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President Kimishima on Fire Emblem Mobile


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This notion that IS is ignoring most of the series is just silly. Cipher has already expanded to every continent except for Magvel and Valentia.

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This notion that IS is ignoring most of the series is just silly. Cipher has already expanded to every continent except for Magvel and Valentia.

And Ike and Roy in smash, the concert anniversary having songs from every game.

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This notion that IS is ignoring most of the series is just silly. Cipher has already expanded to every continent except for Magvel and Valentia.

I think the next set will be FE 7 +10

and the final first set will feature Sacred Stanes and Gaiden just because how simmilar they are to eachother

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This notion that IS is ignoring most of the series is just silly. Cipher has already expanded to every continent except for Magvel and Valentia.

Of all the things they could've done, they shoehorned Awakening connections into Fates.

Their character choices for the "crossover" explicitly involved ignoring everything non-Akaneia.

Yes, Cipher includes most of the series now but (a) it's Japanese exclusive and (b) it's a card game; of course a card game would use older characters that are ripe for the picking. Even then, Fates and Akaneia have entire sets dedicated to themselves and even more, with Fates forcing the 3rd set to be split between it and Tellius (which has another half-set in Set 4, with Elibe making up the other half), and Set 5 is TMS#FE mixed with Akaneia- basically Akaneia with trippy re-imagined Akaneia.

So, yeah. I think it's fairly clear where IS's priorities lay.

And Ike and Roy in smash, the concert anniversary having songs from every game.

They originally wanted Leif because Thracia 776 was the most recent game at the time; Sakurai, however, chose Roy. The details on Ike's inclusion aren't known, but we do know that IS pushed Lucina over Robin and Corrin was entirely Sakurai's own doing.

TL;DR it seems character choice for the series mostly falls to Sakurai.

So they mention the long-term fans. Does that mean they're finally going to acknowledge games other than Archanea and Awakening again?

One can wish.

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None of that negates the fact that IS still pays tribute to the whole series. Of course more popular content will get a bigger spotlight, whinging about it just makes you look entitled.

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we do know that IS pushed Lucina over Robin

Hang on, utterly offtopic, but really?

And it's not like they actively ignore the other parts of the series, seeing as they get featured in Cipher, had characters on the cover of the 25th anniversary book, it's just that Akaneia/Awakening are more popular, and thus get used more often than the other games.

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None of that negates the fact that IS still pays tribute to the whole series. Of course more popular content will get a bigger spotlight, whinging about it just makes you look entitled.

Hang on, utterly offtopic, but really?

And it's not like they actively ignore the other parts of the series, seeing as they get featured in Cipher, had characters on the cover of the 25th anniversary book, it's just that Akaneia/Awakening are more popular, and thus get used more often than the other games.

I never said that they don't pay tribute to the whole series; my point is that said tribute is anything but equal. The actual games themselves (what we, those who don't import, get) are by and large focused on Akaneia fanservice.

I'm not "complaining", per se; just laying down the facts and expressing why I think it's fine for people to be a little miffed at things. I wouldn't say BookBro was "whining" at all.

Shotguner159: I swear I read it in an interview as a direct quote from Sakurai. However, a cursory google search turned up nothing. I'll comment on your profile when/if I find the exact source.

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I never said that they don't pay tribute to the whole series; my point is that said tribute is anything but equal.

It doesn't have to be.

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those are the best games though

if they do reference other games I hope it means Jugdral and maybe Magvel because I'd rather not see Tellius and Elibe everywhere ever again

No, they're not to some fans. They're some of the worst to some people. Your opinions are not fact, and I'm getting tired of you treating them as such. And when were Tellius and Elibe ever "everywhere?" A lot of us are tired of Awakening and Archanea, which have definitely been f-ing everywhere.

Not saying I don't agree that Jugdral and Magvel should get more attention, I think them, Tellius, AND Elibe all deserve more attention.

I hope the mention of older fans means this will happen.

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Honestly I share Book Bro's sentiment.

I loathe 13, FE11 was mediocre at best, never got far enough in 12 to make a judgement.

Quite frankly when SMTxFE fully ignored anything not from Akaneia or Awakening I was annoyed (that was only compounded when Tharja was announced as Kiria's mirage), especially when the first hastily made teaser from waaaaaaaaay back when showed characters from throughout the series from 6-13 (excluding 2, 4, and 5 was weird though), and there was potential for it to be significantly less biased towards those entries.

Tbh if the mobile game axes anything not FE11/12/13/14 related despite claiming to try and reach out to older fans, I'd probably wouldn't be fond of the idea.

I want Elibe. I want Tellius. I want Jugdral and Magvel. Honestly, I realize I can't make IS focus on things that don't get them money or whatever, but as a fan I feel like the sentiment is justified. People can mourn for things they like if they don't like the change of direction.

