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Final Classes and Marriages


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This is something I've always done. I like finalizing units into the class that gives them a unique battle model. I know a lot of people are into PvP/maximizing stats, but I was wondering if anyone else did this because it was or seemed "canon" (kinda like Sumia and Chrom or Oboro and Takumi) ?

Edited by Vere
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Yeah, I like keeping people in their original class trees and I only reclass for skills. Even in FEA when doing Apo, I kept everyone in their original class branches. I do though like the idea of Felicia being a Strategist (Since she becomes a commander in the army) or Flora as a Sorcerer (Since she takes over the Ice Tribe and her father was a Sorc). Also with this, I highly doubt Maid was their profession of choice unlike Jakob or Dwyer.

Another thing I like is making Shigure a Dark Falcon. Since in Rev, I canon M!Corrin x Azura, I make Corrin a Nohr Noble, Kana a Hoshido Noble and Azura stays Songstress, so with Shigure a Dark Falcon, there is an even balance of Black vs. White.

Edited by Azz
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Oboro and Takumi is mostly support wise, since Oboro is like Takumi's Sumia.

@Azz - That's exactly what I did for Flora and Felicia in my Conquest run. I fancy Falcon Knight Azura myself. It still fits the theme, but also as dragons vs fliers.

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Typically I like keeping my units in the classes for basically the same reasons Azz stated. They start in those classes for a reason and function very well in the classes given to them by default, which their stats usually complement. Occasionally, I'll experiment and try some unorthodox classes out just for the lulz (like putting Effie in a magic based class) or if I feel like it's fits them based on story information (like making Noire a Sorcerer in Awakening since Tharja implies that her daughter is actually better at magic than her but kept her away from the dark arts to protect her), but ultimately I tend to lean toward what they start out with.

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The usual guideline is: the character's default final class is the the first final class he/she appeared in CIPHER.

So far, no canon mechanist.

Fuga is the only canon Master of arms

Yukimura tho.

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Yeah, I've been using Cipher as a guide for Fates, since the Priestess model surprised me in that it wasn't blue or grey.

Forgot to mention I make Jakob a Paladin so he's more useful.

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What would you guys consider canon for Shiro?

-Spear Master: main promotion for Spear Fighter (Shiro's starting class)

-Swordmaster: Shiro becomes one during Recollection of Bubbles DLC so he can use the Rajinto.

Also considered canon according to Recollection of Bubbles (unless there's player involvement in choosing classes that I don't know of):

-male Kana: Nohr Noble

-female Kana: Hoshido Noble

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I'd say Shiro could be both. Stahl is one character who has more than one unique advanced-class model, so it's not impossible for Shiro to be a Swordmaster in a different timeline.

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For Shiro, I prefer Spearmaster. If he could use the Rajinto in normal gameplay, I would go Swordmaster, but since he can't, I prefer the former.

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