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Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Amalee Version)


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At first I was skeptical of listening, but it blew me away. Not only the music, but the presentation of the video as well.

Sure, there are different lyrics to the English original. However, both this version and the original are excellent pieces. The original is good for its symbolism for the game while Amalee's is better for just listening in general.

As for which one I prefer, I honestly have to go with Amalee's. It's a masterpiece!

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I was really skeptical going into this cover,since I'm not a fan of Amalee.... at all. but wow. this cover blew me away. the music was incredible, especially during the Conquest part. her singing was really good too, considering I find her to be way too pitchy in a lot of her other covers I've heard.

I just seriously love this; I bought it on iTunes already lol

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I'm a fan of AmaLee so I was really excited when this came out.

Needless to say: I love it more than the JP and NA versions (although they are both pretty good in their own right)

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I love this rendition, especially the instrumentals; I like seeing Amalee's interpretations of songs, and this one is great! I can appreciate some of the new lyrics as well.

However, I think I'll be in the minority on this one and say I like the original better; Rena's and Renka's singing are still my favorite voices to listen to with this song, and while I understand that this was written before the localization came out I still prefer the lyrics we got in the game since I feel they reference and represent the events of the game better (especially the Revelations verse, since the original hints at Anankos being the one singing the song while these new lyrics don't appear to reflect that at all; that was one of my favorite parts of the song, and it not being in there kinda disappoints me in the end).

Still a lovely cover nevertheless! I'll certainly add it to my list of music to play while working on stuff, which includes other Amalee covers as well.

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I want to find a cover of this song that isn't autotuned to hell and back. Does anybody have the version of Renka singing it live? I've been looking around it for awhile.

Would also like a good a capella cover!

I do like the references to thrones in this version I guess, though the subject verb agreement leaves you wanting for something else. Still I think Rena Strober's version has a beautiful, brassy, sassy quality for the Conquest version that goes unmatched.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Burn me in the hell but I don't like the voice of the singer, I don't like english music for a start, I have sceptions, of course, but... Amalee voice is not my thing :/

I prefer Rena and Renka voice, and versions, way more

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