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I Have a Proposal

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Greetings SF!

I'm sure, as any sane human being would do, have considered the following things:

[spoiler=What Would Specta Look Like if She was German?]YVn8Yph.jpg

[spoiler=What Would Specta Look Like if She was a Pokémon?]vK5mxRT.jpg

[spoiler=What Would Esme Look Like if He was Miley Cyrus?]FQrdzJ3.jpg

Now, you may be wondering "All my dreams have come true! How is this even possible?!" Well, I shall tell you Sir/Madam. This is the power of Skype's Project Murphy. With this amazing tech, simply typing "what if [blank] was [blank]?" We can make the weirdest crap wildest fantasies come true!

However, there are some people, they live a very tragic life. The above images doesn't satisfy their desires, their hunger. It's a pitiful existence, slogging through life, unsatisfied.

But fear not, there is an answer...

Simply fill in the blanks of the previous "What if?" sentence, and I assure you, I'll do everything in my power to fulfill your spectacular wishes!

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