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The specifics for the icons are already mentioned from my posts back then... go check it~ (haha sorry~ XD)

Cool skillwise huh~? I can do that~ (hmm hmm hmm hmm~~~)

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Designed as a counterpart to Anulit, if you don't mind more possible characters.

This would be a boss or a miniboss I suppose.

Name: Ranxan

Bio: A legendary mercenary as well as Anulit's former mentor when he was just starting out as a mercenary. Cruel and cold-blooded. Known as the Walking Fortress (idk lmao sounds funny).

Class/Level: Level 20 General

Weapons/Rank: S in Lances, A rank in Axes.

Skills: Great Shield

Affinity: Anima

Stats :


HP: 53

Str: 26

Skl: 25

Spd: 17

Lck: 23

Def: 30

Res: 10

Con: 13

Still don't know if this is considered OP or not, you can change this all you want. I just want his story and maybe description to stay the same I guess.


Inventory: Silver Lance, Spear

Still don't know if this is an OP inventory either. XD

Mug: ws6cyOR.png This mug isn't that good, using it would be up to your discretion I guess.

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Huh, did I say that was a comprehensive list of the anima tomes? What about Aircalibur, Entangle, the S-rank(s), and at least one more that hasn't been revealed?

@Ranxan, I don't see why not~

@Gordon? Sorry I didn't explicitly mention in-thread but yeah I added him to my list.

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Psychologist, Lady, Butler, and Imperial-blank classes are classes of characters people in this thread have submitted, Kabocha, Camilia, Lyallone, and Wilhelm respectively (I'm pretty sure). The first and last are basically a Troubadour and a sword-tank Pegasus Knight, and the two in the middle are totally unique.

Stahlfaust, Mahkin's class, is a class from FE7x that's basically an armored sword unit.

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Hopefully this loads as an image. Picked up spriting today and this is Skorn, the Dark Thief / Blood Hound mentioned before.

EDIT: Having trouble embedding so here's the direct link. Skorn has a gash on his left cheek from fighting with a wolf over scraps,


s for animations, regular thief / assassin respectively with blue hair. If blue hair needs to be done by me, give me another few days to learn how to do that also.

Overall, will this suffice enough to earn Skorn a spot in the game? :)

Edited by EdwardSunnyDisposition
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Also only one mug because he is very good at masking his emotions regardless of what he is saying, whether it be sarcastic or heartfelt.

EDIT: Also I realised that Insane Boundary can be something different. Instead of being akin to Bloodthirst, I'd like it to put in effect Crit +10 per kill for that round, throwing in +2 strength per kill for good measure. So killing encourages crit machines on the enemy phase.

Edited by EdwardSunnyDisposition
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Hopefully this loads as an image. Picked up spriting today and this is Skorn, the Dark Thief / Blood Hound mentioned before.

EDIT: Having trouble embedding so here's the direct link. Skorn has a gash on his left cheek from fighting with a wolf over scraps,


As for animations, regular thief / assassin respectively with blue hair. If blue hair needs to be done by me, give me another few days to learn how to do that also.

Overall, will this suffice enough to earn Skorn a spot in the game? :)


Out of common courtesy I spent a couple minutes and made an "improved" version of your sprite. It's honest to goodness shite, but it's certainly improved.

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Out of common courtesy I spent a couple minutes and made an "improved" version of your sprite. It's honest to goodness shite, but it's certainly improved.

I like his eyes. He's shifty, and he looks like he's eying a couple of babes, which seems to fit his character, given by EdwardSunny's description.

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Out of common courtesy I spent a couple minutes and made an "improved" version of your sprite. It's honest to goodness shite, but it's certainly improved.

Thank you so much, I know my original sprite looked like he had tall head syndrome, and it was my first time. I will however, take this on board and practice spriting, and yes he looks amazing :)

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The original wasn't bad, there was just like half of his head apparently missing for some reason? The new one though is cool good job I'll definitely use it

As for modified skill, sure, though to make sure, does it work closer to Bloodthirst (effective just this turn or phase) or a Taker(effective until the chapter ends)? Guessing the former, but making sure.

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Well, I noticed starvation of mounted bosses [not that they're important]


Mage Knight(?)

Appears: Late earlygame-early midgame?

