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Does Anybody still like Awakening more than Fates.

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And once again you butt in where you didn't need to.

My my, the hostility.

I'm free to defend the forum reputation from you implying that we are not accepting of people's opinions.

I did rectify most of my mistakes by mentioning that it was AUD (which you ignored by the way) in my original post. Don't try pulling crap please.

Did you?

Original post:

I fail to see how you can say that. You do realise that unless you had the 150+ dollars for the special edition PRE ORDER (which wasn't even worth that much even with the art book etc) and the 20+ dollars for DLC all you have left is two incomplete games that focused soley on gameplay and not characters/story, if at all, now if they had more to the stories of Birthright and Conquest with Revelation adding a little bit, I for one wouldn't have minded that much and might have actually enjoyed the games more. That said I still have some work to do in Awakening so there is that for me.

$150? Where do you get your numbers from? I got mine for $80. And most of the DLC is just fluff, the only story-based ones being Hidden Truths and Not!Future Past, so your numbers are a little off there too.

And my entire point was that I didn't care one bit for either game's story so the rest of your post I'll just chalk up to differences in what we prioritize in qualifying a game as good or bad.

Also, three games. Not two. Special Edition nets you Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation.

It's been six months and I'm still not done with my first playthrough of all the routes and I'm itching to do a second playthrough of Conquest once I'm done with summer classes so I'd say I definitely got my money's worth.

To this day, that post has not received an edit. That's why you confused someone else as well.

Nor was the point you mentioning your country of origin. The point was the value you placed on the special edition as criticism.

MSRP was 99. Raised to 120. You criticized it for being 150.

Which isn't the fault of the developers, but of the stores in your country.

All I'm saying is the following:

*The forum is not "oversensitive" to people having differing opinions as you implied.


* The reason people give you crap is your reasoning behind your opinions against Fates is flawed. As illustrated above.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Didn't notice that current location is listed as AUS? Wouldn't anyone with half a brain actually go "AUS? Oh she probably means Australia, maybe I should ask her over PM to be on the safe side."

And that you are getting involved in crap that again doesn't concern you is really grating. You've done it enough times that quite frankly I am sick of trying to bother being poilte to you anymore. I specifically said if anyone had issues to PM me. So really the only person who is currently at fault is you.


If you still have a problem then PM me, don't derail the thread and waste everyone's time.

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Didn't notice that current location is listed as AUS? Wouldn't anyone with half a brain actually go "AUS? Oh she probably means Australia, maybe I should ask her over PM to be on the safe side."

And that you are getting involved in crap that again doesn't concern you is really grating. You've done it enough times that quite frankly I am sick of trying to bother being poilte to you anymore. I specifically said if anyone had issues to PM me. So really the only person who is currently at fault is you.



and Aus is not even a proper way to abbreviate your country, so no one would have recognized it as such

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Didn't notice that current location is listed as AUS? Wouldn't anyone with half a brain actually go "AUS? Oh she probably means Australia, maybe I should ask her over PM to be on the safe side."

And that you are getting involved in crap that again doesn't concern you is really grating. You've done it enough times that quite frankly I am sick of trying to bother being poilte to you anymore. I specifically said if anyone had issues to PM me. So really the only person who is currently at fault is you.

Looking at the official Australian purchase page for the game...

You were definitely ripped off. They're $26 for each alt route and $60 for the initial purchase. Which adds up to around AU$112.

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and Aus is not even a proper way to abbreviate your country, so no one would have recognized it as such


Then, not than. And I derped out on the abbrevation front because I could...

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Then, not than. And I derped out on the abbrevation front because I could...

And how does that justify your insults to me of having half a brain, how again?

I wasn't the one confused there, you confused others. Which I quoted.

Do you not see others defending my posts?

The point is, you got ripped off. Not that it was in AUD.

I am free to post in this forum.

I've been around the Awakening section and others.

I am a contributing member of this community.

You have no right to say "it doesn't involve you" when it's a public forum.

Especially when you imply that we aren't an accepting community of people's opinions.

I've seen people like you come and go. They usually go because they can't take being criticized by other members of the forum.

And for the record, you weren't known for being polite:

I am sick of trying to bother being poilte to you anymore.

Polite, eh?

This was your first response to someone nitpicking that Conquest not having grinding was a design choice.

if you elitists were going to be so damn stupid about it and put words into my mouth that were never there or implications that you want to be there when there is none.

That was like... 3 or 4 people nitpicking at it since you couldn't give an adequate reason for Conquest being bad other than "it doesn't justify the lack of grinding".

You repeated it over and over.

With no concept of game design whatsoever.

They're defending Fates from an unfair, unjustified opinion.

Which is what I'm doing when I do post here.

