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Return of the Emblem Chapter Fourteen: Fight


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Lumi pretended to consider the suggestion. "Hmm, I don't know... Well, I do owe Shad a new tome... I suppoooooose I could join you. Though we should probably let some people know we're going so they don't worry too much about us." She glanced over at Pete before focusing on Jam again.

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"Right. I was gonna do that. Really."

Jam wasn't gonna tell a soul. It would have been frowned upon going into the city. Of course, not telling anyone probably would have been worse. Since Lumi put her on the spot, Jam figured she better make her errands public. The dancer went over to the meeting to announce her attentions.

"Hey, guys," Jam said to the group, trying to act as casual about it as possible. "Me and Lumi are going on a supply run into town. Anyone need anything?"

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"Yeah," Greta gave Jamilla a knowing look, "we need you to sit tight until we've got a plan. There's too many guards on patrol for us to split up before we know what everyone's doin' and where they're gonna be."

"We can't stick around here too long either," Shadrak warned, hopping out from the back of the wagon. He'd apparently only just woken up. He tried to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes as he came around to the front of the wagon. "If they see us and the wyverns just sitting up here huddling, they're going to get suspicious, maybe not enough to attack us, but definitely enough to send out some scouts to sniff us out. We've got nowhere to hide Joanna if they question us out here, so whatever we're going to do, we need to do it five minutes ago."

"Well the wyvern issue's settled, I guess," Greta forced a shrug.

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"Just try to act normal everyone. The easiest way to draw suspicion is to stick out like a sore thumb. I don't usually get into y'alls personal business, but probably best to keep shenanigans to a minimum...but don't act deadly serious either because then it'll seem like we're hidin' somethin'," Nadya advised.

"It's...ok to be worried about what will come next, Joanna. I know you don't want everyone to worry about you, but you don't have to hide anything from me," Liam said softly.

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"I know how to act normal," Shadrak scowled, though he didn't level it directly on Nadya. "I'm just saying the longer we stay here, the more likely they're going to come have a closer look at us. We at least need to get Isis out of sight."

"I'll go get Joanna and Liam and find some place near the water to lie low, I guess," Haythem sighed, making his way toward the wagon.


"No," Joanna shook her head, "I'm not hiding anything ... and I won't," she sternly amended herself.

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It seemed Jam wasn't the only one who wanted to leave camp; everyone was currently trying to plan out a way to split off. Though she was glad she wasn't the only one who wanted to explore, the planning process was turning a simple trip into a giant ordeal. Despite being eager to get going, Jam humored Greta and listened to the plan.

"OK, so we split into pairs or something? They're looking for a group, not a couple people, right?"

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"Hey, Haythem, hold up," Eva asked as their planning seemed to finish, not that everyone had the same head about things. "Do you mind taking Sasha with you? He listens easy, just toss some feed at him, or something... I wanted to keep an..." Eva glanced at Jam but left it there. "Just, wanted to go with everyone into the city. If it's too much hassle, I can fly him off and bird sit with you, but I'd appreciate it."

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"Your wyvern, too?" Haythem was taken aback by the request. "I suppose I could." As long as Sasha would actually follow along ...

Greta frowned at Jamilla. "We're not sure what they're lookin' for besides Joanna and the faces they remember," she explained. "If not for the whole 'skotian thing, we probably wouldn't have to worry so much about hidin' the wyvern, either."

"Well at least the wyvern issue's dealt with," Shadrak muttered. "Before anyone splits off we need a meeting point. Someplace in town where we can meet, whether things go well in trying to get passage or not."

"The docks, obviously," Greta shrugged.

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"Great, the docks. So we're all set now, right?"

Jam was eager to finally get into town, practically ready to bolt at any sign of a confirmation. Sure it was a little concerning that all those soldiers were gathered into town just for them. How did they know they would be here? Or was there something else going on?

All the more reason to get into town and find out.

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Coulda fooled me Shadrak, Nadya thought to herself, though the situation was a bit too serious to say that out loud. "Let's have a walk then? Feel free to look at what merchants are sellin' and all, beelinin' right towards the docks is kinda suspicious I think."