Skills: Curse, Terrify, Equilibrium

HP: 30

Mag: 13

Skill: 10

Spd: 13

Luck: 18

Def: 10

Res: 10

Inventory: Elfire, (or Fimbulvetr, or is that too early to have A rank bosses?) Spark staff

* No flavour text/nothing really to say


(Darkflier? Can this be a boss?) If not, then Falcoknight.

Appears: Midgame

Skills: [if Darkflier, then Galeforce and Quixotic] If Falco, then Wicked Allure(? I don't know), Biorhythm, Opportunist. *Might be able to move*

HP: 28

Str: 14

Skill: 14

Spd: 18

Luck: 0

Def: 11

Res: 14

Inventory: If you want, Delphi/Fili Shield. Brave Lance, Brave Sword/Elfire [Depending on class?]

* Slightly tricky peg.


Appears: Midgame

Skills: Epicenter, Pierce(?), Vengeance

HP: 30

Str: 17

Skill: 13

Spd: 17

Luck: 0

Def: 9

Res: 9

Inventory: Bolt Axe(?), Halberd/Poleax

* Fast and strong dragoknight


I dunno, I guess I feel like I can't do any cool stuff in early game and I feel like they don't fit lategame. These are more generic boss types. Hey they might influence something.

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idk yeah like some boss ideas can be nice to have but i generally prefer to make a chapter and make a boss that fits that than making a boss and a chapter that fits them, with exceptions of course but yeah it is a good point that personal skills not used by players could see some use on a boss doop

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The original wasn't bad, there was just like half of his head apparently missing for some reason? The new one though is cool good job I'll definitely use it

As for modified skill, sure, though to make sure, does it work closer to Bloodthirst (effective just this turn or phase) or a Taker(effective until the chapter ends)? Guessing the former, but making sure.

It works closer to Bloodthirst, do you think the numbers I used are balanced? Do they they need to be higher?

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[spoiler=New Chara!]

Class : Archer --> Sniper
Joins : Mid Game
Bio : (17 y.o.) A common villager aiming to improve his family line, both in status and skill, as in he is the only one in the family who has a skill on archery. At 15 y.o. he left his family for training with a master on bows, and after a year training, which is enough for Khris to hold for his own, the master gave him a skill on wielding magical bow, and let go of Khris so he can wander, finding something or someone valuable for him. Adventurous, dutiful, young archer, yet shy around woman.

Aaaaaaa~ KhrisxCamilia XD


Bow : C
Lv 13 :

HP : (34) 70%
Pow : (10) 60% [He wields standard bows and magical bows so...]
Skill : (10) 45%
Spd : (14) 60%
Luck : (7) 35%
Def : (9) 40%
Res : (10) 35%

Con : 7

Skill :

Magical Hands – Allow the person to wield magical bows.
Hawk Edge – Triggers true hit if Khris’ skill is below the enemy (activation Luck*2 + Skl/2), if higher enhances critical +10.

Affinity : Dark

Death Quote : I.. still… have yet… to do…

In-Game Description : An unknowingly archer who has some potential on his sleeves. Fiery, yet loyal.

Recruitment : Recruit by talking with Camilla, from the enemy side.

Level Up Quote:

Great : "My family will be so grateful if I keep this up!"

Good : "Anything’s fine for turning the tides."

Average : "This is alright."
Poor : "… Whatever."
Awful : "Where must I put this face if it keeps up like this?"

Promotion Quote : “Improving is yet one’s step to greatness!”

Equipment :

Steel Bow, Spark Bow*, Vulnerary, Orion’s Bolt(or Master Seal or anything as promotion item)

*Spark Bow – Bow imbued with thunder.

Fixing things up!


Promotes with : Valkraine Crest


Radiant Light, Lightning, Heal


Light : D

Staff : D
Lv 3 :

HP : (19) 40%
Pow : (7) 55%
Skill : (8) 55%
Spd : (10) 60%
Luck : (2) 65%
Def : (4) 15%
Res : (7) 65%

Con : 6


Promotes with: Master Seal or universal promotional item.


Steel Lance, Short Spear, Thunder, Vulnerary, Valkraine Crest(promotional item for Camilia)


Spear : C

Anima : C

Lvl 10 :

HP : (30) 65%
Pow : (10) 60%
Skill : (13) 60%
Spd : (12) 50%
Luck : (19) 50%
Def : (8) 35%
Res : (8) 35%

Con : 9

Extra add-ups!


