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Kinshi vs Sniper vs Bow Knight vs Adventurer?


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I'm trying to get a mostly-MU army the hard way and 6 of my 7 MU units are Falcon Knight, Witch (cause I couldn't get Sorcerer on this Hoshido file and I first wanted her to be a Dark Flier but then I felt like a Magic-based class was better), Paladin, Wyvern Lord, Spearmaster and Adventurer.

The 7th MU is a bowman but I can't decide which class (sans Priestess because it's a male) would fit since they all have their pros and cons for the character itself, but since I don't know much about PvP, I was hoping some of you could help me figure out which class would work best?

Might also make the remaining three slots MU's as well but that would take a while xD Although if I were to make it a pure MU army, the other three would be Swordmaster, Malig Knight, and Priestess (not sure on that last one).

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I'm trying to get a mostly-MU army the hard way and 6 of my 7 MU units are Falcon Knight, Witch (cause I couldn't get Sorcerer on this Hoshido file and I first wanted her to be a Dark Flier but then I felt like a Magic-based class was better), Paladin, Wyvern Lord, Spearmaster and Adventurer.

The 7th MU is a bowman but I can't decide which class (sans Priestess because it's a male) would fit since they all have their pros and cons for the character itself, but since I don't know much about PvP, I was hoping some of you could help me figure out which class would work best?

Might also make the remaining three slots MU's as well but that would take a while xD Although if I were to make it a pure MU army, the other three would be Swordmaster, Malig Knight, and Priestess (not sure on that last one).

If you can easily dispense (defeat) enemy Bow-users, then Kinshi Knight is a very good unit thanks to high mobility over any terrain and access to lances/naginatas. Either way you want to remove all enemies that carry weapons that do bonus damage to Dragons (obviously as Logbook Kamuis are still weak to those weapons regardless), Bows/Yumis and anyone with Excalibur (bonus damage to Flyers) and Hunter Knive's, Beast Killers/Slayers and units with Beastbane(bonus damage to mounted units not named Great Knights and Mechanists) from the map. Snipers (unless you are a user that has Point-Blank Shot) are ok but you'll lack the ability to counter 1-tile range threats on enemy phase, same goes for Adventurers. If you run Shining Bow (1-2 Range), then you're fine with most threats but you'll want quite a lot of Magic and Skill to surpass the damage gap that normal bows offer.

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Thanks for that. I was gonna include that I was hoping to make him a Shining Bow user but I don't know how well those do. I know stats matter a bit more than skills, but I don't exactly have any passives right now that would work aside from healing ones.

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If you don't intend to rely on attack skills like Rend Heaven and whatnot for damage output (you can't if you're running Shining Bow), there's stuff like Aggressor, Certain Blow, Death Blow, Bowfaire, etc.

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Do you have reasionable access to a shining bow? The only way to get a shining bow on a hoshido file is to accumulate around 800 battle points. (or randomly find one in the weapon dlc, but that goes without saying.)

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Oh no. I only mentioned the Hoshido Route because the Witch MU was on that. Wyvern Lord and Bow MU are from Conquest, Spearmaster and Witch are from Birthright, and Falcon Knight and Paladin from Revelation. They're all gonna go onto my Lunatic-Canon Revelations file.

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