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Why is chili lime a popular combo?


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A quick search returned nothing and I'm too busy eating Flamin Hot (con limon) Cheetos to look much harder but this is a combination I see quite often, but why? I know hot and sour are among the only flavorings you can add without nutritional detriment, and typing that, hot and sour soup is a thing (I don't like) but like is there something special about the flavors of these together that are amazing?

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I think it came a lot from Central America, as its typically found in a lot of Mexican themed dishes. Either that or it was done in Texas and is Tex mex originated, which is quite possible since the Tacos we eat in the US are nothing like the ones actually eaten in Mexico. Not sure though, its like Strawberry Banana for me. I hate artificial banana flavoring, and really banana's overall so I dont get why its a popular mix. I guess it comes down to the fact that there are enough people that enjoy it to make it a profitable enough mixture for it to continue being used.

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