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Will Corrin's 2nd child inherit Dragon Fang no matter what?


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In Awakening, my Chrom married Sumia. To my surprise, both Lucina and Cynthia inherited Aether even though my Chrom hadn't even learned it yet. Is it the same in fates? I know Kana will inherit dragon fang since she is also a dragon, but will his 2nd child? Just wondering if I have to move around Corrin's equipped skills. He married Azura in my playthough btw in case that matters.

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Chrom was a special case because only Lucina and him had the Great Lord class, so any female children of Chrom (Lucina, Kjelle, and Cynthia) he automatically passes Aether. To any male children(Brady, Inigo) he automatically passes Rightful King.

Corrin follows normal inheritance, aka last skill equipped.

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