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For my first playthrough, should I do a no DLC run or play a few through the story and do the rest later?


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Since I had to replace my 3DS( due to unwanted circumstances) and decided to save up for a New 3DS(because I probably wouldn't have a better chance or reason to get one later...probably...), I had to wait on getting Fates.

In the meantime, a good chunk of the DLC is out and I was wondering if I should just holdout on getting the DLC for my first run through the game or should I just play some while playing through the game and the rest at endgame(if I want).

I ask because I really want some of the DLC (like Anna on the Run, Hidden Truths, and Vanguard Dawn), but I kinda don't want to be broken/OP by endgame because of it.

Oh, and to narrow things, I'm playing Nohr first(but you can answer for Birthright and Revelations too if you want, but no spoilers...please and thank you).

Any help is appreciated! Thanks! :Joshua:

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It is entirely up to you, but if you're going for Conquest first for the challenge, then I'd recommend not using any DLC as it can make the experience quite a bit easier, especially if you've got the DLC for getting gold and EXP

Hidden Truths - and quite a few other maps - uses a different team from your main story one. However, Hidden Truths contains heavy spoilers, and should be completed after Revelation.

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It depends on what you'd like your experience to be. If you want challenge, I find grinding even a little can trivialize the game really hard. I didn't find doing the maps the "hard" way detracted from my experience with the story--but I'm already spoiled on JP anyway, so that could've affected things, but if you like to make things easier, there's nothing wrong with using DLC either.

You can always start on no-grind/dlc/whatever and if you find it too hard to be enjoyable, buy yourself the dlc then. Note that on Conquest, only Boo Camp gives exp.

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Up to you, but I recommend not using gold or EXP ones as they may make things way easier.

On Conquest I did the "Before Awakening", but didn't even get the items. Anna is fine in my book, have no idea why she's a paid character instead of a SpotPass one, specially considering she's an iconic one and not even an ubber lord unit.

On Conquest you also don't gain EXP on DLC (except the EXP DLC), so you can get the class change items if you want.

On Birthright I did a scout and a challenge one just to see how they were, and with mostly units I wouldn't use, but didn't touched them again. I like the limited availability of resources the game provides me.

I would also buy all 3 paths before any DLC, but it's up to personal preference.

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Thanks! I think what I'll do is avoid the Exp. and Gold DLC till I finish the game, wait for Hidden Truths till I beat all three paths, and for all the DLC that gives you items, I'll just hold onto them. And since Conquest doesn't give experience for doing them, I won't have to worry about grinding and I can just do it for the challenge like the trial maps in FE: PoR/FE9 ( which isn't a problem since I'm so use to the older FE games and I don't need no stinking grinding anyway :hat: ).

Also, thanks for the heads up on Hidden Truths! I knew it revealed some stuff, but not to that degree! I'll probably stay clear of any other story DLC that comes out until I beat all 3 paths( unless it doesn't spoil much, but I would have to look it up and ask around to be sure).

Edit: As for Anna......guess I'll have to ponder on that for while( heck, she's one of the reasons why I'm having this issue with the DLC in the first place......darn you Nintendo, using Anna's popularity to your advantage)!

Thanks again everyone! :Joshua:

Edited by Busterman64
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