I have entirely no problems with a coherent, reasonable opinion criticizing Fates like the one before you said "stop butting in".

The second you stop with the ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies, is the second you're going to get along with members of this forum.

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When you live in a country town you will understand the struggle of getting ANY games and not having good internet. And having DLC region locked so it couldn't be used WHEN you bought it was low. At least the special edition allowed you to play Revelation instead of forcing you to wait for it like the other DLC pack.

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When you live in a country town you will understand the struggle of getting ANY games and not having good internet. And having DLC region locked so it couldn't be used WHEN you bought it was low. At least the special edition allowed you to play Revelation instead of forcing you to wait for it like the other DLC pack.

...Er, what exactly do you mean by region-locking the DLC? The way you phrased it, it sounds like you bought something off another region's e-shop (NA? Japan?) then couldn't play it on an Austrailian copy of the game. The 3DS is region locked entirely without hacking so I don't think that's possible.

(also, Rey, did you mean "note" instead of "not" in the first line after you quoted my post?)

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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(also, Rey, did you mean "note" instead of "not" in the first line after you quoted my post?)

No, I meant it as in the entire point of the nitpick was "The value was your fault for getting ripped off, not the developers" rather than stressing the importance of the type of currency.



When you live in a country town you will understand the struggle of getting ANY games and not having good internet.

That's presumptuous of you.

I work in the city, but I've lived in the country.

The desert even.

I also have not been in the United States all of my life.

So, what does dragging your personal life in here have to do with the topic?

And having DLC region locked so it couldn't be used WHEN you bought it was low. At least the special edition allowed you to play Revelation instead of forcing you to wait for it like the other DLC pack.

You need to clarify this point. You just confused another poster.

Because if you mean locking the DLC until the "pack" was released, Awakening did this too.

If you mean Revelations, that was because they're mimicking the Japanese release, which had to wait for the 3rd route as well.

If you mean the DLC the Japanese already have, that requires localization time.

Expecting DLC "here and now" is pretty entitled.

Special Edition only got the third route early on cart was because they added that in as the extra perk to match the Japanese "pre-pay".

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...Er, what exactly do you mean by region-locking the DLC? The way you phrased it, it sounds like you bought something off another region's e-shop (NA? Japan?) then couldn't play it on an Austrailian copy of the game. Which, the 3DS is region locked entirely without hacking so I don't think that's possible.

(also, Rey, did you mean "note" instead of "not" in the first line after you quoted my post?)

I had the aus version but because the DLC wasn't "released" in my region I couldn't play it. It's like pre-ordering the DLC I suppose.

Also because someone decided that I "fling" insults. I don't. I wasn't trying to but there are some things that are better left out of the public eye because the ridicule isn't worth the hassle.

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I had the aus version but because the DLC wasn't "released" in my region I couldn't play it. It's like pre-ordering the DLC I suppose.

Every region did that.

It *WAS* a pre-order.

Also because someone decided that I "fling" insults. I don't. I wasn't trying to but there are some things that are better left out of the public eye because the ridicule isn't worth the hassle.

Dragging PM content into a public post is pretty much very well centered in "jerkish" territory.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Every region did that.

It *WAS* a pre-order.

Dragging PM content into a public post is pretty much very well centered in "jerkish" territory.

Says the person who doesn't wish to sort things out quietly. I had hoped that a prviate discussion could iron out problems because usually that's all that's needed, especially when it's me (I love typos...not). However you made the the choice to not take that route so here we are arguing in the forum like a pair of children when we're supposed to be adults apparently.

And I wasn't made aware when I got the game that the DLC was pre-order DLC. Especially considering I was trying to avoid too much spoilers for Fates at that time.

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Says the person who doesn't wish to sort things out quietly. I had hoped that a prviate discussion could iron out problems because usually that's all that's needed. However you made the the choice to not take that route so here we are.

You must have misunderstood the PM.

It stated the following:

I have no wish to discuss anything with you in private because there is no moderation.

The minute you misunderstand me, you will inadvertently get emotional.

This was not a statement to continue it in this thread. In fact, both of us could get warned for the drama.

My statement is that bringing private statements into a public post is that either of us could manipulate what is quoted into a "he said, she said" manner, in which no one can prove who said what.

Moving on, everyone had that "pre-order" page.

So, how is this a point against Fates, again?

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You must have misunderstood the PM.

It stated the following:

I have no wish to discuss anything with you in private because there is no moderation.

The minute you misunderstand me, you will inadvertently get emotional.

This was not a statement to continue it in this thread. In fact, both of us could get warned for the drama.

My statement is that bringing private statements into a public post is that either of us could manipulate what is quoted into a "he said, she said" manner, in which no one can prove who said what.

