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Oookay, I'm biting.


Name: Arulle

Class: Blade Lord (Rename to Blade Mistress if permissible)

Bio: An enigmatic woman from another world, bloodthirsty and crazed individual that desires an age of chaos because everything goes by its own term. Happened upon this world, by coincidence or sheer thirst, to find 'Arulle' and drag her back to their world and fight to the death once again. Has a twisted way of respect when it comes to her foe by first offering them a final wish for her to attend to before lopping them off. Should she ever meet 'Arulle' in this world, one dreads to wonder what would happens.

Portrait: V9UtUY7.png - Made by NickT and recolored by me

Enemy Mini Boss | NPC/ENEMY Mini Boss ('Arulle's' Boss chapter)

Lv: 9 | 15

Hp: 46 | 52

Str: 22 | 22

Mag: 22 | 22

Skl: 26 | 29

Spd: 24 | 26

Lck: 2 | 10

Def: 16 | 17

Res: 6 | 10

Wexp: S Sword

Weapon: Wa Dao, Mephisto-(Uses Sword of Seals animation)

Personal Skill: Bloodthirst - Stats raise by +1 every time Arulle fight the same unit. (Stacking to infinite)

Personal Weapon: Mephisto - Use: Inf | Mt: 10 | Hit: 75 | Crit: 15 | Rng: 1-2 | Type: 1- Str (Melee) 2- Mag (Range) | Spell Animation - Naglfar

Description: A dragon's fang forged into a katana, it carry a wicked power.

Enemy Spawn Condition: Only if 'Arulle' is recruited into party. She spawns late in the chapter and out of way between allied and enemy, and offers 'Arulle' her Gungnir (if custom class finished) upon Talk then defeated by 'Arulle'.

Arulle spawn:

...Hehehe, is this where she went? Oh how it excite me to finally bring an end to our conflict.

'Arulle' talks:

A: There you are!

'A': ...Who are you?

A: Oh my. An amnesia, oh the tragedy! Would our duel ever remains unfulfilled?

'A': Do you perhaps know me from before?

A: Oh yes indeed, I know you from before, this isn't our world~!

'A': Then do you know where our home is?

A: HA HA HA HA!!! This general! She really did forget! Oh man this make my sides hurt so much!

'A' ...What are you saying?

A: Nah! I'm not going to tell you. It should be fun watching you squirm from the torment of not knowing.

'A' Then I have a deal. I can give you that duel you wish for right here and now, in exchange... you tell me who I am, and what happened on our homeworld.

A: Oh speenuk! Now that is quite the deal! Oh, you sneak little! Deep down in that head of you, you just knew I couldn't refuse! Come come! Let us fight! To our heart's joy!

Boss Defeat Quote: (Only if defeated by 'Arulle' alone)

Arulle: Ha Ha Ha... HA HA HA!! You truly are the best foe I could ask for! Now here's the truth you wanted to know...--

After Defeating Arulle:

'A': ...That can't be... Is what you just said true?

A: Nyanhah! Every word is true, now what do you truly intends to do?

'A': I have a promise remaining unfinished here... I will first conclude this then head back and fix what I've done.

A: Now that's ####### I know! (# represent corrupted text to drown out the name)

'A': I see... then you are Arulle... Heh... No wonder.

A: Then I'll be waiting back at Pyinaught, you'd best hurry~.

'A': So shall I...

'A' obtains Gungnir after this dialogue. (Only if custom class) [i personally can't see myself finishing that on time for your chapter, but I'll do my best :l]

Should Player fails to recruit 'Arulle'

Arulle will be present as an enemy/NPC during 'Arulle's' boss chapter making a bee line for 'Arulle' killing ally and enemy units obstructing her.

Boss 'Arulle' vs Mini-Boss Arulle

'A': Found you!

A: Hmm? Who are you?

'A': So you've really forgotten me?

A: I remembers nothing from before.

'A': I see... then I'll be having that duel here and relieve your torment. Killing two birds with one stone~

A: I do not desire death, but I'll gladly oblige to your duel!

'Arulle' win:

'A': It is my victory. Now leave, you clearly know me, and that much saved your life. I will find you again... should I survive this...

A: You're hellbent on this aren't you? Tch, that part is what I hate the most about you. I can't deny that it's admirable. See ya.

'A': ...In the afterlife, we shall meet again... Arulle.

Arulle win:

A: ...You disappoint me. This clearly isn't your best. ...Guess you'll never fix your mistake.

'A': ... (Dead)

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oh snap O:

i'll uh be consulting you when i get to that chapter for stuff but uh i should say I don't think I can code that skill, sorry :v

Shoot. Just make something that's relative to her thrill for fight.

Edit: O yea I forgot to mention her Affinity, her Affinity is Water.

