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Greetings, fellow FE fans!


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Online name: Zoolander

Real name: Eliwood

DoB: A woman never reveals her age!

Favorite FE game: Its a toss up between Blazing sword and Path of Radiance both have great stories, or maybe the new game Fates (Conquest), not really sure TBH!

Favorite Game (other than FE): My top 3 are Fallout New Vegas, Final Fantasy 10, and Tales of Symphonia. They are great games, I play League of Legends for a while, but wouldn't say it my favorite =/

Favorite FE character: Probably Jaffar or Tibarn, both are really cool characters and great design imo. For female character I probably go with either Nina or Vanessa ;P.

Least Favorite Game: For FE probably Shadow Dragon, wasn't really interesting and didn't hook me. For games in general that I have played, not a big fan of Tales of the Abyss.

Sports: Well don't really do sport, work out sometimes when I have time, but I like MMA or Boxing

Online Friends: Looking for some :/

Favorite music: Alternative Rock, but I like anything if it sounds good

Favorite artist/band: Like Foo Fighters and Daft Punk

Favorite song: Hmm Too hard to pick nrrrgh, probably Everlong by Foo Fighters

Country: America

MSN/Yahoo/AIM: N/A, yet

Hobbies: I like hanging out with people, I like watching movies, video games, and swimming. Also like reading manga, I like stories that draw me in.

Good Points: I think of myself as a down to earth kind of person, I prefer a lazy and relaxed life, but thanks to school can't really do that now =/

Bad Points: I feel that I had some bad luck in life and still do mostly when it comes to interacting with people, but I try to not let it get to me, but I guess I get depress sometimes =(

Anything else? I never found this forum up to now, didn't realize FE was so popular (I thought I was the only one that like the series haha), hopefully I get to know all of you and discuss stuff about Fire Emblem because its one of my favorite series.

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Hello and welcome to the forums, I think I preferred Path of Radiance for those first two, but probably because I like Ike too much XD. Also nice to see a fellow New Vegas fan on here, and finally welcome to the club of sucking with interacting with people I understand that pain all too well.

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Yeah thanks for the welcome, I do agree with Ike is cool and I do think he is cooler than Eliwood. Oh you like New Vegas as well that's cool, are you a fan of the other Fallout games? And, yeah thanks for understanding the pain with interacting other people =D.

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mmm I that type of game is very rare now, the creator did make Wasteland 2 which was quite fun. I just kept the battle animations of the ones that weren't long or looked cool, but yea im taking a small break before i go do Radiant Dawn, Ive taken up too much of your introduction, feel free to pm if you wanna talk fallout or any other game :P

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Oh, welcome. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games, and I would have played New Vegas had the Steam version not worked at all for me (it said it was missing the installer even though the game had finished installing via Steam, seriously I got a refund for it.)

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Oh, welcome. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games, and I would have played New Vegas had the Steam version not worked at all for me (it said it was missing the installer even though the game had finished installing via Steam, seriously I got a refund for it.)

Should definitely try it! Its buggy at times, but with mods and the game giving many choices in gameplay, its one of the best for me.

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Welcome to the Forests, have a great time here.

You guys are talking about fallout 3, and here's me, a person who has only played Fallout 4 .-. (I do own Fallout 3 but the very bleh colour scheme was a big turnoff for me)

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