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Some opinions needed for Arthur and Azura


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So I started doing my Lunatic/Classic run of the game, starting with Birthright and am late-game at this point (chapter 24). I've been doing a lot of planning for my Lunatic Revelations and Conquest runs and decided to use Arthur in both playthroughs. I kind of have a thing where if I use a character again I go with a different end class to mix things up, and so I want to use Berserker and Hero. Question is....which playthrough would be better for either class. Even tho I've beaten Conquest on Hard/Classic, I'm sure Lunatic is on a whole another level, so the risky play of Berserker Arthur might not be the best choice but his crazy damage might still be worth it..... Another thing to consider is that I plan to marry him to Beruka in Conquest and Azura in Revelations (I love both of their supports), tho I only plan to use Percy in Conquest. Which leads me to my next question....

I plan to use an offensive end class for Azura in Revelations (doing a lot of crazy stuff in Revelations like Dragonstone Corrin ;p). And I have no idea what would work best for her. I've considered classes like War Priestess or Dark Flier but since I've never really experimented with her outside the Songstress class....I'm kind of skeptical on the best option.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

Edited by crazy_man
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I'm assuming you're doing no grind runs and not buying logbook skills? Arthur can be a total monster with the right skills, but with only his base class skill pool accessible, he can be pretty risky to use. If you want to go Berserker and Hero, I'd recommend Berserker for Conquest and Hero for Revelations. Going Berserker in Conquest will allow you to pass down strength rally to Percy, and the kid will get also get defense rally through either Beruka or his natural class, making him a fantastic support unit. Percy's personal skill helps ward off crits which will help Arthur's terrible dodge as a Berserker. I would just make sure you have an E-rank weapon handy for Arthur in case you just need him to do some emergency damage and not take a crit, and have a dual club handy as well because I'm sure you know that Berserkers don't have the best hit rates, and being in a weapon triangle disadvantage sucks for them.

I've been using Arthur as a Hero in Revelations, and it's been working out great so far, but I guess I can't really say anything because my Arthur is broken, lol.

As for Azura, my opinion probably isn't very valid because I usually just keep her as a songstress, but I would personally put her as a class that could make use of her great strength growth without forcing her to be on the front lines too much thanks to that terrible defense stat... War Priestess and Dark Flier don't help her patch up her terrible defense at all, but I'm sure you'd get an awesome mage killer with either class, though I'm not sure how reliable having a 40% magic growth as a Dark Flier would be. I'd probably go War Priestess, as then you could use both standard and shining bows pretty well, and with her speed stat, she'd probably double everything.

Just my two cents. Anyone feel free to correct me on anything... "Well! That was a spirited discussion! I'm sorry that you're totally wrong about everything."

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I think that, for an offensively-oriented Azura, you'd probably be best off going into a bow class since her durability is too low to go melee effectively. She has access to Kinshi Knight natively, can get Priestess through Sakura so those are some fairly reasonable options.

Alternatively there is going GK or General depending how much you like movement, I don't think she'll ever be tanky, but that seems like the most durable option for her if you want melee and it does let her keep lances. I don't have the averages calculator on this computer, though. I'd probably go GK rather than General to strike a better balance between her speed and having more positioning flexibility, if you were to go for a melee option.

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I tend to reclass Azura as great lord and she ends up being a crit goddess for me she is one of my go to picks for end game with a bit of leveling plus she learns Aether which she triggers the most of any of my units that have it. I have not used Arthur much, but make Azura a great lord.

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I can't help on Azura, but personally, I'd consider having Arthur as a Great Knight over Berserker.

Hmm something I didn't consider. Would be a lot less risky.


Also Great Lord Azura actually sounds really interesting.

Edited by crazy_man
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