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50 chapters is about what I often see (or, saw) from beginners planning their first hack and it's going to be so epic with this awesome story and FE4-sized maps and all custom graphics and sound and of course it never gets made.

I plan to get around that length, but by doing some simplification on the writing and maps and letting other people handle lots of the characters (and also by this not being my first game). It's basically the opposite of what Xiao Emblem was/will be, if you remember that.

EDIT: Also, what's Stanford promote to?

EDIT2: Also, does Mephisto use SoS animation or Naglfar animation...?

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EDIT2: Also, does Mephisto use SoS animation or Naglfar animation...?

The melee uses SoS animation for Blade Lord (there's a animation i believe, I even have the animation if you need it) The ranged will simply have her point upward while playing Naglfar spell animation.

Edit: Fun fact, in my old demo i originally used Nergal's tome spell animation instead due to limitation of what I had at the time, but I originally wanted Naglfar.

What I means is. Any other swords, she use regular Blade Lord animation,(I'm actually debating whether or not to use Sol Katti for basic or Durandal) but with Mephisto, she uses SoS for melee and SoS+Naglfar for ranged. (Mephisto is supposed to be rather thick and heavy despite being a katana because it was forged from an evil dragon she killed.)

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Okay yeah I don't have that so I'll take it I guess lol

(I might shorten the Naglfar animation to make it take less time, which parts are the most important, in case I do?)

Oh if that's the case, use Nergal's spell tome instead assuming that one is shorter, it makes no real difference. the point of Naglfar was to show the blade's strength with its catastrophic nature. Plus it's ultra cool

I'll pm you the link to download SoS.

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Semi-unrelated: Lemme know if anyone wants to make me some sprites

What kind of sprites? Would you mind fixing mine up in the aftermath? I'm just no good at spriting FE style portraits. I want it to look good... PM if you can.

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Oh I can still use Naglfar but personally as a player I tend to prefer not waiting like 10 seconds for a spell animation but I can do it if you prefer yeah

Oh I see, that's what you means. Cut out that "rock" swirl thing, that part is unnecessary.

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Adding on to the aforementioned gargoyle poison big chapter, and as an evolution of Loup and Blinky, perhaps after that chapter you would get a useable gargoyle unit?

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Adding on to the aforementioned gargoyle poison big chapter, and as an evolution of Loup and Blinky, perhaps after that chapter you would get a useable gargoyle unit?

Not a bad idea I had considered it before (but I didn't want to sprite it then after my struggles with Shira, coloring is hard for me...) perhaps their leader would join you if you defeat it using only one character or perhaps in a limited number of turns which ever is easier it could be the Weak serve the strong sort of thing probably with more dialogue required IDK... If you have any ideas how to make that believable...

Equipment wise Gargoyles wouldn't be hard to mange as they use lances (also could be the only way the player can get the tribal lances)

The hard part is adding something to the recruitment dialogue maybe they have been harassed by the big bad or someone that is affiliated with them and they want to help defeat them?

That and what would be some good personal skills?

worst comes to worst we can always use some of the series standbys (Luna/Peirce, Wrath ect) though it doesn't sound personal enough...

Edited by Dragrath
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Woops, I don't have the time for the robot pilot girl, here's a weeaboo one instead which also heavily references DDOP.

Oookay, I'm biting.


Name: Salphie

Class: Enigma - A mysterious person shrouded in mysterious mysteries.

Bio: A mysterious woman from a different dimension. Clumsy and irrational. Often adds random Japanese in her sentences.

Portrait: Literally Farina, but with grey hair and purple armour.

Enemy Secret Mini Boss

Lv: 10

Hp: 14

Str: 2

Mag: 0

Skl: 27

Spd: 26

Lck: 12

Def: 1

Res: 0

WEXP: E Sword

Weapon: Masa Munni - Just an Iron Sword with 20% Critical, a Mani/Sol Katti icon and a description.

"Some call it retarded - others cute. "

Personal Skill: Heartless - Luck% of a Critical that ignores Defense.

Enemy Spawn Condition: No idea, maybe add her as a secret boss in a Gaiden chapter that appears in the middle of the fight, finishes off the default boss and takes his place?


Nani? The battle has already begun!? *pause*

N-O-T F-A-I-R!

Boss Defeat Quote:

S: Oomph, I didn't want to lose this early...

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As for a gargoyle personal skill....

Tribal Pride- Unit gains 15%+ to Crit rate when carrying 3+ tribal lances

Tribe's Fury- Gains +1 Damage dealt and takes -1 damage less when enemy attacks first

Tribal Drumming- Every ally in 3 squares gets +2 to Strength and Skill if unit with skill selects Wait.

Take your pick!