Edit: Ana ninja'd me but I'm going to say I agree with her post.

Which doesn't happen often.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Honestly I share Book Bro's sentiment.

I loathe 13, FE11 was mediocre at best, never got far enough in 12 to make a judgement.

Quite frankly when SMTxFE fully ignored anything not from Akaneia or Awakening I was annoyed (that was only compounded when Tharja was announced as Kiria's mirage), especially when the first hastily made teaser from waaaaaaaaay back when showed characters from throughout the series from 6-13 (excluding 2, 4, and 5 was weird though), and there was potential for it to be significantly less biased towards those entries.

Tbh if the mobile game axes anything not FE11/12/13/14 related despite claiming to try and reach out to older fans, I'd probably wouldn't be fond of the idea.

I want Elibe. I want Tellius. I want Jugdral and Magvel. Honestly, I realize I can't make IS focus on things that don't get them money or whatever, but as a fan I feel like the sentiment is justified. People can mourn for things they like if they don't like the change of direction.

I generally agree with your post (despite the obvious SD bit), though I think some of the language used ("loathe", "mourn") is a bit too strong.

I like equal representation in general when it comes to a series; I'm not thrilled with the Pokemon Company's Genwunner pandering, what with the sheer amount of Gen 1 throwbacks in X and Y along with Gen 5 (my favorite) kinda getting thrown under the bus. Despite having no real experience with the Final Fantasy series, I agree with that fandom's general opinion of there being too much FF7 bias- yet I also defend Lightning's inclusion in Dissidia because she's the main character of a numbered Final Fantasy game. I dislike the inclusion of Lucina/Dark Pit/Dr. Mario in Smash and think the DK series could use another character.

I could go on but I think people get my point.

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No, they're not to some fans. They're some of the worst to some people. Your opinions are not fact, and I'm getting tired of you treating them as such. And when were Tellius and Elibe ever "everywhere?" A lot of us are tired of Awakening and Archanea, which have definitely been f-ing everywhere.

Not saying I don't agree that Jugdral and Magvel should get more attention, I think them, Tellius, AND Elibe all deserve more attention.

I hope the mention of older fans means this will happen.

Tellius got a character in Smash Bros., nearly every trophy in Brawl & Smash U are from the Tellius games, Tellius got more DLC characters in Awakening than every other continent except Archanea, and it got a fan service character in the form of Priam. There is cause for fans of Valentia and even Jugdral to be disappointed with their share of representation, but Tellius fans have been well served.

The problem that nobody seems willing to address with Valentia, Jugdral, and even Elibe to an extent is that a lot of their fans have simply moved on over time. Teenagers who played FE4 now have careers and their own families, and simply don't have gaming as part of their lives. That's natural and to be expected, but it also means that there is no sense in pandering to an audience that simply doesn't exist anymore.

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I generally agree with your post (despite the obvious SD bit), though I think some of the language used ("loathe", "mourn") is a bit too strong.

I like equal representation in general when it comes to a series; I'm not thrilled with the Pokemon Company's Genwunner pandering, what with the sheer amount of Gen 1 throwbacks in X and Y along with Gen 5 (my favorite) kinda getting thrown under the bus. Despite having no real experience with the Final Fantasy series, I agree with that fandom's general opinion of there being too much FF7 bias- yet I also defend Lightning's inclusion in Dissidia because she's the main character of a numbered Final Fantasy game. I dislike the inclusion of Lucina/Dark Pit/Dr. Mario in Smash and think the DK series could use another character.

I could go on but I think people get my point.

Tbh I just really despise FE13 and I guess the language was part of it. Sorry about that.

Same, it's kinda like how the first DQH game left out DQVII (and only VII, the first three games have some of their bosses show up, 4-6 and 8 had playables, I forget what they did with 9-10 but I think it was more bosses) for no real reason. DQVII being one of my favorites, I naturally felt it was kinda unfair. At least DQHII adds Maribel and Gabo/Ruff, but I feel the situation DQ7 landed in for DQHI was kinda similar to what the Valencia, Jugdral, Elibe, and Magvel FE games have right now. Just... getting kinda cast aside.

...Though I guess it's kinda different considering DQ7's Japanese sales figures.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I don't get why people get so riled up over any sort of criticism. All I'm saying is I hope FE Mobile has a wider selection of characters, based on their description of the project. When you have Smash Bros, #FE, and third-party cameos all favouring 3 games in a 14 game series, I think that's a fair sentiment to have.

Also that would mean older lords drawn by Kozaki, which would be awesome judging from his Marth and Ike in Fates.

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Tellius got a character in Smash Bros., nearly every trophy in Brawl & Smash U are from the Tellius games, Tellius got more DLC characters in Awakening than every other continent except Archanea, and it got a fan service character in the form of Priam. There is cause for fans of Valentia and even Jugdral to be disappointed with their share of representation, but Tellius fans have been well served.

