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Fire Emblem Fates DLC Rundowns/Guides


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Hello! I've been giving it some thought and decided to make a topic to cover the DLC of Fates as much as I can! I will cover the basic of the chapter storywise and gameplay-wise, as well as the rewards and unit quotes per each map.

Note: I have yet to buy Revelations.

​DLC 1: Before Awakening: /Later/

DLC 2: Ghostly Gold: /Later/

DLC 3:​ Boo Camp:

Story: Felicia/Jakob notices that the enemies being faced are becoming stronger, and is worried that their strength may surpass their own. Corrin agrees, and Felicia suggests that they all go on a test of courage on a haunted mountain in another world (An Outrealm), said to have fearsome monsters. Those who survive to the next morning are said to get stronger. They reach the mountain, and prepare for battle.

Gameplay: ​This chapter is basically a harder version of Awakenings EXP DLC. You fight waves of Faceless, ranging from pathetically weak to pretty powerful. However, you can bring 12 units, over the 6 in Awakening. More EXP for everyone!

The weakest Faceless are very easy to kill, with around 6 in their main important stats (Strength, Defense, Resistance, Skill), but over a very short time will only give 1 point of exp.

The next tier of Faceless have much scarier stats, are will start appearing after a good amount of the story is completed. They have 16-20 (although their Res is 10) in their main stats, and are somewhat formidable early on.

Both of these tiers of Faceless have the skill Heartseeker, making any player unit next to them have -20 Avoid.

The third tier Faceless are a bit tougher, with stats a few points higher than the previous tier, and have Seal Defense and Natural Cover in addition to Heart Seeker. These can be a real pain, as the Seal Defense can often mean death from other Faceless if not prepared for it. Some also have Odd Shaped. Why? I have no idea.

All of these three are the "unpromoted" Faceless, with the green sprite. They will attack you.

The fourth tier are even more powerful than the previous in terms of offense, however, their Defense is down by 4 or 5 points, so their actually easier to kill. They have the skills Pass and Resist Status, a Dread Fighter skill.

However, this and the next two tiers are both the yellow "promoted" Faceless, which will not attack you on enemy phase. This means units with two range can easily chip their massive amount of health down, without having to worry about enemy phase.

The fifth tier is basically a fourth tier with slightly better stats and the skill Wary Fighter, meaning they can't double you, but you can't double them. They also seem to have Pavise, but only sometimes.

Each tier get progressively higher leveled, with the tier one at level 23, and the tier five at level 29, meaning they give more EXP the higher their level.

(Add Boss stats here. There are like 4)

Along with the Faceless are some Stoneborn. They have Immobilize, which is basically a Freeze staff if you get hit by them, as well as Certain Blow. They don't seem to give much EXP. They seem to spawn randomly, as I've seem them spawn as early as turn 3, or not at all.

Aside from that, there is a tile on this map called Mist. It is completely impassable to your units, but (from what I can tell) is like plains to the Faceless and Stoneborn.

In the middle of the map, there is a breakable wall, which gives quick access to the other side,

There are gravestones surrounded by mist which are the spawn points for the enemies. they always spawn 5 at a time.

The enemies seem to spawn on almost every turn until the boss spawns.

All enemies are heading to a Sigil tile on the north end of the map, where they escape. It is surrounded by mist, so no units can reach it, You COULD block it off with 7 units in front of it, however the Pass Faceless will just walk right through your wall anyways.

Strategy: ​This map is fairly easy. Using Daggers, Shurikens or other stat reducing weapons or skills can allow you to let weak units kill the stronger enemies, while also getting damage EXP and Weapon EXP. Makes sure to check ranges of Defense Seal enemies, as they can make or break a plan. Since all the enemy units are physical, using high Defense units such as Oboro, Rinkah, Effie, Benny or Xander (Just to name a few) to lure in enemies is a very valid plan. Just make sure they don't kill them by unequiping them (Or they may just not kill them anyways). I find Levin Swords or other non-crit or skill activating weapons to be great for chip damage, since you won't have any RNG in that regard. Just keep weak units out of danger (May need Rescue Staves) and kill the enemies as much as possible. Make sure they you won't get Dual Struck by the Yellow Faceless, as they won't move to allow Dual Strikes, but the Green Faceless will try to do so.

Also, Just leave the Tier 1 enemies alone. They can't do much to you.

Rewards: ​The reward for this map is, obviously, tons of EXP for your units. And, in my opinion...

Character Quotes!: I usually think of these quotes as a secondary reward in these maps, ​as they can give some more character development. I will update these over time, so be patient.

Boo Camp Pre-Battle:


M!Corrin: Aha! So youre the fearsome monsters Felicia mentioned, eh? You startled me, Ill give you that, but the truth isnt so scary. Now to see if vanquishing you will in fact make me stronger!



