. (Forrest all day, trap 2 stronk)

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Personally I'm of the camp that thinks that Witch > Sorc for Females. If I really need a Sorc Leo does the trick quite nicely. Considering Sorc's main bonus > Witch is really just Nosferatu access, yeh. Maybe a good Orochi!Asugi too whenever I get to playing Revelations

Unrelated but Witch Nyx looks great with that Veil of hers and the Hat covering up that forehead :)

Yes Orochi!Asugi works very well as a Onmyoji from my experience. He could also work as a Sorcerer but he can only get it from Corrin or Kana. Also, be sure to A+ em with Ignatius for Wary Fighter if you need it for certain battles. That or do everything in your power to keep him safe during Enemy Phase (not that you wouldn't he is pretty frail to pointy weapons).

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Off topic, I wonder when people will start packing forged wrymslayers for 3rd gen kana's >.>

Edit: Or if they'll ever stop letting me one shot their trump card by running the mandatory swordbreaker.

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I'm a fan of Dark Falcon with Replicate. Four units for the price of one. It might have problems one rounding without a support though.

Caeldori wouldn't really mind it, what with her personal being very generous to those low offensive caps.

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