The problem that nobody seems willing to address with Valentia, Jugdral, and even Elibe to an extent is that a lot of their fans have simply moved on over time. Teenagers who played FE4 now have careers and their own families, and simply don't have gaming as part of their lives. That's natural and to be expected, but it also means that there is no sense in pandering to an audience that simply doesn't exist anymore.

Yeah, but when you compare that to how much attention Archanea and Awakening have had lately, you can't call that "everywhere." Tellius fans have not been nearly as well served as fans of those games.

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Yeah, but when you compare that to how much attention Archanea and Awakening have had lately, you can't call that "everywhere." Tellius fans have not been nearly as well served as fans of those games.

Tellius fans are a small minority of FE fans. If anything it has been over represented compared to other continents.

Total domestic sales of each continent.

Archanea - 1,612,000

Hoshido/Nohr - 780,000

Jugdral - 660,000

Elibe - 613,000

Ylisse - 465,000

Valentia - 325,000

Tellius - 320,000

Magvel - 247,000

Reduced to sales from the last 11 years, and Tellius falls to the bottom. Tellius fans have made out like bandits compared to their peers.

Edited by Hardin
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Sales =/= the size of the fanbase, dude. And this is totally beside the point. The point is that Archanea and Awakening have been getting A LOT more attention than any other FE game which is not fair.

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While I would agree that it has overrepresentation compared to the other settings, at the same time that does not mean that it's a hardcoded rule that they all have to have equal representation in everything. Don't know if the phrase "equality does not equal justice" would apply here, but I would agree that regardless of it, the other settings do would benefit with having more spotlight shine on them.

And unless this mobile game isn't using a completely new one, or it's going to have ties with the past ones regardless, I'd say this is a good chance as any.

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Valentia; Jugdral; and Magvel have been way under represented. Archanea and Ylisse are over represented, and Hoshido/Byakuya and Nohr/Anya) will be as well. Just because those games sold a ton.

Fire Emblem is still very much a japanese centric focused series. Blazing Sword is just another game there unlike it being the holy grail in the states, where FE3 holds that role for many Japanese fans (along with FE4; notice they played up Jugdral a ton in the recent Cipher announcement video compared to the announcement of Binding Blade in their respective videos)

Valentia and Jugdral are also very much hurt by the Kaga issue, where I think Tellius is clearly considered a work that their proud of, so it gets alot more love than the GBA games.

Hardain: I'm usually lockstep with your opinions on this topic, but the fanbase also does have a significant older base (which Cipher takes advantage of); and the Archanea love is from Mystery of the Emblem (Cipher Sleeves from Set 4 specifically represent MoE and not NMoe) and not Shadow Dragon/NMOE. Intelligent Systems isn't stupid, they know what their fanbase is.

Edited by Draxal
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Sales =/= the size of the fanbase, dude. And this is totally beside the point. The point is that Archanea and Awakening have been getting A LOT more attention than any other FE game which is not fair.

In the eyes of IS and Nintendo however, sales DO = the size of the fanbase.

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Sales =/= the size of the fanbase, dude. And this is totally beside the point. The point is that Archanea and Awakening have been getting A LOT more attention than any other FE game which is not fair.

Who are these fans that never purchased the games? Are they ghosts, or are they just invisible men?

How is it fair for less successful games to be given as much attention as the heavy hitters? Is it unfair that NCL decided to invest in Zelda, while it's less successful sister game Murasame's Mysterious Castle is left nearly forgotten? Would it be fair for AlphaDream to make a Tomato Adventure 2 instead of a new Mario & Luigi? Would it be fair for IS to put FE on hold and invest into making Code Name STEAM a major franchise?

Hardain: I'm usually lockstep with your opinions on this topic, but the fanbase also does have a significant older base (which Cipher takes advantage of); and the Archanea love is from Mystery of the Emblem (Cipher Sleeves from Set 4 specifically represent MoE and not NMoe) and not Shadow Dragon/NMOE. Intelligent Systems isn't stupid, they know what their fanbase is.

I don't think it's that simple, sure there are some remaining fans from the old games, but you don't simply go from FE3 numbers to FE9 numbers if your fanbase is sticking around. If we were to say for the sake of argument that everyone who bought FE9 also bought FE3, that still leaves roughly 80% of FE3 players missing; and let's be real, if those guys weren't playing FE in 2005, they're not playing in 2016.

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Allowing Valencia/Jugdral/Elibe/Magvel/Tellius to get more spotlight =/= completely ignoring Archanea and FE13/14.

No one expects those games to get shafted, nor do I personally want them to be as much as I hate FE13 as that would be unfair to the fans of them, but people are still free to want others to get some attention too.

People can find the representation unequal and have opinions about it.

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