Freemaiden --> Lady

HP+5, Pow+1, Luck+2, Def+2, Res+1

Servant --> Butler

HP+3, Def+4, Res+4

Edit :

Forgot to add this too. Khris' portrait.


Edited by Levin Alaude
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Name: Bartholomiesie

He is an early-game (or mid-game, if necessary) Fighter who enters with a companion, another fighter (named Ahlberht. His promotion is Hero, and his personal skill is "WHERE'S MY GRANDSON?", which gives him +25 Hit and +10 Avoid when he fights while nearby level 10 or lower allied units. He's recruited by any youthful blonde unit he can mistake as his grandson, whose name he's pretty sure is Haluto. He'll be on the map as a green unit, who, throughout the chapter, torments various villagers in hopes of locating Haluto. When the blonde unit tries to deny their relations to him, he mishears them and joins them in an exuberant and joyful embrace before fighting alongside them. His stats are almost equivalent to Dorcas, except his skill is rock-bottom with a 25% growth and a 4 base (because he has bad eyesight) and his speed is higher because of some special training he says he received from his grandson when he went to visit his tiny village.

R Button info:

A hard-of-sight middle-aged man with an enigmatic grandson whom he wishes to find, but never shall.

Level-up quotes:

Lowest: "Haluto would be so, so disappointed in his ol' pops."

Low: "That trainin' my grandson gave me ain't payin' off."

High: "Lil' Haluto would be so happy right now!"

Highest: "I'm on top of the world! Haluto, can you hear me?"

Death quote:

"Haluto... I'll miss you.... Keep on smilin', kid."

EDIT: This is his companion, Ahlberht.


Name: Ahlberht

Ahlberht is, like Bartholomiesie, an early-game Fighter. His promotion is Warrior, and his personal skill is "Cold Heart," which gives him +3 Strength when no allied units are nearby. He accompanies Bartholomiesie in hopes of also finding a long-lost relative, a nephew named Susie (yes, a nephew, not a niece). His recruitment is similar to Bartholomiesie's, except he begins as an enemy unit and must be recruited by Bartholomiesie. He reluctantly decides to join the force after a lengthy and painstaking recruitment dialogue in which Bartholomiesie tries to convince Ahlberht of the possibility of finding his nephew. His stats are the opposite of Bartholomiesie's, with a good Skill base and growth, although bearing the drawback of low Speed.

R-Button info:

An unkind, indecent Fighter on a quest to find the only relative he ever loved: his nephew, Susie.

Level-up quotes:

Lowest: "How could I...?"

Low: "This wasn't meant to be...."

High: "It looks like my work's paid off for once. Heh."

Highest: "Watch out. You're next."

Death quote:

"I had it comin'.... See you never."

Edited by Oxz
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Well I said I wouldn't submit any more PCs, but this is an exception as it's pretty much Oxz's character.


Name: Erneighy

Priest who joins with Bartholomiesie. Has Moulder's stats, but with better defense, and promotes to Bishop. He's traveling with Bartholomiesie in hopes of finding his sister, Salleighy. Joins when you talk to Bartholomiesie.

R Button info:

A middle-aged man who was taught healing techniques by his sister Salleighy, who recently went missing.

Level-up quotes:

Lowest: "Look at me now, Salleighy... I'm a failure."

Low: "Now I'll always be overshadowed..."

High: "Salleighy, are you proud?"

Highest: "I've done it! I've surpassed Salleighy!"

Death quote: "Oh no... Now I'll never see her..."

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mugs :D

Khris sounds cool, and more higher-level supports sound cool. Though, should he:

start with no support, gain C rank upon recruitment, and have an event that gives them B

or start with a C support, gain B upon recruitment, and have an event that gives them A

Also, Hawk Edge... Does that mean, trigger true hit of true hit? So if it activates and he has 75% hit rate, then his hit rate goes to 88%, with effective true hit of 98? Since by default hit rates already use true hit.

I like the trio, I think I know where they can fit in. Bartholomiese's personal sounds great and complements his stats but all the others have interesting things going for them too

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