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Annoying Niggling Nitpicks from a Snarky Nohrian Knight.


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Nah, Leo does. Corrin just watches and remarks how coldhearted Leo is towards his enemies. Zola actually played smart and managed to trap all the Hoshidan royalty and had them ready to be executed so the war could be ended quickly. But then Corrin and co. come in, free the Hoshidan siblings (WAT R U DOING), and basically tell Zola "STAHP PLAYING DIRTY even if it actually saves us a lot of hardship, death, and other stuff in the future." It's possibly one of the dumbest moments in Conquest.

They could have kept the Royals prisoner without killing them. We could have stuck them in our pocket dimension prison, then used them as leverage to get into the palace.

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The fact that we can't buy an unlimited supply of Hand Axes and Javelins. They've been a staple in every previous Fire Emblem game and they aren't OP, especially in this game. Now I have a hard time giving every Physical weapon user a ranged weapon. In my Conquests run, I made the mistake of forging them and ran out pretty quickly.

I'm also salty that they nerfed ranged physical weapons into the ground, but I think that crosses from nit-pick into moderate gripe territory. They can't trigger skills or double and they give a speed penalty. One of those alone, maybe two could have balanced them, but all three is just annoying. It makes Tomes and Shuriken be top-tier weapons, because they have 1-2 range without any such restrictions, and shuriken give debuffs on top of that.

I've tried to build my army around getting as much shuriken and tome users as a result.

I think that says more about Hidden Weapons needing a nerf (Tomes aren't that OP, most of your mages have terrible bulk) than the ranged physical weapons needing a buff. Your physical fighters can still hit at range but it's now more situational allowing your archers to have a niche of their own. The problem with hidden weapons is that they more than make up for their lower might with the stat drops (and Ninjas have Poison Strike for even more damage). Or perhaps it could be said that Ninja are OP because they are fast, have high avoid and can abuse Lunge.

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That poison barb/lunge abuse is why I still avoid the Before Awakening map...

Also, is anyone else annoyed with how under-utilized the Raider weapons are? You'd think that something that destroys unit armor (strips them of their clothing) would actually effect their physical defense, but NOPE! A naked general is just as hard to take out as a general who's still armor clad. They're nothing more than a fanservice weapons with no other purpose...

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That poison barb/lunge abuse is why I still avoid the Before Awakening map...

Also, is anyone else annoyed with how under-utilized the Raider weapons are? You'd think that something that destroys unit armor (strips them of their clothing) would actually effect their physical defense, but NOPE! A naked general is just as hard to take out as a general who's still armor clad. They're nothing more than a fanservice weapons with no other purpose...

Well to be fair, this is an anime world; mages who wear their shorts/panties outside of their very revealing robes can still survive a lance through their esophagus.

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That poison barb/lunge abuse is why I still avoid the Before Awakening map...

Also, is anyone else annoyed with how under-utilized the Raider weapons are? You'd think that something that destroys unit armor (strips them of their clothing) would actually effect their physical defense, but NOPE! A naked general is just as hard to take out as a general who's still armor clad. They're nothing more than a fanservice weapons with no other purpose...

I could've sworn that Raider weapons reduced enemy defence. Or am I thinking of Sophie's personal skill?

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-Takumi. (I don't like his personality. I don't like his RNG.)

-Male Avatar hair choices and story dialogue/personality.

-Male Avatar supports and some others (Some of this stuff doesn't even come remotely close to romantic interest, and yet in the final support it's like: Person 1:"Let's get hitched. I like you." Person 2: "Yeah. OK. I like you too."

-Having children tied to males and virtually allowing almost anyone to marry anyone else. (I mean come on, HAYATO?, really he's like a middle schooler, and you're talking marriage?!)

It should've been more evenly distributed.

-Setsuna's portrait.

-Too much emphasis on My Castle; and limited customization options. (I get one grove of trees. 1. Uno. For the state of Texas.

Also for some reason, there are many beautiful set-piece locations you visit throughout the story, and yet the only place you can shop is in your la-a land. Character development is also all in My Castle; I mean the story doesn't make you care one way or the other for anyone...)

-Your room is a shoddy imitation of an actual room. (Have you ever looked around beyond the fixed camera area? It's like an abandoned warehouse.)

-I can mute voices everywhere except for the video scenes.

