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More Revelation Pairings - What do you think? Criticism? Comment? Suggestion?


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I've started another file, but I'm only on Ch. 8 and no pairings are actually set in stone yet.

I don't have the DLC and don't visit other people's MyCastles (I have bad wifi at the moment) and I'm opposed to buying skills in my own files because I like having to consider the pros and cons of skill access and buying skills would take away this thought exercise that I enjoy.

In many cases, I've tried to have pairings that benefit both the parents and the child, instead of being purely child-centric, although some pairings will be tilted more in the favor of one than the other. I have also made an allowance for having my avatar marry the spouse of my choice and carry the boon/bane/talent of my personal taste regardless. I've also tried to go for pairings that also have decent supports behind them where possible (trying to strike a compromise where its both reasonable for class/skill access AND the support is nice), although this isn't always possible.

So this is what I have in the preliminary plan. What do you think?

1st gen x 1st gen and Avatar x 2nd gen pairings:

1. +MAG/-LCK Mage Talent (Dark Mage) Male Avatar/"Corrin" x Hinoka!Caeldori. Corrin can get A+ with any males in the game. Caeldori A+ w/Sophie.

2. Azura x Kaze. Azura A+ w/Elise or Sakura. Kaze A+ with Silas or Xander.

3. Jakob x Kagero. Undecided on A+ options.

4. Silas x Camila. Silas A+ with Ryoma for Swordfaire. Camilla A+ with Beruka for Axefaire.

5. Ryoma x Rinkah. Ryoma A+ with Silas/Xander. Rinkah A+ with Charlotte.

6. Saizo x Felicia. Undecided on A+ supports.

7. Azama x Orochi. A+ Undecided…. but maybe Subaki with Azama and Nyx (Sorcerer) or Rinkah (Oni Chieftan) with Orochi.

[Yes, I know this is an inefficient use of mods, but it does give a 50% personal magic Mitama (tied with Sakura), who I can use as an Onmyoji, it does let Azama get Rend Heaven, and it does let me take care of Orochi's pairing; both parents seems to have trolling personalities]

8, Takumi x Oboro. Takumi A+ Ryoma/Hinata. Oboro A+ Beruka.

[yes, I know that Takumi gets no new classes, but Kiragi gains new bow classes and Oboro wins the heart of her crush]

9. Hinata x Hana. A+ Undecided.

10. Subaki x Hinoka. Leaning towards Hinoka A+ with Setsuna for Quick Draw or less conveniently A+ with Camilla for Trample. Subaki A+ with Azama or maybe Saizo.

11. Hayato x Nyx. Undecided A+.

12. Peri x Kaden. Undecided A+

13. Xander x Charlotte. Xander A+ with Ryoma. Charlotte A+ with Nyx (Heartseeker) or Rinkah (Death Blow).

14. Laslow x Selena [for shipping reasons]. Laslow likely A+ with Flannel for Rally Str, or Xander for Cavalier tree. Selena with Selena for Bowfaire/Quick Draw or Peri for Cavalier's Elbow Room and Luna.

15. Leo x Sakura. Sakura A+ w/Elise. Leo A+ with Odin?

16. Odin x Elise. Odin A+ undecided. Elise A+ with Sakura (Tomefaire)

17. Niles x Setsuna. A+ Undecided.

18. Arthur x Mozu. Arthur A+ w/Benny. Mozu A+ w/Effie.

Mozu gives big dodge bonuses in attack stance to help Arthur. Can also enable stuff like Certain Blow Berserker Percy.

19. Keaton x Effie. A+ Undecided.

20. Benny x Beruka. Beruka A+ w/Oboro?

2nd Gen x 2nd Gen pairings

1. Hinoka!Kana x Hana!Hisame; Kana A+/Selkie

2. Azura!Midori x Charlotte!Seigbert;

3. Camilla!Sophie x Rinkah!Shiro; Sophie A+/Caeldori.

4. Orochi!Mitama x Kaze!Shigure

5. Nyx!Rhajat x Kagero!Dwyer

6. Peri!Selkie x Beruka!Ignatius

7. Selena!Solei x Sakura!Forrest

8. Elise!Ophelia x Mozu!Percy

9. Setsuna!Nina x Felicia!Asugi

10. Effie!Velouria x Oboro!Kiragi

Your thoughts?

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. . .what is the goal of each of your pairings?

These are my thoughts:


1. Corrin x Caeldori: Personal preference for my Avatar's spouse (always was a Cordelia fan), as well as personal preference for talent. Kana gains access to Swallow Strike (for use with swords/tomes in the Nohr Princess class tree) , that said, and in a long term-maxed out perspective (even if not immediately) Caeldori can get Lifetaker, Vengeance, and even Bowbreaker. More immediately, Heartseeker is an accuracy boost.

2. Azura x Kaze. Gives Shigure lots of SPD growth while maintain HP/STR growth fairly well. Midori tends to be a ranged unit, so perhaps she can accept Azura's glass-canon stats a bit better. Perhaps one of the few units with a possible interest in Luck +4 from Azura, as she could stack it with her personal with regard to activating Profiteer. Although I'm not immediately focused on stat capping, if I do so in the future it will ultimately be a +7 SPD pairing, the highest possible with involving the Avatar as a parent.

