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Recommendations for Corrin's Build?


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Let me admit that I am completely new to Fire Emblem games. I've just purchased Fates: Birthright, and I'm wondering what boon, bane and talent might make a solid build for someone completely new to the system. From what I've managed to scrounge up on various forums and such thus far, it seems a lot of people recommend +speed, - either luck or defense. Why is this? Also, as far as the talents go, I'm assuming this is related to the secondary class my avatar will have eventually, whenever she gets done being a Nohr Princess. Ninja seems to be popular, as does samurai or lancer, I think? Ideally, I'd like my avatar to be strong offensively without being an easy one-shot kill.

I'd prefer not getting a ton of spoilers; I understand that Corrin can end up marrying someone (and passing on her class and being able to take his?) or something like that. Sorry for the incredibly newbie questions, and thank you for any advice you might be able to offer.

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About boon and bane:

Most people recommend +Spd because speed is always good. But +Str and +Mag are also pretty good too.

-Lck is recomended because is the one that hurts the stats the least.

The class you should choose depends on your boon and bane.

Do you want your Corrin to be physical or magical unit?

Edited by Water Mage
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Oh, I forgot to mention physical versus magical preference, didn't I? I tend to prefer magic all told, but physicals are often easier to begin with, in my experience. Probably a physical for my first run-through then, I think, though I'd not mind thoughts on good magic-oriented builds either!

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Let me admit that I am completely new to Fire Emblem games. I've just purchased Fates: Birthright, and I'm wondering what boon, bane and talent might make a solid build for someone completely new to the system. From what I've managed to scrounge up on various forums and such thus far, it seems a lot of people recommend +speed, - either luck or defense. Why is this? Also, as far as the talents go, I'm assuming this is related to the secondary class my avatar will have eventually, whenever she gets done being a Nohr Princess. Ninja seems to be popular, as does samurai or lancer, I think? Ideally, I'd like my avatar to be strong offensively without being an easy one-shot kill.

I'd prefer not getting a ton of spoilers; I understand that Corrin can end up marrying someone (and passing on her class and being able to take his?) or something like that. Sorry for the incredibly newbie questions, and thank you for any advice you might be able to offer.

+Speed in Fates is recommended as Dual Strikes and follow-up attacks are common in the game (player controlled) and very common in online matches (Player sets their Streetpass Team's AI commands for matches when others fight their team). Since follow-up attacks happen if a unit has 5+ speed higher than the enemy, +Spd Boon helps prevent enemies from doubling you, +Spd Boon also gives you +4~+5 Speed Modifier thanks to the boon + personal statue. -Def for a bane has been mentioned for not reducing your Strength/Magic/Skill/Speed modifiers even though it reduces your Defense/Resistance modifiers. Ninjas/Elite Ninjas with Replicate are great for weakening and/or sweeping up opposition thanks to their insane Skill/Speed and very high Hit Rates with decent agility on dodging enemy attacks. One can reduce the chances of being one-shotted, but it is still possible to be one-shotted by enemies who stack up on Strength/Magic statues and/or have their Boon set to Strength/Magic respectfully.

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Since this your first time playing, I think you should keep things simple.

You could do with the one Emblem Blade mentioned, but it's a bit to much for someone who is just beginning.

I would advise a class that lets you keep your sword rank like Samurai, Cavalier or Mercenary, and since you're in Birthright, you should choose Mercenary or Cavalier, as can obtain Samurai from other characters.

If you choose Mercenary, your boon should be speed, as mercenary aren't very fast.

If you chose Cavalier your boon can be either strenght or speed. Both work.

As for bane, you should go with either luck or defense, however there are many fragile units in Birthright so a -def Corrin could be a little difficult.

-Luck hurt your offenses, but it's very little.

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If you want, I can update my own My Castle (and post my My Castle Code) with the Hoshidian Characters for you so you can get skills for your Avatar and other units as you go through your save file progress once I get the time to do so today. I might not have the skills that most players would recommend but I can work around that to get skills that will help.

I'll do what most players do in this manner, no one guarding the throne and everyone present is on hold (so just avoid fighting my units to avoid casualties).

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Corrin gets a really great custom sword throughout the game, so you'll probably want a talent that can use swords (at least after promotion). Shurikens/daggers are the best weapon in the game, so if you choose Ninja as your talent and promote to Master Ninja, you can use both. For this you'll probably want Strength as your boon (Ninja already has a lot of Speed) and Resistance as your bane (luck actually lowers your strength I believe if you choose it as your bane). Also, keep in mind that Corrin's spouse can class into your talent as well.

Edited by arkel
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I forgot say something,

This is your first Fire Emblem game, so don't be ashamed of choosing casual mode if you're are unsure, Don't let others pressure you into playing classic because they think it's the only way to play a Fire Emblem game, play on the mode you feel most confortable with.

Also, are playing the Normal difficulty? If so, there's no need to worry about reclassing, you can do well with the characters base class.

That being said, you if want to reclass, there's no problem. It's your game and you should play the way want.

Finally, don't be ashamed of asking newbie questions.

Everyone is this forum is more than happy to help newcomers.

If there's something you find difficult or don't understand, don't be ashamed to ask, as I said before, we're happy to help!

Edited by Water Mage
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  • 10 months later...

I know this thread is a bit old but I just picked up the game about 2 weeks ago, I cleared The Game on Casual mode Easy, I Saw the Classic mode on the menu and I decided I wanted to try it out? How much harder is it honestly? And what kind of Build is best for a Phisical Corrin? 

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