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Bane/boon opinions


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So I'm about to finish Conquest and I'm kinda planning out my next Corrin/build. And I'm not looking for a super build. The main thing Im set on is I want to be a hero to pay homage to the fact that it's always been one of my favorite classes since my first ever terrible failed run of fe7 when I was a kid and Harken came in and wowed me.

I'm thinking magic as a boon so I can use Levin Swords a bit and so Kana doesnt get screwed like she did in my current -mag run. This would allow me to utilize the Yato and the Levin sword. But I'm slightly undecided on skills and my bane stat.

Opinions anyone?

Also unsure if this will be birthright or revelations for my next run. Or even another Conquest.

Edited by Anselan
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I personally wouldn't recommend doing a +mag build for birthright. Unless I somehow missed it, there was no Levin Sword in Birthright (although there are flame shurikens, bolt axe, and bolt naginata). I also feel that Nohr Noble benefits from a +mag build far more than a Hoshidan Noble, but that might just be my fondness for self-sustain talking (instead of every other unit having a healing staff). It should still work, but I don't think it's as good.

There shouldn't be any problem at all with a +mag build for Revelations though (I haven't done it yet myself, but I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be a Levin Sword in that).

As far as a +mag Hero build... hmm... actually that could work in Birthright depending on how quickly you get C axe mastery, thanks to the bolt axe (and we get Grandmaster/Ignis from next week's DLC if you are willing to drop money on that, or already have). Probably wouldn't want to go any kind of crit build since magic weapons can't crit. If I come up with any other ideas for skills I'll come back and post, but don't expect me to help choose a bane lol. I'm terrible at choosing banes.

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A lot of people think Luck but I dunno. And bolt axe would be an interesting alternative and would give me a sword and an axe. But how does it measure up to Levin Sword?

And picking the bane is so tough. But I figure plus mag hero since heros have a decent mag cap with a good str cap would allow me to utilize two damage types, still use the Yato, and pass down plus mag and Sol to Kana to most effectively utilize dragonstones.

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Can't really go wrong with Spd boon. Str boon also works very well for a Hero build. As for bane, you can't really go wrong with Luck bane. Def bane can work if you grind to the max and absolutely want all-out offense (you don't drop Str, Mag, Skl, and Spd while running Def bane).

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I've always gone +Speed/-Luck for my builds, mainly because doubling accounts for lots of offensive power, whether you're using Physical or Magic weapons, doubling is a huge increase in offensive output.

Yes you lose out on one extra Str/Mag point for taking -Luck, but one doesn't mean too much for the overall game, and especially in Conquest, being able to keep up with Swordmasters and not get doubled is a huge thing.


Oh, and doubling the final boss; yeah that's a huge one for sure. Being able to initiate two rounds of follow-up attacks per turn by utilizing singing as well can make your life a lot easier if you can just kill the boss in 1 or 2 turns.

Edited by 4% ADVENT Burgers
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I've always been a +Spd guy myself, but this game is doing a good job of steering me away from it. Weapons that can't double regardless of your speed, Wary Fighter, and the currently unidentified change to the RNG that makes dodging/hitting things when you really need to less reliable than it has been are all examples of ways this game is telling me to stop going +spd. :(

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I dunno if I want to hurt defense since even with a spd boob Ive had issues dodging.

That's where grinding comes in.

In Awakening, some players have their MUs run +Mag/-Def or +Spd/-Def specifically for certain Apotheosis strats.

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I've always been a +Spd guy myself, but this game is doing a good job of steering me away from it. Weapons that can't double regardless of your speed, Wary Fighter, and the currently unidentified change to the RNG that makes dodging/hitting things when you really need to less reliable than it has been are all examples of ways this game is telling me to stop going +spd. :(

Even though there are hard counters to doubling in this game, doubling is still a powerful tactic.

Several other members in your party can fulfill the hard-hitting accurate attacks that your army needs, but not many more can fulfill reliable doubling at range with Magic weapons like Kamui can.

I just wish conquest would let us grind weapon mastery. I can understand exp, but don't make me use these bronze weapons any more than I already do!

I wish that they were just higher base weapon ranks like in the past games; Paladins having base D Swords and C Lance ranks and what not on promotion would help out greatly then.

Edited by 4% ADVENT Burgers
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I dunno if I wanna do birthright next or go straight for revelations and I guess that influences things a bit.

If you're doing Birthright, I'd definitely go +Spd since there are hardly any enemy units that have Wary Fighter, at least on Hard Mode anyway; I'm not sure about Lunatic.

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If you're doing Birthright, I'd definitely go +Spd since there are hardly any enemy units that have Wary Fighter, at least on Hard Mode anyway; I'm not sure about Lunatic.

This is true outside of pvp, castle battles, and dlc. Unfortunately, I have yet to do my lunatic runs so I can't shed any more light on that lol.

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Unless the final boss actually has Wary Fighter, there's not much good reason to not go for +Spd for Kamui, since they only one who can effectively hurt it is Kamui, and will probably be the only one who actually initiates effective combat against them, along with some Shuriken/Kunai debuffs, if they actually apply anyway, not sure.

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I like +Str on BR because enemies are slow as balls and Hero speed growths should be fast enough to get Corn to double easily anyway. The doubling thresholds are incredibly low and doubly so if you have the right guard stance partner and everyone and their mother gives speed on Birthright. Birthright is the route of the +spd supports.

Actually I like +Str everywhere because I like muscle but, +Mag is a lot less viable on BR for a hero and +Spd feels overkill with how slow most of the enemies are. There is no Wary Fighter on BR as far as I'm concerned (I have done Lunatic) but I also had no issue doubling with a rather stat-screwed +Str. They're mostly Nohr enemies. They're wyverns and paladins and generals and easily doubled if your speed isn't literal ass.

On Rev, if you wanna go mag, then go mag. I can affirm there is indeed Levin sword. Not only can you buy them (lv 2 Nohr armory iirc), but it's a drop as well...sometime before chapter 16. IDR where but I have one and I definitely didn't buy it.

As for bane, luck is generally popular. The early Goddess Icon is pretty good to patch that up fast and basically nobody needs them and you get a couple more throughout the game. I like -Res for BR because mages tend to come in groups and I just send kaze at them and never have to deal with them myself, but I also ran swordmaster so that was max speed and extra dodge. It's a rather poor choice for CQ at least with how I played it.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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