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My apologies if some of these were already covered but I'd like to throw some requests out there and see what sticks. If possible, I'd like to see the Kaze/Shigure, Azura/Midori, Effie/Percy, Orochi/Ophelia, Hana/Velouria, Setsuna/Nina, Rinkah/Ignatius, Hinoka/Sophie and/or Sakura/Rhajat conversations, if possible.

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Looks like this hasn't been shared yet, but LeoPPi on pastebin has been doing a ton of Shigure translations. They posted him with Saizo, Silas, Azama, Subaki, Kaden, Niles, and Xander. So hey, if any of those are your ships, have at it. Niles and Shigure is pretty hilarious for his character, so even if you don't ship it, I'd recommend checking that out as well.

Also, reading through these, I'm really surprised no one's done Felicia/Percy yet. I thought that having the unlucky duo as his parents makes Percy a little more interesting, but I guess there's the risk of it being more gimmicky than entertaining. Either way, I know there are more than enough requests as is, but if anyone cares to translate, I'd love to see it.

Edited by FEHypeTrain
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Looks like this hasn't been shared yet, but LeoPPi on pastebin has been doing a ton of Shigure translations. They posted him with Saizo, Silas, Azama, Subaki, Kaden, Niles, and Xander. So hey, if any of those are your ships, have at it. Niles and Shigure is pretty hilarious for his character, so even if you don't ship it, I'd recommend checking that out as well.

Also, reading through these, I'm really surprised no one's done Felicia/Percy yet. I thought that having the unlucky duo as his parents makes Percy a little more interesting, but I guess there's the risk of it being more gimmicky than entertaining. Either way, I know there are more than enough requests as is, but if anyone cares to translate, I'd love to see it.

I would like to see Azura/Nina, Niles/Shigure, and Peri/Siegbert

Well, shit. Could you link to this please.

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My apologies if some of these were already covered but I'd like to throw some requests out there and see what sticks. If possible, I'd like to see the Kaze/Shigure, Azura/Midori, Effie/Percy, Orochi/Ophelia, Hana/Velouria, Setsuna/Nina, Rinkah/Ignatius, Hinoka/Sophie and/or Sakura/Rhajat conversations, if possible.

Check the masterpost or my pastebin for the first two. And here's two more:



Also, reading through these, I'm really surprised no one's done Felicia/Percy yet. I thought that having the unlucky duo as his parents makes Percy a little more interesting, but I guess there's the risk of it being more gimmicky than entertaining. Either way, I know there are more than enough requests as is, but if anyone cares to translate, I'd love to see it.

Felicia-Lutz unfortunately it's gimmicky

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Ah, wow, that was quick! Thank you very much! I really appreciate your hard work, taking the time to translate so many of these.

Hmm, yeah, shame they just relied on their gimmicks. I thought it'd be a nice surprise if they at least included Percy using his mom's ice powers or something (since she used them unintentionally in her S with Arthur), but oh well. Maybe another of her kids will get to do that. Still, thanks again!


Since it seems like it might be helpful to the OP, I'm gonna go ahead and post the individual links to the other Shigure conversations I mentioned earlier.

Saizo/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/ZAMjSH5F

Silas/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/PXN3fW56

Azama/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/BcL0zD29

Subaki/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/i0XrRAM8

Kaden/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/FH8uxDZB

Xander/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/cZuHS9ue

Edited by FEHypeTrain
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Check the masterpost or my pastebin for the first two. And here's two more:



Felicia-Lutz unfortunately it's gimmicky

Ah, wow, that was quick! Thank you very much! I really appreciate your hard work, taking the time to translate so many of these.

Hmm, yeah, shame they just relied on their gimmicks. I thought it'd be a nice surprise if they at least included Percy using his mom's ice powers or something (since she used them unintentionally in her S with Arthur), but oh well. Maybe another of her kids will get to do that. Still, thanks again!


Since it seems like it might be helpful to the OP, I'm gonna go ahead and post the individual links to the other Shigure conversations I mentioned earlier.

Saizo/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/ZAMjSH5F

Silas/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/PXN3fW56

Azama/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/BcL0zD29

Subaki/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/i0XrRAM8

Kaden/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/FH8uxDZB

Xander/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/cZuHS9ue

Thank you both~

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Yeah, what Abvora said. Thank you. Looking forward to the others at some point in the future, too. By the way, are there also sibling supports in this DLC? Probably not but I'd like to ascertain that.

Speaking of the two that I got, it was pretty amusing to see Rinkah getting fired up and trying to drag Ignatius of all the children into the haunted house.

I'm a bit disappointed that the conversation between Hana and Velouria was going over something that was already covered in their A support. Namely, Velouria should have already resolved herself...Though, I admit that there is a notable difference between "just" being motivated to do something and managing to keep yourself motivated through out the ordeal. And one of those deals with the "what" while the other deals with the "how"...

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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Yeah, what Abvora said. Thank you. Looking forward to the others at some point in the future, too. By the way, are there also sibling supports in this DLC? Probably not but I'd like to ascertain that.

Nope. I take Shigure along w/ his sibling every time I boot up the DLC to get more conversations and there hasn't been a single sibling convo yet.

Edited by Matt-hue
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Thank you both~

Hey Abvora, here's the link to the Kanna-Oboro support in the DLC! I noticed it wasn't in the master list.

Oboro-Kanna: http://pastebin.com/tPqGu2p8

Also, thanks for compiling all of these together!

Edited by Helvetica Standard
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Are Charlotte/Nina, Nina/Kana, Niles/Kana and Charlotte/Forrest translated by any chance?


I would like to request Nyx/Forrest, Selena/velouria and sakura/rhajat.


I would like to see Azura/Nina, Niles/Shigure, and Peri/Siegbert


Pieri-Siegbert is a pretty normal conversation but it hinges on Pieri using the wrong kanji which works nicely cause they have different meanings but I can't really replicate it in english and I'm not good at coming up with new jokes so hopefully someone more skilful than me will take care of it

I'd also like to see Effie/Sophie, Sakura/Caeldori, and/or Selena/Forrest, if you don't mind.

The last one was already done by someone else here. And I think the masterpost is also missing these:



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Eponine: Even if you say that...how am I supposed to get used to these tangled symbols...ah!! These intricately linked notes...sometimes seductively...and sometimes boldly...and then in a whirl of love and jealousy....haah, haah...good...very good!

So Azura learned how to tie people up from Niles... oh my... also Nina has to chill lol

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Huh, seems like Forrest goes well with everybody. I've really enjoyed all of his mother supports, even the more straightforward ones. Maybe because he's such a cute son.

If a second request wouldn't be too much trouble, and only if you're interested, I'd also love to read Hana/Mitama. For most of my moms and kids I can imagine how they might go, but these two are such opposites that I can't help but be curious about how they'll pull it off.

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Forrest's conversation with Nyx was actually kinda heartwarming.

Then again, in a way, she probably does understand Forrest goes through since both of them are judged by their appearance.

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