Moving on, everyone had that "pre-order" page.

So, how is this a point against Fates, again?

Which goes to show how little you know me. I don't ever do "he said", "she said". NEVER. So perhaps you should allow my words to stand, that we agree to disagree on some things.

Also given that I haven't had to pre-order DLC before I'd say it's a point against Awakening and Fates' collectively. Especially since most games that I have bought had the DLC ready to go or didn't ask for payments until the DLC was offically released so that all you had to do was download it and play to my knowledge. I could be wrong, but I'm not as up to date about games as I would like.

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Which goes to show how little you know me. I don't ever do "he said", "she said". NEVER.

...how is this even related to you?

How are you even taking this personally?

It was a statement about why taking PM content into a public post (which you just did) is bad.

So perhaps you should allow my words to stand, that we agree to disagree on some things.

Yes, and I can say without a doubt that your reasons were bad for many of those opinions because they couldn't be logically justified.

There are not many instances by which you can do that.

For Example:

You think Fates is bad for many reasons.

One of those many reasons is you dislike it because you had an accident that was no fault of the game's.

The opinion that Fates is bad due to your mishap is factually bad.

You think Fates is bad for the bad price tag of $150 for all three games.

The opinion that Fates is bad due to that is factually bad because your purchase price was due to your own negligence and not being aware of the actual price tag of the game.

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No, I meant it as in the entire point of the nitpick was "The value was your fault for getting ripped off, not the developers" rather than stressing the importance of the type of currency.

Ah I see, the way you worded it, it looked like a typo meaning "This post used the Australian prices with the Australian currency as reference."

I had the aus version but because the DLC wasn't "released" in my region I couldn't play it. It's like pre-ordering the DLC I suppose.

Also because someone decided that I "fling" insults. I don't. I wasn't trying to but there are some things that are better left out of the public eye because the ridicule isn't worth the hassle.

...That is completely unrelated to what region-lock actually means.

Region lock is when, if I take a Japanese cart of, say... the 3DS version of DQVII, and put it into my NA 3DS and the 3DS refuses to play it.

Preordering DLC, while a rather stupid practice imo, has not anything to do with region lock and is present even in the Japanese version of the game.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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...how is this even related to you?

How are you even taking this personally?

It was a statement about why taking PM content into a public post (which you just did) is bad.

Yes, and I can say without a doubt that your reasons were bad for many of those opinions because they couldn't be logically justified.

There are not many instances by which you can do that.

For Example:

You think Fates is bad for many reasons.

One of those many reasons is you dislike it because you had an accident that was no fault of the game's.

The opinion that Fates is bad due to your mishap is factually bad.

You think Fates is bad for the bad price tag of $150 for all three games.

The opinion that Fates is bad due to that is factually bad because your purchase price was due to your own negligence and not being aware of the actual price tag of the game.

I'll assume that we all forgot that while I was stating that I didn't like Fates I was able to admire it just as much. I did my research and found that at the time it would have been as much as $200 AUD+ from the game store because they didn't even have the game in stock at that time that I did the pre-order. Usually they lower it down and you might get an extra game or have that amount added to another game. I don't think anyone can rant calmly, even the best of us still have trouble with it.

Even so I am human, you are human. We make mistakes and thus shouldn't be so judgemental, I don't take things personally...at least not some things. What I do take personally is someone who makes me lose any respect that I had for them by their own actions. For example taking the time to respond to a PM but then in the same token make it so that the other person can not respond to you properly and perhaps help clear things up with you in a manner that isn't akin to being like a child. I'm pretty sure that the mods have better things to do with their time then sorting out people that don't wish to get along with one person actually tying to talk out the problem and the other compounding it with every chance that they get.

Ah I see, the way you worded it, it looked like a typo meaning "This post used the Australian prices with the Australian currency as reference."

...That is completely unrelated to what region-lock actually means.

Region lock is when, if I take a Japanese cart of, say... the 3DS version of DQVII, and put it into my NA 3DS and the 3DS refuses to play it.

Preordering DLC, while a rather stupid practice imo, is not anything to do with region lock and is present even in the Japanese version of the game.

Ah, I see, I guess we have a way forward then.

While I don't mind pre-ordering things sometimes it's more hastle than it's worth. That could be said for any game and not just Fates.

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I'll assume that we all forgot that while I was stating that I didn't like Fates I was able to admire it just as much.

Your posts imply otherwise of your opinion of Fates.

I did my research and found that at the time it would have been as much as $200 AUD+ from the game store because they didn't even have the game in stock at that time that I did the pre-order. Usually they lower it down and you might get an extra game or have that amount added to another game. I don't think anyone can rant calmly, even the best of us still have trouble with it.

