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Who's the best wife for Takumi? I'm on Lunatic Classic on Revelations!


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Oboro is good, but will screw Takumi out of a potential class, so keep that in mind when pairing him.

Do you want a good Kiragi? Either choose Hana, Kagero, or Camilla. Mozu if you want him to be more balanced. Oboro is good if you either don't really want to focus on Takumi himself (he can still be awesome, without any overpowered skills) or are deeply invested in the pairing. Out of all of these, I'd say Camilla is the best Kiragi mom from gameplay perspective.

If it's just for Takumi himself, Rinkah makes a good wife, as she gives him +Speed and Defence during pair-up and access to Death Blow. She isn't that good for Kiragi though. Hana is still a pretty good choice here too, she also makes it so Takumi doesn't need to A+ Ryoma or Hinata for Astra and can instead look for other options.

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Do folks not consider buying skills through MyCastle battles legit? Or forging?

I wonder because so much of the advice here seems to ignore those options. I know that DLC is considered out of bounds for a "no-grind" game. This is an honest question. I'm pretty new to the community.

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For me, I'm not fond of "breeding" characters for OP children. I personally pair characters with characters I think are cute together. So my answer is, put him with anyone. I can't guarantee an OP Kiragi, but just go with who you think best fits Takumi.

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Do folks not consider buying skills through MyCastle battles legit? Or forging?

I wonder because so much of the advice here seems to ignore those options. I know that DLC is considered out of bounds for a "no-grind" game. This is an honest question. I'm pretty new to the community.

As all is fair in war, so is buying skills through MyCastle. As long as it's a skill people can normally access (meaning no Aptitude on non-Mozu first-gen units and Shigure).

For me, I'm not fond of "breeding" characters for OP children. I personally pair characters with characters I think are cute together. So my answer is, put him with anyone. I can't guarantee an OP Kiragi, but just go with who you think best fits Takumi.

Dunno. Odin (since he's you-know-who from Awakening) is around Elise's age, Xander's and Charlotte's supports are nice and the latter gives the right boosts to the former... if the stats and the supports are good, I guess the pairing's optimal. Although if you pair your Corn with Ophelia... I think Lissa will lose herself.

Edited by FluffyWarlock
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Do folks not consider buying skills through MyCastle battles legit? Or forging?

I wonder because so much of the advice here seems to ignore those options. I know that DLC is considered out of bounds for a "no-grind" game. This is an honest question. I'm pretty new to the community.

Well, I can't speak for everyone since I'm too busy ranting about the story to actually discuss the gameplay with anyone (and the whole being a foreign exchange student but shh, don't let people think I have a life), but I find buying skills boring. One of the things I love the most in Awakening and Fates is gathering skills and getting the best ones through some good ol' fashioned blood, sweat and tears; buying skills removes one of the core things I find enjoyable in two games, so I don't do it. I mean, what's the point of playing a single player game when you can buy your way to victory, more or less?

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Do folks not consider buying skills through MyCastle battles legit? Or forging?

I wonder because so much of the advice here seems to ignore those options. I know that DLC is considered out of bounds for a "no-grind" game. This is an honest question. I'm pretty new to the community.

As for forging, the way it works now discourages me from doing it since the money and resources needed to forge a weapon could be better used on other things imho (which is especially true of Conquest).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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