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Effie's Walking Animation. Glitch?


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All of this started with a Miiverse post. I had noticed that I could talk to Effie from the other side of the screen when harvesting resources by simply interacting with the mine, rather than with her character sprite. I thought it was weird, so I made a Miiverse post about it. When I went back into the game I noticed something odd. As I walked away from the mine, Effie's sprite remained in its walking animation. Normally when harvesting resources, a character's sprite will enter their walking animation and turn to face you as you interact with them. Afterwards they would just return to their idle animation. However, Effie did not, as shown in the video. No matter how far away I walked from her or who else I spoke to in my castle, her walking animation simply wouldn't stop. I'm thinking it might be a glitch. Does anyone know anything about this?

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Prolly related to how the game renders, but that's pretty funny, and harmless.

Yeah, it is kinda funny, I suppose. I'm just curious to find out if anyone's had any experience with this glitch. Random question: Who is your favorite unit in Fates: Mine is Odin, as you can probably tell.

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Hard to decide between Selkie and Elise, but by pure character standards Elise wins because my goodness she's well written wow. But Selkie is super adorable and a flooflefox and a great unit.

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