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Found your avatar in another person's MyCastle yet?


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Was lyin' in bed, connecting to some random castles of people that gave me accessories, since I know those are the most likely to make repeat visits, when I start a battle and see that there's a pegasus sitting on the throne.

"Aww! How cute! His avatar kinda looks like mine!"

"... wait a sec... his avatar looks EXACTLY like mine!"

This woke me right out of my nearly-asleep stupor, and I had to take a picture of it. A dark falcon with 11 movement must be way up there on the "recruit me!" Einherjar list.


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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

Lol. I actually use your avatar to help me grind enemies in Destroyed Town. I just place her in the alley near the starting position and let her dodge all the enemies while my guys attack with range!

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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

Ah, so you are the owner of the Josephine character, the FE made of statues, and general skill shop stop. Yeah, she carried me through Conquest Endgame because I wanted to start my "Main Conquest File" instead of my canon run with Corrin and Azura. Thanks for the character and all the skills I bought off of you!

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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

Oh, that's you? Thanks for the skills, definitely helped my collection as well. Once I beat all 3 routes on some restrictions of mine I'm gonna let loose and have some fun with those bought skills~

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I haven't seen my unit but I have seen someone put some of their bond units on a street pass team, as if showing them off. I don't know—it just makes me coo a little bit because it's like their showing off their kids. Also makes me a little teary-eyed, as well. Extra squishy feelings because I think one or two of them is mine—it seems like me and this person just keeps making bond babies.

Those bond units are srs business. I've lost several of them due to how the reset function works while in My Castle—it hurts even now.

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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

Heeeeey, I recognize her! I got skills from you! And ground out a ton of support points in your castle. You are a treasure.

I haven't seen any of my units or my avatar anywhere else, but I haven't really looked either.

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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

I've gotten skills from you. Thanks.

I haven't seen any of my avatars around, but my sister and I made almost the exact same avatar. I only have over 120 visits.

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I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

Your avatar looks almost exactly like my Birthright Avatar, except for the face, that's why I changed the ribbon to the white one haha
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