3. Jakob x Kagero. Jakob and Dywer get Shurkienfaire. Kagero gets Tomebreaker. In the long-term, +6 STR mod.

4. Silas x Camila. Camilla gains access to Luna (can still get Axefaire from Beruka). Silas can boost her SPD if needed as a Hero or Bow Knight from his Mercenary class. Sophie gets a new damage booster in Trample (promotion to Great Knight in Offspring seal also puts her in position to make use of Wyvern Lord). Sophie's high SPD/SKL growths get maintained, she gets STR, and her defensive growths improve. From a support standpoint, given the interest that Camilla and Silas express in each other during the A support. Also, I'm planning to make Caeldori a princess as well and A+ Sophie, Princess of Nohr, best friends with Caeldori, Princess of Hoshido.

5. Ryoma x Rinkah. Ryoma gets STR/DEF in pair-up, as well as Blacksmith's Lancebreaker so that he can deal with lances better, as they are a weakness of his when a Swordmaster (yes, he can go Dual Katana, but he normally prefers Rajinto). Rinkah admittedly hurts Shiro's HP/STR, but keeps his DEF growths up fairly well. Ryoma-centric pair.

6. Saizo x Felicia. Saizo can pick up Tomebreaker; Felicia can get Shurkienfaire.

7. Azama x Orochi. There are more magical mothers than there are traditionally magical children. But Mitama, despite nominally being physical, has a personal default 35% Magic growth, so Orochi can change her into having 50% magic growth, like Sakura. Also put together for support reasons as they are both characters who seem like they'd troll others a lot.

8, Takumi x Oboro. Takumi already largely has what he needs. Oboro gives Kiragi a new bow class (Apothecary) and Takumi gives her a mount if she wants it that shares weapon rank for convenience (Kinshi). Oboro gets her crush.

9. Hinata x Hana. One of Hinata's problems is his SPD…. Hana addresses this. Hana can get Lancebreaker (shares primaries with Hinata, so they get each other's secondaries instead). As a gimmick build (even if admittedly not the best), Hinata can pick up Counter from his Oni and Countermagic from the Great Master that Hana gives him and stack them with his personal, Triple Threat.

10. Subaki x Hinoka. Lancefaire to Caeldori. Subaki is more of a defensive/wall unit who already can learn Seal Strength. He gets Seal Speed and Defense too now, as well as Lancefaire like Caeldori. Hinoka can pick up Duelist's Blow through Master of Arms. Caeldori gets a brilliant shade of red hair.

11. Hayato x Nyx. Parents and child all get new magical classes (Hayato gets Dark Mage and thus Malefic Aura and Heartseeer; Rhajat gets the same and access to Sorcerer so she can be more like Thjara; Nyx gets Tomefaire)

12. Peri x Kaden. Improved STR on Selkie, while keeping her very fast and giving her great resistance growth. Peri can add Rend Heaven on Luna in her arsenal of proc.

13. Xander x Charlotte. Standard Xander-centric pairing for improving his SPD and offensive power. Gives him Hero and Sol access. Charlotte gains access to Luna.

14. Laslow x Selena [for shipping/support reasons]. Also, Rallybot Laslow (Severa's Rally Speed aligns with the SPD boost his Azure Dance or whatever its called already gives, so he can make a strong concentrated rally in SPD than anyone else)

15. Leo x Sakura. Leo gets Tomefaire. Forrest does too. Onmyoji Sakura can give him a huge +SPD pair-up and magic too. Sakura gets Sorcerer for Malefic aura and a proc in Venegance (not the best one for her, admittedly, but she doesn't start with procs in her class set). Benefits Leo/Forrest mainly.

16. Odin x Elise. High magic power Ophelia who also retains her traditionally light colored hair. Elise gains access to Sorcerer and Malefic aura (she can get Tomefaire too from Sakura).

17. Niles x Setsuna. Everyone in the family is in classes that can make use of the Bowfaire that Setsuna gives them. Quick Draw can offset a loss of player phase offense growth that Setsuna would otherwise cause, and it creates a high SPD, high resistance growth Nina who (in the long term) eventually has a +7 SPD mod.

18. Arthur x Mozu. Mozu's attack stance gives a really high crit evade to help Arthur, and his attack stance can low enemy dodge to give Mozu some really high crit rates as a Sniper. In pair-up, he could also boost her offensive power as a Berserker pair-up or something like that. Speaking of Berserker, Certain Blow gives improved accuracy for that (even Percy can get it if Mozu passes it in inheritance).

19. Keaton x Effie. A+ Undecided.

20. Benny x Beruka. Luna for Beruka. Rally Defense for Benny. In the long term, both have low SPD and -SPD mods; Wary Fighter addresses this. Lock their highly negative SPD mods together on a single child (Ignatius) who can get Wary Fighter anyways and thus doesn't have to worry as much about them.