-Dragon form is pretty bad. (On the map it's introduced, you would think they'd let you loose like an angry deity. No. On the same map it's introduced, dragon-killers are also introduced. Also the Avatar is weak to dragon-killing weapons regardless of whether in dragon-form or not.)

-The Hero class (one of my favorite classes in FE7) still isn't too great.

-Lancers get seal defense AND seal speed.

-The bathhouse doesn't do anything...?

-No dual audio...

Sorry if this came off more as ranting than anything... I still like FE. There's just A LOT they could've done better with for Fates.

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-The bathhouse doesn't do anything...?

The Hot Spring, if upgraded to lv. 3, nets you a supportable character for your party (Izana on any route that isn't Revelation; Fuga on Revelation) but that's pretty much it. Aside from that, it's pretty much fanservice: hangout with those of the same gender or your spouse, or get chased out by those of the opposite gender who isn't your spouse.

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-Takumi. (I don't like his personality. I don't like his RNG.)

-Setsuna's portrait.

-Dragon form is pretty bad. (On the map it's introduced, you would think they'd let you loose like an angry deity. No. On the same map it's introduced, dragon-killers are also introduced. Also the Avatar is weak to dragon-killing weapons regardless of whether in dragon-form or not.)

-The Hero class (one of my favorite classes in FE7) still isn't too great.

-Lancers get seal defense AND seal speed.

Takumi is annoying since he's only good because of his weapon. And even then, he never crits when it matters.

Actually what annoys me most about Setsuna is her voice.

Yeah, they go way out of their way to make dragon form seriously shit. There's no reason for it to be unable to make follow-up attacks just 'cause it's a magic weapon. Although, on the map where you have Feral Dragon!Corrin, he/she is strong enough to one-shot the Wyrmslayer wielders anyway (at least on Normal difficulty), so it's merely about using Azura to make sure you get in the first strike. The worst part about that map is actually the self-imposed challenge of trying to reach and kill the hooded guy before he kills Ryoma.

Lance Fighters getting both of those Seal skills is especially dumb considering that each individual unit can only activate one Seal skill. So if you have both of them equipped, one of them isn't doing anything.

Also I hate the RNG in this game so much. Colm in Sacred Stones would die from anything that so much as touched him, but you could potentially leave him in range of an enemy or two with 30% hit rate and he might survive a turn. In this game? Nope. I just tried to do Sophie's paralogue and lost Hana first turn to a 28% hit rate followed by a 32% hit rate. Any accuracy higher than 0% is high enough that any enemy capable of doing lethal damage to you WILL kill you, and any accuracy lower than 100% is low enough that you WILL miss at the worst possible moment. I did Kana's paralogue and got hit by both a 3% crit AND a 2% crit. Fortunately I had my Dual Guard meter filled both times, otherwise those both would have been chapter resets.

Speaking of paralogues, I hate the LEVEL-SCALING PARALOGUES. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Like, I legit get RNG screwed enough by this game that gaining a level increases the power of the enemies more than it increases the power of my own units. (Silas just got a level where all he got was a point of Strength, for example.) I'm trying to do Sophie's paralogue in Birthright and the enemies are level 10 Berserkers with Silver Axes. They have 46 HP and 42 attack. The units I have that have 30+ defence to actually tank one of those (since evasion tanking effectively doesn't exist in this game)? They have less than 35 HP. And then there are the level 10 Paladins with 24 Defence and 43 HP, along with 130+ hit and like 40 attack. Nothing I have can deal with more than one of those Paladins at a time, and they're very carefully placed so that trying to lure just one of them will leave you in range of at least two of them.

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Speaking of paralogues, I hate the LEVEL-SCALING PARALOGUES. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Like, I legit get RNG screwed enough by this game that gaining a level increases the power of the enemies more than it increases the power of my own units. (Silas just got a level where all he got was a point of Strength, for example.) I'm trying to do Sophie's paralogue in Birthright and the enemies are level 10 Berserkers with Silver Axes. They have 46 HP and 42 attack. The units I have that have 30+ defence to actually tank one of those (since evasion tanking effectively doesn't exist in this game)? They have less than 35 HP. And then there are the level 10 Paladins with 24 Defence and 43 HP, along with 130+ hit and like 40 attack. Nothing I have can deal with more than one of those Paladins at a time, and they're very carefully placed so that trying to lure just one of them will leave you in range of at least two of them.