Felicia: Yeeeek! I nearly jumped out of my skin when you popped up out of nowhere! B-but its a pleasure to meet you. Im honored to face you in battle!

Jakob: Youre a fearsome one. But you will give Lord* Corrin his* due respect. If you cause so much as a single nick or scratch on him*, Ill level this mountain.

Silas: *sigh* Situations like this remind me of old scary stories people used to tell. I recall one about a spirit thats always behind you, whichever way you look. These ghouls seem downright nice in contrast. At least theyre in the open.

Kaze: You know, I was haunted once, by a womans unquiet spirit. And so I didnt think Id have the stomach for this, butit isnt so bad.

Azura: Tests of courage never scared me. I sang to myself to keep the fear away. But then people started to talk about the ghostly voice haunting the castle The rumors were so widespread that I was embarrassed to admit it was me.

Izana: Even as a descendant of the gods, Im powerless to brighten up all this murk. A purification spell is the best I can manage. Look grateful!

Mozu: This is fine! I was never one to believe in spooks or boogeymen. Youre right there, plain as the nose on my face. Just a regular old beastie. Unless I somehow started to see spirits without realizing it. Oh gosh!


Sakura: Aaaaaaaah! I-is that a ghost? A-a monster? Aa ghost monster?! Maybe if I breathe deep and calm down, it wont be scary. Maybe

Ryoma: I have never shrunk form a test of courage, not even at a young age. But Id rather you didnt appear suddenly from behind to surprise me

Hinoka: I considered myself courageous, but this place is still so oppressive. But I cant let my little brother* down. I need to put on a brave face.

Takumi: Im not afraid of the dark, or haunted mountains, or that monster over there. WHEN DID THAT GET HERE?! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY!

Hayato: Aaaaaaah! Help! Its a monster! Oh now with my vision blurry from the tears, its even scarier! H-help! I need an adult!

Azama: This is what you get from trampling all over this pristine, haunted mountain. Wait, Im one of the tramplers, arent I? Id better purify myself later

Rinkah: This place is the pits. But I like the little touches, like these wisps of flame. They dont compare to a good bonfire, but theyre nice in their own way.

Setsuna: A monster This is a test of courage all right. Except youre just not scary. Not next to that headless samurai who spent the night with me in the pit trap.

Subaki: It will take more than this to test my perfect courage. Although If its not tested, does that mean I cant pass? That wont do at all!

Hinata: Heheh, this reminds me of when I used to visit the graveyard as a kid. There was this one lady in an all white kimono who always hovered near me. Waitwas that Was she? Did she have a crush on me?!

Reina: A bold approach. Some would advise you not to be so forward with a lady. Personally, I favor the bold. And you dont mince words I like that, too.

Orochi: The fortune I drew today indicated that Id find greater strength here. Though of course, it also showed that I wouldnt get it without a fight

Saizo: I will cut you down and become the powerful retainer my liege deserves. Know the name of your doom: Saizo the Fifth!

Kagero: You seem fairly solid, which means youre vulnerable to attack, yes? Thats a relief. I feel safe telling you, since you wont be standing for long Im a bit uneasy around the undead.

Kaden: Humans were afraid of me when I lived in the kitsune hamlet So now I get to see what that was like! Come on, scare the tail off me!

Scarlet: If this is secretly an exercise to get us to pair into couplesits working! The monsters are spoiling the romantic ambience a bit, but I can fix that!

Oboro: *sigh* I hate these tests of courage, They always end up the same way. People see the awful face I make and get more scared of me than any ghoul.

Hana: Ack! Is this real? Am I seeing a real, live ghost?! Wella real, dead one. But what am I scared of? This looks hittable enough.


F!Kana: Theres monsters everywhere here, and a floating fire tried to beckon me away! But I should dry my tears and try to become the strongest kid I can be!


Now the real question, is this DLC worth the money?

This one is a bit objective. Birthright and Revelations players may not need it, but there is this weird spot where the Skirmish enemies are a bit too tough, and the tier below gives almost no EXP.

Conquest players of a casual level may want this DLC, as it is the only way to grind. On the other hand, some may not want it.

Overall, this is purely up to you.

So guys, tell me if I missed something. I really want this to be thorough. Also, I will update the Quotes probably daily. I also have no children in my Birthright file, as I'm trying to get all the S supports. I only have Kana because... I felt like it? I have all of them on Conquest though.

Tell me what you guys want next! I only did this one first because... idk I felt like it. I'll try and finish these each weekend if I can. School may prevent me from doing so. Thank you, and g'night!

I'm not going to sleep yet though...

Edited by TrueEm
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Thanks for this, it's a nice outline. Takumi so cute: "When did that get there? Get it away! Get it away!"

Hehehe, yeah. Scarlet's is my favorite, it's a fourth wall breaking one, and something I wouldn't expect from Scarlet, yet it manages to fit her character pretty well. Sakura's is adorable as well.
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