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Not a bad idea I had considered it before (but I didn't want to sprite it then after my struggles with Shira, coloring is hard for me...) perhaps their leader would join you if you defeat it using only one character or perhaps in a limited number of turns which ever is easier it could be the Weak serve the strong sort of thing probably with more dialogue required IDK... If you have any ideas how to make that believable...

Equipment wise Gargoyles wouldn't be hard to mange as they use lances (also could be the only way the player can get the tribal lances)

The hard part is adding something to the recruitment dialogue maybe they have been harassed by the big bad or someone that is affiliated with them and they want to help defeat them?

That and what would be some good personal skills?

worst comes to worst we can always use some of the series standbys (Luna/Peirce, Wrath ect) though it doesn't sound personal enough...

Eh, that would promote just using one unit, which shys away from spreading around your exp.

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loluhhhhsure sounds like an interesting boss

hmmm I think I'll try Tribal Drumming if I can, otherwise Tribe's Fury sounds simple enough.

Yeah a similar idea but that's less limiting is to make it so a certain character finishes off the boss, or heck, maybe I'd do something like Fates' big brother chapters, except you can choose any unit for the duel and if you can best the chief with your mighty warrior then you have proven yourself blah blah blah

(not sure if gargoyles would talk or there'd be a translator, maybe the translator also joins but idk)

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I was coming up with my Boss Squadtmand noticed there seems to be a lack of healers? So here's a dude:


[spoiler=portrait, from the nickt collection]6BcG8pH.png

Dark affinity

Class is Traveler, light magic and staves(monk and priest animations). Promotes to Bishop.

Inventory is Shine or whatever D rank light tome will be in this game, mend, and an elixir

Early-mid game

Personal skill: Stavethrift: luck% chance to conserve a stave use

Joins at a somewhat higher level(not by too much) with really good bases, particularly HP and def for his kind of class, mediocre growths. Best in HP and res. D light and C staves

[spoiler=bio and more]

A man who wanders the land, no destination in mind, giving aid to those he meets. He is a man of few words, but always willing to lend an ear to the troubles of others. He has a serene aura about him that belies a surprising sense of humor. Behind his calm demeanor and charitable nature, there lies a sense of sorrow that some of the more intuitive may sometimes pick up on.


Born and raised on the streets, he became an effective thief at an early age. later, a conman. The world was a cruel place, it was every man for them self. One day he bit off more than he could chew, cheated the wrong man and ended up beaten half to death in some alley. He would've died there, had he not been found by a wandering cleric, her name was Lyra. She gave him shelter and nursed him back to health, a selfless act of kindness the likes of which Danton had never known. Upon recovering Danton vowed to follow a new path, and accompanied Lyra on her journeys to help those in need. During their travels it became increasingly clear that they had begun to develop feelings for each other. These feelings grew into something more, and eventually they were wed, and later had a son they named Flynn. It was a life a happiness Danton could never have imagined. It was not long however, before he discovered that he had not truly escaped his past. A noble he had stolen from many times in the past had learned of his whereabouts, and intended to have Danton repay his debt. And so the debt was payed, not in gold, but in blood. By some cruel miracle Danton managed to survive the men who were sent after him. It was the second time he had come so close to death, only to evade its cold embrace. But it was not his blood with which the debt was paid. His wife, his son, they were not so lucky.

It has been many years since then, Danton now wanders the land, continuing the work his wife had dedicated her life to.

(geez that ended up way longer than I initially intended)

R-button: An aimless wanderer who aids those in need. Quiet and charitable.

Level ups, worst to best:

"Fitting, I suppose..."

"Every step is helpful, no matter how small."

"I am grateful for this blessing."

"If only they could see me now..."


"May this power be put to use."


"Lyra, Flynn... Have I... Made you proud...?

Recruitment: Appears as an NPC protecting NPC villagers. Recruited via talk with protagonist.

To think this was a character I just made on a whim, haha.

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Any self-made characters you can share like Ranserott and Ethelin?

Chapter Names:

Madness and Pride

Innocent Heart

False Hero

Blind Faith



Crime and Punishment

Lie to Myself

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(oh so boss squad isn't a squad of bosses, just dudes who are boss, right)

lol uhhhh

instead of luck% chance to consume staff use, do you mean luck% chance to not? I mean making a downside to higher stats would be interesting, but it is luck, of all stats...

Chapter names uhhh those are cool names but lol I wasn't even thinking about chapter names, I'll keep that in mind though.

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(oh so boss squad isn't a squad of bosses, just dudes who are boss, right)

lol uhhhh

instead of luck% chance to consume staff use, do you mean luck% chance to not? I mean making a downside to higher stats would be interesting, but it is luck, of all stats...

Oh no I'm thinking of bosses.

Luck% to conserve a staff use.

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