"I believe you, Joanna. Just...all the strange things going on with you and the emblem on top of everything else must be a lot to deal with. I'm finding this mission slightly overwhelming myself," Liam admitted.

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"Sheesh Jam, what's your hurry?" Greta forced a smile. She glanced at Nadya. "Sure," she shrugged, "seems like people are itchin' to get goin', anyway. Not sure why, though with so many guards around."

"We really should settle this quickly," Shadrak grimaced. "I'd like to go with whoever's going to be negotiating for passage to Kigen, personally."


"It's admittedly different from what I'm used to," Joanna said, her gaze falling onto the nigh impenetrable box beside her, "I'm used to having almost no free time, traveling between the cities and helping as many people as I can. Now I have almost nothing but time and can't help even a fraction of the people I used to. It's all about staying hidden from the Order of Wrath and protecting this, now. I hope things are different in Kigen. I hope I don't have to keep hiding like this." Even now Joanna could see herself going into town with the others and passing the time volunteering at a church or medical facility, but that just wasn't an option.

"And I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Haythem poked his head into the wagon. "It's about time for us to get going. I'm taking you two and the wyverns and finding some place to wait until the ship we get sets sail. It's probably best not to have Joanna and the emblem in such an easy target."

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"Remember not to overpay for the trip- it's just a short boat ride after all. If we seem to eager get goin', people are gonna think we're smugglin' somethin'," Nadya suggested.


From the sound of thngs, Kigen will have more than enough people to help. I wonder if Joanna will be able to deal with that much death and destruction...though perhaps she'll fare better than me. "I would rather be in the open. Any plans on where to wait? I am unfamiliar with this area," Liam said to Haythem.

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Hoshi quietly spoke up, "If we are negotiating with a Kigenese boat captain, I would likely be useful in potentially translating anything as needed or simply knowing if he was trying to cheat us with his prices."

Lumi grinned. "Aw Greta, she's just excited to go get away and see a new city I bet. Don't worry, we'll be safe."

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"He'll listen, I promise. Thank you!" Eva waved Haythem off, heading on over to Jam and Lumi, waving and sighing.

"So, ladies. Mind if I come along? Could use a good city walk after sitting on that lizard for so long."

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"I doubt we can overpay for scraps til Bert catches up," Greta chuckled. She turned to Lumi, next. "Until we're all on the ship and out of Urquium, I'm gonna worry," she said, thoughts of the encounter with the 'skotians still somewhat fresh in her mind. At least the guards probably weren't looking for Jamilla in particular. Angelica was probably going to have to stay disguised a bit longer, though. "Anyway, y'all can go ... just ... just be REAL careful and not regular careful. I mean don't look suspicious but watch your backs."

"Make sure you don't have any tails, either," Shadrak pointed out. "So if Hoshi's translating if it's needed, does that mean I'm going to have to be the one to find us a ship?"

"Heck, I'll do it," Greta shrugged, not caring much one way or the other.


"Probably near the water," Haythem answered Liam, his eyes scanning an imaginary coastline for trees and suitable cover for Isis, "but I have to admit, it's not going to be easy to keep from drawing attention to ourselves no matter where we go." It was a natural consequence of being back in civilization.

"What about Amon?" Joanna asked. If she and the box were going with Haythem then that meant Amon wouldn't be going with them. "Is he going to be alright?"

Haythem grimaced. That wasn't an easy question to answer. Last he'd checked the sancturan was sleeping on Isis' saddle, but he couldn't stay up there much longer if Haythem was going to be dealing with the avians. In fact ... "Wait a minute ... Isis is really close by ... close enough for Amon to be in range of the emblem, I think!"

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"Relax," Jam replied to Greta. "There's three of us now. No one will mess with us. See you soon!"

With that, Jam, Lumi, and Eva left camp for the city of Urquium.


Being a port town, Urquium was filled with merchants selling exotic wares from all over the world. Though today was no different, there were a few shops that had closed down early. Perhaps it had to do with the significant amount of soldiers patrolling the streets. Jam made sure not to make eye contact with any of them. This was fairly easy to do for her: she was too busy looking at all the wares. Currently, the dancer was preoccupied at a coffee merchant's stall. Jam looked into a giant barrel of coffee beans, taking in the rich aroma. They hadn't had such luxuries in the wagon for a while. This would surely boost morale, especially for those on guard duty.

