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FE Cipher Series 4 Scans


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Well I'm done with editing the wiki, so I decided to scan the cards for Series 4. Just like last time I'm going to individually post each image separately with the actual album at the end.

I'm missing the HNX Tiki because I couldn't find it. Oh well.

Red (Shadow Dragon):

B04-001 - Tsubasa Oribe, The Golden Idol

B04-002 - Tsubasa Oribe, All-Out Idol

B04-003 - Tsubasa Oribe, Dreaming Schoolgirl

B04-004 - Caeda, Mystical Pegasus Knight

B04-005 - Toma Akagi, Awakened Hero

B04-006 - Toma Akagi, Brilliant Pitchhitter

B04-007 - Toma Akagi, Extraordinary Extra

B04-008 - Cain, The Phantom Lionheart

B04-009 - Mamori Minamoto, The People's Imouto

B04-010 - Mamori Minamoto, Charming Courage

B04-011 - Mamori Minamoto, Microwave Girl

B04-012 - Draug, Shout and Stout Mirage

B04-013 - Yashiro Tsurugi, The Best of the Best

B04-014 - Yashiro Tsurugi, The Man who knows our Bonds

B04-015 - Yashiro Tsurugi, Steelborn Heart

B04-016 - Navarre, Crimson Silence

B04-017 - Tiki, Ethereal Folkaloid

B04-018 - Marth, Lambent Hero-King

B04-019 - Marth, Scion of Bravery

B04-020 - Ogma, Hero of the Dark War

B04-021 - Yumina, Noble Princess Sister

B04-022 - Yumina, Princess of Grust

B04-023 - Yubello, Bright Prince Brother

B04-024 - Yuvello, Prince of Grust

B04-025 - Malliesia, All-Around Sister

B04-026 - Palla, Gentle Whitewing

B04-027 - Catria, Swift Whitewing

B04-028 - Est, Young Whitewing

B04-029 - Julian, Pining Pickpocket

B04-030 - Julian, Former Soothsire Thief

B04-031 - Sirius, Masquerading Knight

B04-032 - Sirius, Enigmatic Infrantryman

B04-033 - Samto, Wielder of the Killing Edge

B04-034 - Samto, Navarre Impersonator

B04-035 - Feena, Wandering Dancer

B04-036 - Minerva, Sunset Ruby Princess

B04-037 - Minerva, Vermillion Vortex

B04-038 - Merric, Successor of the Sacred Magic

B04-039 - Merric, Student of Wendell

B04-040 - Roshea, Gentlehearted Wolfguard

B04-041 - Wolf, Leader of the Wolfguard

B04-042 - Sedgar, Vice-Captain of the Wolfguard

B04-043 - Vyland, Immovable Wolfguard

B04-044 - Hardin, Dark Emperor

B04-045 - Hardin, Wolfguard of the Plains

B04-046 - Hardin, Younger Brother of Aurelis

B04-047 - Michalis, King of Macedon

B04-048 - Nyna, Saint of National Salvation

B04-049 - Yuzu, Crane Warrior

B04-050 - Yuzu, Lightning Archer

Awakening (Blue):

B04-051 - Itsuki Aoi, The Right Stuff

B04-052 - Itsuki Aoi, Apprentice Entertainer

B04-053 - Itsuki Aoi, Normal Kid

B04-054 - Chrom, Neophyte Phantom Prince

B04-055 - Kiria Kurono, Cool or Cute?

B04-056 - Kiria Kurono, Cool Beauty

B04-057 - Kiria Kurono, Charismatic Singer

B04-058 - Tharja, Mirage of Darkness

B04-059 - Eleanora Yumizuru, Precious Actress

B04-060 - Eleanora Yumizuru, Forceful Heroine

B04-061 - Eleanora Yumizuru, Ambitious Young Actress

B04-062 - Virion, Magnificent Mirage Archer

B04-063 - Lucina, Iris of Destiny

B04-064 - Lucina, Fortuna Swordsman

B04-065 - Robin (Male), Exalted Grandmaster

B04-066 - Robin (Male), Amnesiac Tactician

B04-067 - Lon'qu, Scourage of Ferox

B04-068 - Lon'qu, West-Khan Successor

B04-069 - Panne, Descendant of the Taguel

B04-070 - Gaius, Sweet Smell in the Darkness

B04-071 - Gaius, Sweet Thief

B04-072 - Cordelia, Perfect Genius

B04-073 - Cordelia, Sky-Soaring Genius

B04-074 - Gregor, Mecernary of Great Affection

B04-075 - Libra, Good-Looking Cleric

B04-076 - Say'ri, Sword Princess of the Resistance

B04-077 - Say'ri, Princess of Reverance

B04-078 - Basilio, Bold King

B04-079 - Flavia, Heroic Queen

B04-080 - Donnel, Grown Villager

B04-081 - Donnel, Fresh Swordsman

B04-082 - Donnel, Young Villager

B04-083 - Morgan (Female), Child Lost in Time

B04-084 - Morgan (Female), Girl from a Different World

B04-085 - Owain, The Chosen One

B04-086 - Owain, Inheritor of the Heroic Blood

B04-087 - Inigo, Bringer of Smiles

B04-088 - Inigo, Shy Mercenary

B04-089 - Brady, Noble Descendant

B04-090 - Brady, Strong Monk

B04-091 - Kjelle, Fair and Square

B04-092 - Cynthia, Wings of Justice

B04-093 - Cynthia, Voluntary Hero

B04-094 - Severa, Sordid Romantic

B04-095 - Severa, Hesistant Blade

B04-096 - Yarne, Sacred Taguel

B04-097 - Laurent, Seeker of Truth

B04-098 - Nah, Gentle Child

B04-099 - Emma, The Sometimes Dark Flier

B04-100 - Shade, The Inviting Hand of Darkness

Starter Deck Exclusives:

S06-001 - Itsuki Aoi, Chosen Young Lord

S06-002 - Tsubasa Oribe, The Pegasus Idol

S06-003 - Toma Akagi, Explosive Hero

S06-004 - Kiria Kurono, Quirky Charisma

S06-005 - Eleanora Yumizuru, Aiming for Hollywood!

Promo Cards:

P04-001 - Roy

P04-002 - Micaiah

P04-010 - Lucina

Set 4 Album as a Whole

I might have screwed up somewhere. Who knows. Credit me if you want. Suggest any issues and I can fix em.. etc etc.

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