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Thoughts on FE Remasters?


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Remasters? But those Sprites looked so good, though!

No, what we need is a collection of all 16Bit system games, localized and authentic. (And perhaps throw in the NES games as a bonus.. and I don't mean in form of amiibo-DLC.)

For the Tellius games, I don't see the point in remastering them. The originals still hold up.

I agree with this no need to waste time and assets would also give IS a chance to look back on some of the more interesting features from earlier games that never became staples in the series or reached their full potential

maybe the could patch up some weaker bits but definitely not full development. Though I do believe that FE 9 and FE 10 should be made available on virtual console as the reason many people haven't played them is because they are so hard to find.

And if anything comes out of them I hope it is a return of elevation mechanics and siege tomes because I really liked the defensive siege maps... There are far too many route and defeat boss maps in the newer games... What happened to defending? They were good when done right. (key note Rict) Elincia's Gambit really comes to mind as probably one of the best seige maps Glad the basic map has returned via DLC but without the right mechanics it can't be the same...

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Yeah, as I said in the thread about what the next remake should be, I said Gaiden mostly because it's basically perfect for a remake. It's never been released in the west, it's got tons of interesting elements, and it's horribly crippled by borderline unplayable archaic mechanics.


the game is far from borderline unplayable; what specific mechanics are you talking about? The clunky interface?

other than that though, I agree that gaiden needs a remake, especially in the story department

the main antag's motivations are so retarded it comes off real goofy

Edited by Pixelman
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the game is far from borderline unplayable; what specific mechanics are you talking about? The clunky interface?

other than that though, I agree that gaiden needs a remake, especially in the story department

the main antag's motivations are so retarded it comes off real goofy

Sadly the same can be said for most of this series villains.. IS has never really done a final boss that we can relate to their motivations the closest is Ashnard who basically went insane and decided that the human structure sucked and sought to build a powerful Daien through war... Yeah that is the best the series has... Second closest is Nergal as he at least originally had motives before he dove deep enough into magic and went insane... Hmm I see a trend here... Name one Human Final Boss/Main antagonist that is not insane or a dragon/monster/supernatural god/demigod...

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I agree with this no need to waste time and assets would also give IS a chance to look back on some of the more interesting features from earlier games that never became staples in the series or reached their full potential

maybe the could patch up some weaker bits but definitely not full development. Though I do believe that FE 9 and FE 10 should be made available on virtual console as the reason many people haven't played them is because they are so hard to find.

And if anything comes out of them I hope it is a return of elevation mechanics and siege tomes because I really liked the defensive siege maps... There are far too many route and defeat boss maps in the newer games... What happened to defending? They were good when done right. (key note Rict) Elincia's Gambit really comes to mind as probably one of the best seige maps Glad the basic map has returned via DLC but without the right mechanics it can't be the same...

Oh, how do I wish they would look back at the older games and realize what made them great, not only concerning the strategy gameplay..

Some people say I should lose hope, but I just like this series so much..

Well anyways! I don't play the newest entry in the series, but Defend missions is something I miss aswell, eventhough I wasn't a super huge fan of them.

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When I think "remasters" I think slight updates in graphics and gameplay, like HD remasters. I think PoR and RD are the only ones that could realistically be remastered and not still feel outdated. The rest would need full remakes, and I would love some that used the 3DS engine.

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Oh, how do I wish they would look back at the older games and realize what made them great, not only concerning the strategy gameplay..

Some people say I should lose hope, but I just like this series so much..

Well anyways! I don't play the newest entry in the series, but Defend missions is something I miss aswell, eventhough I wasn't a super huge fan of them.

They were a love hate relationship as they really got your tension up as you tried to keep all your units alive but no other mission type really has that same feel as you can get quite overpowered in the newer games... The thing about defense maps was yeah your units could take on the enemies but they would keep coming and you can't handle all of them if you do so it was more important to decide Who you kill. Then there were incentives to keep enemy units alive for Exp in the tellius games another feature I miss from those games. Basically I want less route or defeat boss missions...

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When I think "remasters" I think slight updates in graphics and gameplay, like HD remasters. I think PoR and RD are the only ones that could realistically be remastered and not still feel outdated. The rest would need full remakes, and I would love some that used the 3DS engine.

I guess I think of it vice versa with a remake simply being the game verbatim with graphical updates with a full on remaster being updated graphics, features, and mechanic tweaks to make it a better experience. But now we're getting in word usage lol.

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Remakes have been pretty far from simple HD remasters lately. Consider Majora's mask for 3ds, pokemon omega ruby, or the ds/mobile final fantasy ports. Lots of small and large changes throughout the entire game.

In most cases I kind of prefer a simple "emulate original system specs that works on modern systems" that you see in compilation games like sega's genesis/mega drive collection or rare replay.

Obviously that would be GODAWFUL with FE 2 and FE 4. Language is not the only one keeping people from playing those. FE5 could be remade as is with translation though. FE 9 could stand to be made harder (beyond the removed difficulty), despite it's good story, it's gameplay is just as lightweight as 7 and 8. FE 10 needs the skip enemy phase from modern games and improved battle models to justify the effort of remaking it. 1 and 3 have technically already been remade but I guess the whole "marth In smash bros" thing might get them done again. Probably more conservatively than last time. Also the import feature of FE10 kinda demands that Itbe remade at the same time as FE9, possibly as a combined game.

Personally I wouldn't buy any FE remake at release, and would only consider them after enough months for people to review them and confirm whether they had a difficulty setting with the depth of 11,12,14conquest.

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