Source? Unless you can provide a link or something, and it's reliable, Nintendo's Australian Fates site will remain the most reliable source on the price tag, and it says ~112 Australian dollars for all three versions.

For example taking the time to respond to a PM but then in the same token make it so that the other person can not respond to you properly and perhaps help clear things up with you in a manner that isn't akin to being like a child. I'm pretty sure that the mods have better things to do with their time then sorting out people that don't wish to get along with one person actually tying to talk out the problem and the other compounding it with every chance that they get.

I'm just going to say having a conversation between people with some form of animosity between them without a mod/third party present to prevent any form of escalation is incredibly risky. I've had to be a third party to keep people calm multiple times, and have seen logs of conversation escalation without one (for the sake of the privacy of the individuals in question, these won't be shard here).
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Your posts imply otherwise of your opinion of Fates.

Source? Unless you can provide a link or something, and it's reliable, Nintendo's Australian Fates site will remain the most reliable source on the price tag, and it says ~112 Australian dollars for all three versions.

I'm just going to say having a conversation between people with some form of animosity between them without a mod/third party present to prevent any form of escalation is incredibly risky. I've had to be a third party to keep people calm multiple times, and have seen logs of conversation escalation without one (for the sake of the privacy of the individuals in question, these won't be shard here).

Well it was a while ago on EB Games (which ironically enough is the only game store in town for me) and they quoted 200+ AUD, that has since changed because Fates has been released as well as dropping as the release date came closer.

Yeah it can be a risk, but it was how I sorted out an issue with someone else previously, but I can see where it can go wrong.

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I guess Glaceon said what I was going to.

A thing Birthright Lunatic reminded me of a few days ago was of Awakening's "Throw people at you" Lunatic mode difficulty. In a no grind context, it's pretty crappy design.

One thing I will readily admit that Fates did better in Conquest. How do the rest of you feel with the difficulty in Fates in regards to low-manning?

I feel like you actually had to think about the units you were low-manning with, or that EXP distribution was better with the level formula.

Even on no-grind Lunatic Rev, I was able to catch Rinka up despite the cappy join balance.

I don't recall ever being able to pull that crap with someone like Ricken in Awakening.

Well it was a while ago on EB Games (which ironically enough is the only game store in town for me) and they quoted 200+ AUD, that has since changed because Fates has been released as well as dropping as the release date came closer.

EB games Australia had the pre-order for $99 online and $120 on release date. So we come back to your criticism being the fault of capitalism, not the devs.

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Well it was a while ago on EB Games (which ironically enough is the only game store in town for me) and they quoted 200+ AUD, that has since changed because Fates has been released as well as dropping as the release date came closer.

Yeah it can be a risk, but it was how I sorted out an issue with someone else previously, but I can see where it can go wrong.

Sounds like your game store is rather scalpy, as your store is charging way more than Nintendo is.

Also since I haven't actually responded to the thread title question: I have no means of knowing for sure since I don't plan on buying Fates as a result of my very low opinion of Awakening, I will admit from watching LP's Conquest seems very one step forward two steps back. Conquest is probably superior as a game but a lot of what the characters did was really dumb and the character designs somehow managed to get worse.

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but a lot of what the characters did was really dumb and the character designs somehow managed to get worse.

The story is garbage compared to the premise they showed in the January trailer. "Revolution from within".

However, Lunatic Conquest had been the best FE gameplay I have ever experienced by far. The skills are so finely tuned that they feel so difficult, but fair.

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The story is garbage compared to the premise they showed in the January trailer. "Revolution from within".

However, Lunatic Conquest had been the best FE gameplay I have ever experienced by far. The skills are so finely tuned that they feel so difficult, but fair.

Yeah, I noticed as much. While the gameplay does look legitimately fantastic and I wouldn't mind playing it just for that, I have other games I need to save my money for (either Sun or Moon, and the 3DS version of DQVIII, on top of any potential US releases of Terry's Wonderland 3D, Dragon Quest X, and Dragon Quest XI if SE is telling the truth about the series this time).
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I'm not sure if I said this before but Corrin/Kamui is the worst player character compared to Robin. I'm sure that's been said before and by others...

Anyway to me at least, Robin has the least player worship; better customization (in some cases and even if Robin can't be fully customisable, you can still make your own avatar using them as a base which is what I did ironically enough) and doesn't have to be in every chapter if you don't want them to. Of course they're not entirely perfect and could have done with even less character worship then what we saw in Awakening and some better supports (Chrom and F!Robin, Lon'qu and F!Robin come to mind for the english version at least).

Corrin however ruins everything Robin set out to achieve and then some. The amount of player worship is too much and I would have rathered a second Robin...not...whatever Kamui is because it ain't Robin.

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