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Few optimization question.


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How does stat growth work when leveling? I soft-resetted, but the same stat kept growing. (Playing on normal difficulty)

Can I just not buy skills through MyCastle? Do I have to plan out what's good for who and level/reclass accordingly?

What class and mothers the best for these children? Ophelia, Soliel, Nina, Rhajat, Selkie, Velouria and Sophie?

*I can probably figure out which class, but which mother is seriously tripping me out

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How does stat growth work when leveling? I soft-resetted, but the same stat kept growing. (Playing on normal difficulty)

It's been confirmed that the game will use the same RN string for resets if you're loading a Battle Save in Casual. If you're completely resetting the chapter, then you're just getting abnormally unlucky, because only Lunatic prevents save scumming.

Can I just not buy skills through MyCastle? Do I have to plan out what's good for who and level/reclass accordingly?

You can, but you have to find people with the appropriate skills. Generally speaking it's not worth hunting down a few key skills unless you know where to find them. Still, it's possible, so you don't necessarily have to fret skillsets when planning parentage.

As for optimal, that's hard to say. Some are good in a vacuum, or with unlimited resources, and others are better in context. For example, Elise!Ophelia is "ideal" in many people's eyes, but in Conquest, Felicia!Ophelia is easier to obtain while providing many of the same perks.

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Normal is my difficulty of choice when doing completely outlandish and crazy things. Like a mostly-generic run of Conquest (so that one wasn't my idea, but it was still hilarious).

The next question is optimizing for. . .what purpose? And is this your first run of Revelations?

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