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Have you gotten a Wyrmslayer from the Lottery building?


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Or better yet what's the best thing you remember getting?

Context: I'm kind of worried my Birthright file won't get one considering I didn't kill the guy that drops it.

P.S. Thanks for reading and we should make bond babies.

Edited by 6d9
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You can't get swords from the dawn lottery, only Katanas. Sorry to say but you're out of luck; you'll have to rely on the Dragon Spirit for your dragonslaying needs.

Edited by Ritisa
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You can't get swords from the dawn lottery, only Katanas. Sorry to say but you're out of luck; you'll have to rely on the Dragon Spirit for your dragonslaying needs.

Oh dear lord. Thank you for answering.

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Best thing I've gotten from the lottery was a stat booster, I think. I get a ton of Iron and Steel weapons, though, and of course resources. According to the main site, you can get effective weapons, including Wyrmslayers and Dragon Spirits in the lottery, but only on their respective routes. I believe I've gotten a Sting Shuriken before, but I'm not sure.

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Just wondering, but is there a way to manipulate the lottery so it has a higher chance of giving a jackpot prize, or at least a lower chance to get a consolation? Because I'm kinda sick of all these Iron weapons coming out...

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