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Three Awakening Childs Final Classes (SPOILERS)


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I decided to make Selena a Great Lord, Laslow a Lodestar (Will change him to Vanguard when it comes out) and Odin a Grandmaster.

I actually find it funny that the three awakening children are stronger than the royals in some aspects.

What do you guys make your three children?


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I've had a lot a files and have never used all three at once, but the best ones I had were Lodestar Laslow, Master Ninja Laslow and Dark Falcon Odin. I never kept Selena around long enough but I premoted her to Bow Knight once and dumped her after her child was born.

Edited by gayserbeam
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  • Hero (Canon promotion): His growth and mods excel in this class. He won't do as well as Arthur but he will handle himself just fine.
  • Bow Knight/Paladin (Rally Dancer): The mobility allow him to reach the people that he needs to rally. His personal skill screams for him to be a Rally Bot
  • Elite Ninja (Subtitute Ninja): If you need someone else with locktouch or another ninja with decent skill.
  • Swordmaster: His mods are almost like Ryoma except he has a -1 speed mod. He will do pretty well in this class.
  • Lodestar (Chrom Jr): I would personally recommend you to do this only if you liked the idea that Inigo could be Chrom's son.


  • Bow Knight (Canon promotion): Her growth doesn't really excel in this class but if you need someone with the mobility and weapons to take out long ranged enemies and flyers then it is worth it.
  • Hero (Former canon class): Hero helps her strength and defense while keeping her skill safe. She can do well in this class without much effort.
  • Falcon Knight/Kinshi Knight (Fliers): Similar to bow knight, mobility to heal or attack further depending on which class you pick.
  • Great Lord (Lucina A+): Her strength is slightly lacking, but her speed will do very well in this class.


  • Sorcerer (Canon promotion): Pure magical strength, beware for small speed growth and he will do fine in this class.
  • Swordmaster (Former canon class): The opposite of sorcerer, helps his speed and strength in trade for using zero magic.
  • Grandmaster/Dark Knight/Dark Filer (Mixed sets): Grandmaster is recommended if Robin had him as a son or A+ Male Morgan. Dark Knight gives him more defense to fight. Dark Filer for mobility.
Edited by TanatatKnight
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Swordmaster: His mods are almost like Ryoma except he has a -1 speed mod. He will do pretty well in this class.

Swordmaster? That's only going to happen if Samurai!Corrin or Hana marries Laslow, which is a really specific situation. Did you mean Mechanist? Edited by gayserbeam
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I plan on doing the whole Lodestar Laslow, Great Lord Selena and Grandmaster Odin in at least on files since Inigo was once Chrom's child in the same file I married Emmeryn. My headcanon was though that Owain really looked up to his uncle Robin and wanted to be a tactician like him. It also makes sense since his father was Henry (Also, off topic, that run was very incestual since I married Morgan to Inigo and Lucina to Owain and I canon that their kids married each other, so yeah).

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- Hero (Aether, Sol, Aggressor, Strengthtaker, Galeforce)

-- I don't care if he can dance, but in my canon, Viron!Inigo married Lucina!Morgan (and Cherche!Morgan) and will carry on his legacy of kicking *** in Fates with a variant of what he had in Awakening.

-- Sol remains, as well as the now nerfed versions of Aggressor and Galeforce. Strengthtaker replaces Limit Breaker, and Laslow was taught Aether by Lucina before he left (which I think replaces Astra).


- Hero or Bow Knight (Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening)

-- I'm torn here, mostly because I prefer Lon'Qu!Severa to be a Hero, but her now "canon" class is Bow Knight (which makes some sense as her mother rode a horse, even though it flied). She was a Hero in my Awakening runs, and while she may not get a unique model in Fates, she still looks good as a Hero.

-- Her skills are brand new for Fates, mostly because she will be working with Odin most of the time.


- Swordmaster (Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance)

-- Stahl!Owain returns with an all new skill-based build! Running three proc skills, Owain will show the world how his darkness is darker than their darkness while calling for aid from Selena due to Bold Stance. If Owain crits, Selena too must crit as she will not allow Owain to take all the glory. Aether was taught to him by Uncle Chrom because Owain thought it looked so cool.

-- I am aware Bold Stance is not currently available and may not be, but it is my build nonetheless.

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