"You think they have coffee in Kigen?" Jam asked Lumi and Eva. "Or is it just tea over there?"

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The town was... Interesting. Eva wasn't used to market places, but at least she was with friends. The soldiers were easy to ignore; they didn't worry her, so acting conspicuous wasn't on her plate. As for what Jam was asking, she didn't know. Neviskotia had plenty of coffee and tea, but Kigen? It felt more like a tea place. Maybe. "D'you know, Lumi? I don't have a clue at all. Why, you wanna get some for the road, Jam? I guess coffee would help us stay up later at night..."

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"No idea. Never been there, but if you can afford some here may as well get it. Never know when you're going to get a chance to get more after all!" She grinned at the young dancer. "It's not like we won't have space on the boat."

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Jam nodded to Eva and Lumi and proceeded to buy a bag of the beans. While it wasn't enough for the entire party, it would be a good night for four. The beans were stored in a cloth bag that Jam kept in her robe. After the initial purchase, Jam wasn't quite sure where to go next.

"So, does anyone need anything?" she asked Lumi and Eva. "Don't want to hog all the time. Who knows when that boat comes in."

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"I know a bit of Kigenese, I might as well come along too. What's our story for havin' this many people goin' over a warzone anyway?" Nadya asked Shadrak and the others.


"Then perhaps Amon should stay here? The emblem's properties are still a mystery, but forced unconsciousness is likely unhealthy," Liam noted.

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Greta grinned. "Well, you and I," she pointed at Nadya, "are startin' a little business venture in Kigen. Anyone who wants to pose as hired help can, but I think that oughta do us as far as cover stories go." As long as they avians weren't discovered, they probably wouldn't have to blow that cover ... and it wasn't exactly a lie, either. Nadya was technically an investor in the business venture Greta had no other choice but to start up in Kigen. Greta even had hired help, like Jamilla and Angelica.

"I guess I could be hired help if it comes up," Shadrak said. "I'd have other excuses to be crossing back into Kigen, though. That is where I grew up." His teacher and former guardian, Chie, was currently staying at Weyland's estate, though ...


"Yeah, he definitely needs to stay here," Haythem said, hurrying back out of the wagon. "Get out here, both of you! We need to go and put some distance between that box and Amon!"

Joanna looked at Liam. She hadn't been expecting to have to split off so soon, but she supposed it might be for the best if the emblem was going to be adversely affecting Amon, again.

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"Uh, hey Greta... Would you mind me coming along as uh "hired help" as well?" Rolo tossed the suggestion at Greta, as right now she was the one Rolo felt the most relaxed around. Also if he was planning to go home, or just go off somewhere else. Doing it here, where solders are around each corner, it didn't sound like the most pleasant thing to do. Granted he was just a child, and wouldn't be suspected of much, it still didn't feel like a good idea.

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"Hmm," Greta placed a hand on her chin, pondering Rolo's question. "Honestly might be better if you're someone's kid," she suggested, "but that might be more lie than we need to get outta here. Sure, hired help works." She smirked at him. "That means you're actually gonna be workin' though. Fair warnin'."

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"Oh, uh... thanks!" Rolo was pleased with the answer that Greta gave back to him. Even if he had to work, Rolo didn't mind. It would make him more useful around the others, and offer an excuse to travel with the others for a it longer.

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Wow, a lot of people were going into town already. You wouldn't think you would need more than one or two to arrange a boat or whatever. Didn't look like everyone was going, though, so Al figured he'd stay with the wagon for now. The city probably wouldn't actually be much less safe, and it wasn't like he was public enemy number one, but still. Cities, crowds, it would all just be uncomfortable.

Still, though, he needed to do something, silent pacing wasn't the most engaging of pastimes. Who else wasn't going? Al came right up close to the wagon and looked for anyone who wasn't packing up to go in.

"So, is anyone not going into town right now?" , he said out loud to nobody in particular.

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