OMG, I feel you with that level-scaling paralogue bull bull. Shinonome almost didn't get recruited because I couldn't reach him in within that first turn. His AI compels him to attack any enemies in range and of course he's going to get bodied—he's a pre-promote going up against a promoted Swordsmaster! Why do the designers not realize that is stupid!? Logically, a pre-promote is not going to survive a battle with a unit a higher class and level than the pre-promote!


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Yeah, they go way out of their way to make dragon form seriously shit. There's no reason for it to be unable to make follow-up attacks just 'cause it's a magic weapon. Although, on the map where you have Feral Dragon!Corrin, he/she is strong enough to one-shot the Wyrmslayer wielders anyway (at least on Normal difficulty), so it's merely about using Azura to make sure you get in the first strike. The worst part about that map is actually the self-imposed challenge of trying to reach and kill the hooded guy before he kills Ryoma.

It's really more of defensive/tanking option unless you chose +Mag, and then it can be a powerful attack, even without the power to double. The Dragonstone+ has 25 might. On a magically inclined kamui, that's going to be enough to one shot or severely weaken many enemies.

.Lance Fighters getting both of those Seal skills is especially dumb considering that each individual unit can only activate one Seal skill. So if you have both of them equipped, one of them isn't doing anything.

This is incorrect. Both seals activate.

Speaking of paralogues, I hate the LEVEL-SCALING PARALOGUES. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Like, I legit get RNG screwed enough by this game that gaining a level increases the power of the enemies more than it increases the power of my own units. (Silas just got a level where all he got was a point of Strength, for example.) I'm trying to do Sophie's paralogue in Birthright and the enemies are level 10 Berserkers with Silver Axes. They have 46 HP and 42 attack. The units I have that have 30+ defence to actually tank one of those (since evasion tanking effectively doesn't exist in this game)? They have less than 35 HP. And then there are the level 10 Paladins with 24 Defence and 43 HP, along with 130+ hit and like 40 attack. Nothing I have can deal with more than one of those Paladins at a time, and they're very carefully placed so that trying to lure just one of them will leave you in range of at least two of them.

The scaling paralogues was a good idea overall but there is a serious difficulty spike after the enemies become promoted (around chapter 19 if I recall correctly). Mitama and Shinonome's paralogues were a nightmare to do late game. That said, because the levels of the children scale, they're actually usable after you complete the chapter.

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This is incorrect. Both seals activate.

Really? I tried Seal Defence in conjunction with Draconic Hex and only Draconic Hex triggered. Good to know that's a specific case.

Edited by FlameUser64
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Really? I tried Seal Defence in conjunction with Draconic Hex and only Draconic Hex triggered. Good to know that's a specific case.

I haven't tried Draconic Hex with the other Seals (I just tested Seal Defense and Seal Speed on Oboro) but the way stat drops usually work is that all of them will apply, with the biggest drop taking priority. So, unless Draconic Hex works differently, in your case the enemy should have had all stats (except defense) drop by 4 and defense by 6.

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I thought Katanas, Naginatas, Clubs, Yumi, Scrolls, Shuriken and Rods would only be equippable by Hoshidan characters, and Swords, Lances, Axes, Bows, Tomes, Daggers and Staves would be Nohr-character-exclusive (maybe with Corrin being able to use all of them, maybe not).

I was wrong.

This isn't a big deal, but it's kind of disappointing, a little, for some reason I'm not entirely sure of now.

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The HP growths in this game really annoy me. I'm glad that they brought the overall growths down from the crazy inflated levels of Awakening, but why did they have to nerf HP growth that much? Everyone now has the fragility of the weakest mage or peg knight. It's not so bad early on, where 20 HP is enough to keep you safe for 2-3 hits, but end-game where everybody's struggling to hit 40HP, it turns into a game of rocket tag, where just about everyone is in danger of getting one-shotted. It's a pity, too, because I otherwise appreciate the attempts at reversing the stat inflation we've had over the past several games, but HP growth has never been this bad, not even in FE6 and earlier.

