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If dead event questions [FE7]


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Back again with another Question. Thanks for the other replies, it helped out a lot.

Anyways, I am trying to make a event appear after Bors (The enemy in this case) dies, sparking dialog and reinforcements, etc.

Although everything works up to this point, except everytime I add something like this:

IFCD 0x02 0x01
ENIF 0x01
AFEV 0x01 SayleanSpeach 0x02


After attacking an enemy, everything freezes and I don't know what to do about it. All I know, is that it has something to do with IFCD 0x02 0x01, because when I remove it, everything goes fine, except the dialogue doesn't appear when and where I want it to be...

I included my full events, to get a better idea what I'm talking about.

Can someone give me some insight or help as to what I'm doing wrong?



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I've not done this kind of event before, but I believe the first parameter is the conditional ID, so it's freezing because that conditional block doesn't have an ENIF. You'd need to do either IFCD 0x01 0x01 or ENIF 0x02. Also, shouldn't the AFEV go before the ENIF?

Edited by Tequila
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You can't do a conditional check in the Misc_events section. You have to create a label in the Misc_events and the label contains the conditional.

AFEV 0x01 SayleanSpeech 0x02 // SayleanSpeech gets called after event ID 0x02 is triggered
IFCD 0x01 0x01    // Note that conditional IDs and Event IDs are totally separate and have nothing to do with each other.
// Do something if character 0x01 is dead
ENIF 0x01
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What I'd do

AFEV eventID SceneLabel eventIDofPreviousEvent // just the template

AFEV 0x09 Event 0x06 // change death quote ID to 0x06 in NIGHTMARE 

LOU1 Units //or any event you like

That's my way of doing it haha

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Ok, so I took Primefusions advice, and added in the stuff like this:

AFEV 0x03 DeadEvent 0x02

CAM1 [22,4]
CURF [22,4]
TEX1 0x081B

IFCD 0x03 0x01
ENIF 0x01

Although, after I added that in, event assembler tells me: "Symbol Deadevent isn't in scope."

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The reason it errors out is because you called the label "Deadevent" but the AFEV makes reference to "DeadEvent" (note the capitalization).

However, even if you get the code to parse, Deadevent doesn't do anything right now. You start the conditional and then immediately end it on the next line.

Also, I noticed you used Event ID 0x03 for the AFEV. The ROM reserves IDs 0x01 through 0x05 for internal usage. You'll need to start at 0x06 for Event IDs.

Edited by Primefusion
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The reason it errors out is because you called the label "Deadevent" but the AFEV makes reference to "DeadEvent" (note the capitalization).

However, even if you get the code to parse, Deadevent doesn't do anything right now. You start the conditional and then immediately end it on the next line.

Also, I noticed you used Event ID 0x03 for the AFEV. The ROM reserves IDs 0x01 through 0x05 for internal usage. You'll need to start at 0x06 for Event IDs.

That's right. Basically, in other words, "Deadevent" isn't attached to anything, "DeadEvent" is. Event Assembler will pick up the labels if they're formatted correctly, but doesn't check to see if they're connected to anything.

You always want to make sure your SceneLabels have connections to something else.

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