1. Hinoka!Kana x Hana!Hisame; Kana A+/Selkie

Swordfaire Kana without needing to worry about having the Avatar pass it down. Also, +SPD pair-up to offset SPD losses in Dragon Tanking. Hisame can grab magic seal and heartseker too if he's interested.

2. Azura!Midori x Charlotte!Seigbert;

Midori gets Luna access for a non-Lethality proc.

3. Camilla!Sophie x Rinkah!Shiro; Sophie A+/Caeldori.

Sophie gets Lancefaire; Shiro gets Cavalier.

4. Orochi!Mitama x Kaze!Shigure

Mitama can now also heal as a Falcon Knight. Shigure gains Great Master access.

5. Nyx!Rhajat x Kagero!Dwyer

Rhajat gets a new magic class (Strategist; she already had Basara/Onmyoji/Sorcerer/Dark Knight). Bulters give Magic pair-up bonuses, so Dywer can somewhat contribute in pair up with Rhajat without abandoning his physical role. Rhajat's magic might let him Flame Shurkien better if wanted.

6. Peri!Selkie x Beruka!Ignatius

Selkie has great RES, but poor DEF. This gives her more Defense. Ignatius gets Rend Heaven.

7. Selena!Solei x Sakura!Forrest

Soleil can jump into Maid, and she has Shurkienfaire access from her dad. But this was REALLY chosen as its basically her only romantic S-support in localization other than with the Avatar.

8. Elise!Ophelia x Mozu!Percy

Ophelia gets Malig Knight as a class (flying tome using class)

9. Setsuna!Nina x Felicia!Asugi

This is pairing the spares off. At least I get to put 2 thieves together as a theme.

10. Effie!Velouria x Oboro!Kiragi

Velouria has Berserker access…. Certain Blow could help out with that class.

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In order. . .(I'm gonna skip a lot of 'em, since I don't really have anything to say about them)

- Both Ryoma and Shiro appreciate Death Blow, unless you reclass them to something weird. Or, you can have Rinkah pass down Gamble, and Shiro can get his own Death Blow. Rinkah get Samurai access, which gives her Vantage. Since she can absorb physical damage like no one's business, putting it together with stuff like Gamble is pretty funny.

- As much as I despise Orochi as Mitama's mom, the parents work out as a support conversation. Assuming Azama stays in a staff class, he'll appreciate the Magic +2.

- I'd switch Hana and Oboro, but I'm one of the few people that thinks Oboro has better options. IMO both Kiragi and Takumi can benefit from the Samurai tree (Duelist's Blow and Life or Death come to mind), and that frees up Takumi for A+ with Jakob, because Tomebreaker on a ranged unit is hilarious. Hana gets the archer tree, and can add Quick Draw to her list of skills. Hinata gets a bulkier crit class to his name, and Oboro can swap over to Master of Arms if she wants to do the "at least 20 extra damage to you and no extra damage to me" build. You'll have to trust me that Oboro!Hisame is absolutely insane - with some rallies and statues, it's possible for him to hit 100% Rend Heaven.

- More importantly, Nyx gets staves, and with her Magic stat, she'll be a hell of a healer.

- With Leo x Sakura, the only other realistic proc is Astra (via Hana). . .and Sakura probably won't be hitting for OMG NUMBERS outside of Onmyoji.

- For Keaton x Effie, Keaton gets Luna (he's already dangerous with Sol), and Effie gets Sol. Have Effie A+ Nyx for Heartseeker, to help Velouria's accuracy further. Keaton can A+ Laslow for. . .uh, Strong Riposte, for a better EP?

GEN 2:

- With that Hisame pairing, if his mother is Oboro like I suggested earlier, you can send him into battle with five Seal skills. Woe to anyone who fights him!

- . . .and Siegbert gets Replicate. . .if you can fulfill his personal skill with another replica, you'll have two insanely strong units running around!

- Shigure gains Rally Luck/Magic out of that pairing. He can get Rally Speed/Resistance/Spectrum on his own.

- Honestly, Soliel doesn't need to be "properly" married. I like making Forrest a pure staffbot, so Soliel can clone herself and use the clone as a pair-up bot.

- Nina/Asugi screams Shining Bow.

- I'd have Kiragi take the lead on this pairing, because 'zerker turns him into the Fire Emblem equivalent of a gatling gun. Have him A+ Asugi for Replicate.

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Swapping Hana x Hisame and Takumi x Oboro for Hana x Takumi and Oboro x Hisame could be interesting.

As none of my pairings are yet established that could easily be arranged as a 1 to 1 replacement.

Effie x Nyx for Heartseerker Velouria…. interesting. Of course, given my Avatar's mage talent, Kana also has Heartseeer and Velouria could also A+ with Kana to a similar effect.

5 Seal Hisame…. Hana's Draconic Hex does do things more skill efficiently (-28 stat points, 4 points each in 7 stats, with only 1 skill) than a 5-Seal build, although 5-Seal does provide a more powerful effect (-6 stat points ) in 5 of those stats (given doubling rules, this may be particularly relevant with SPD). Regardless of practicality, at the very least it sounds like a cool gimmick build, and perhaps it more.

Interesting suggestions….. I will think further on this.

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