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I haven't tried Draconic Hex with the other Seals (I just tested Seal Defense and Seal Speed on Oboro) but the way stat drops usually work is that all of them will apply, with the biggest drop taking priority. So, unless Draconic Hex works differently, in your case the enemy should have had all stats (except defense) drop by 4 and defense by 6.

Yup, that's exactly how it works.

Sorry if this came off more as ranting than anything... I still like FE. There's just A LOT they could've done better with for Fates.

Story of my life right here. I want to love FE soooooo much, but IS refuses to make a game without taking 1 step forward and (at least) 1 step back...

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Speaking of paralogues, I hate the LEVEL-SCALING PARALOGUES. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Like, I legit get RNG screwed enough by this game that gaining a level increases the power of the enemies more than it increases the power of my own units. (Silas just got a level where all he got was a point of Strength, for example.) I'm trying to do Sophie's paralogue in Birthright and the enemies are level 10 Berserkers with Silver Axes. They have 46 HP and 42 attack. The units I have that have 30+ defence to actually tank one of those (since evasion tanking effectively doesn't exist in this game)? They have less than 35 HP. And then there are the level 10 Paladins with 24 Defence and 43 HP, along with 130+ hit and like 40 attack. Nothing I have can deal with more than one of those Paladins at a time, and they're very carefully placed so that trying to lure just one of them will leave you in range of at least two of them.

I hate that evasion tanking is such a non-thing nowadays. Back when I played Awakening a lot more than I do now, my absolute favorite unit was Falcon Knight!Lissa. Seriously, once I got her to about level 10 Pegasus Knight, nearly nothing could ever touch her! Add to the fact that she got a decent amount of strength built up - around 40-ish I think - and she was one of my most reliable units!

I have that sorta with Hana now, but she's still early in her Swordmaster career, so...

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The HP growths in this game really annoy me. I'm glad that they brought the overall growths down from the crazy inflated levels of Awakening, but why did they have to nerf HP growth that much? Everyone now has the fragility of the weakest mage or peg knight. It's not so bad early on, where 20 HP is enough to keep you safe for 2-3 hits, but end-game where everybody's struggling to hit 40HP, it turns into a game of rocket tag, where just about everyone is in danger of getting one-shotted. It's a pity, too, because I otherwise appreciate the attempts at reversing the stat inflation we've had over the past several games, but HP growth has never been this bad, not even in FE6 and earlier.

It's especially frustrating when the enemies have actually reasonable HP growth, so by the time your units have 35 HP the enemies have 45 or more.

I hate that evasion tanking is such a non-thing nowadays. Back when I played Awakening a lot more than I do now, my absolute favorite unit was Falcon Knight!Lissa. Seriously, once I got her to about level 10 Pegasus Knight, nearly nothing could ever touch her! Add to the fact that she got a decent amount of strength built up - around 40-ish I think - and she was one of my most reliable units!

I have that sorta with Hana now, but she's still early in her Swordmaster career, so...

Believe me, it doesn't work. Even with a Sunrise Katana, you can't guarantee that Hana won't be hit, and if the enemy has a lethal damage combination and the merest possibility of hitting, they WILL all focus on her and every attack WILL hit.

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It's especially frustrating when the enemies have actually reasonable HP growth, so by the time your units have 35 HP the enemies have 45 or more.

Believe me, it doesn't work. Even with a Sunrise Katana, you can't guarantee that Hana won't be hit, and if the enemy has a lethal damage combination and the merest possibility of hitting, they WILL all focus on her and every attack WILL hit.

This is definitely a problem. Axes are the least accurate weapons and a Swordmaster can't reliably avoid their attacks. For Kazahana, who can MAYBE survive getting one shotted at full health, this makes tanking Berserkers risky.

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This is definitely a problem. Axes are the least accurate weapons and a Swordmaster can't reliably avoid their attacks. For Kazahana, who can MAYBE survive getting one shotted at full health, this makes tanking Berserkers risky.

Oh, it's not the Berserkers I worry about. My Hana after pair up and with a Sunrise Katana has 99 Avoid, so Berserkers literally can't touch her. It's everything else I have to worry about. She has 29 HP and 12-1 Defence at 9th level Swordmaster, and that's AFTER I used a Dracoshield on her once. As I said, two level 10 Paladins with lances got her by landing 28% and 32% hits in succession. Now of course, the problem is that it requires a Sunrise Katana for her to reliably avoid them, which means she's not actually doing enough damage to two-shot regular foes with their 40+ HP.

Speaking of not reliably being able to avoid attacks, even with speed capped at 39 and basically guaranteed WTA, Master of Arms Kaze can't reliably avoid anything. He peaks at about 79 Avoid after pair up (he has S support with Mozu), and for a character with 33 HP and 13 Def/18 Resist, that's a serious problem.

Edited by FlameUser64
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Another thing is that every time I go to my treehouse, my husband wants me to blow on him and then tells me I didn't blow hard enough. That stupid minigame comes up all the time and I have asthma.

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Here is an annoying nitpick for this thread. Every time I scan over the title, my eyes pick up "Annoying Nohrian Knight" and my brain fills in the second word so it reads "Annoying Neko Knight". It has happened 5 times already and each time I think "Wow, rude." lol

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I miss the unique sprite icons for every weapon, like in Awakening. It helped me indentify the weapon a lot more, and it's quite a bummer Fates lacks this.

I wish Beruka had a way to become a Swordmaster w/o marrying a male Avatar, cause I think she'd be pretty cool as one. To my knowledge, there isn't another way. At least I think.

Selena's hysterical laughter. I both love and hate it.

Soleil not being a marriage option for a female Avatar.

And finally, the swimsuits from the accessory shop getting cut. The bath towel is kinda meh.

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After seeing what the swimsuits where, I really dont get why they were cut. They didnt replace armor, they were just different looking underwear for when a character got stripped through skills or raider weapons. What is the problem with that? What we can have people getting horribly killed, or characters getting married and having kids, but that underwear man, what about the children!

The ages of the children making no sense and not being even close to each-other. The difference between them is insane. I would place Shiro at easily 20 or above, Soleil, Seigbert, Shigure, and a few others at about 18, and then you have the ones like Kana and Midori who look barely 10-12. I think it would of made more sense if it was explained that some of them are not their kids, that they were either apprentices, squires, trainees, or even looked after by the "parents". Would of given the option for the same sex S supports to have 2nd gen characters two. It bothers me so much because its weird to see something like Shiro and Ryoma where they don't look that far off from each others age, same with Soleil, Shigure, Hisama, and Ignatius. These characters would of made better apprentice, trainee, or even adopted characters. At least in Awakening it made sense.

The lack of character voices in supports. They feel so static and empty outside of the music, and I actually miss the sounds from the characters like in Awakening. Sure there were times where it was more silly, but it also made them feel more lively and more like they were actually talking, rather than looking at a written record of their conversation.

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After seeing what the swimsuits where, I really dont get why they were cut. They didnt replace armor, they were just different looking underwear for when a character got stripped through skills or raider weapons. What is the problem with that? What we can have people getting horribly killed, or characters getting married and having kids, but that underwear man, what about the children!

The ages of the children making no sense and not being even close to each-other. The difference between them is insane. I would place Shiro at easily 20 or above, Soleil, Seigbert, Shigure, and a few others at about 18, and then you have the ones like Kana and Midori who look barely 10-12. I think it would of made more sense if it was explained that some of them are not their kids, that they were either apprentices, squires, trainees, or even looked after by the "parents". Would of given the option for the same sex S supports to have 2nd gen characters two. It bothers me so much because its weird to see something like Shiro and Ryoma where they don't look that far off from each others age, same with Soleil, Shigure, Hisama, and Ignatius. These characters would of made better apprentice, trainee, or even adopted characters. At least in Awakening it made sense.

The lack of character voices in supports. They feel so static and empty outside of the music, and I actually miss the sounds from the characters like in Awakening. Sure there were times where it was more silly, but it also made them feel more lively and more like they were actually talking, rather than looking at a written record of their conversation.

To go with the complaint about the children's ages, it makes Siegbert and definitely Shiro's convos about being the future kings somewhat perplexing. Yeah, you're technically next in line for the throne, but Shiro, you're like 5 years younger than Ryoma, there's no guarantee that you dad will die before you. It's not like a normal father-son relationship where he's got a 20-40 year head start on the race to the grave. You're more akin to the younger brother of a childless king, sure you might get lucky and get the crown one day, (in fact probably better than 50/50 odds,) but I wouldn't bank on it and your glorious reign will probably be pretty short.

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