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Should Mozu be Rhajat's mother?


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Yep, I'm trying to play matchmaker again.

It's no secret that Rhajat's skill growth is her weak point. So I went in with thoughts of improving that in mind. And I found what Mozu can do.

She brings her skill growth to a respectable 40%, and her magic at a decent 43% as well. She'll also have massive speed for double up attacks (61%), good luck for activating Fortitude (56%), and have a decent growths for her Defense (40%).

And of course, this is all tossed out the window when you add in Aptitude, which adds 20% to all these numbers.

The thing is, I'm thinking that there may be another kid that will benefit a lot more from getting aptitude from Mozu. And there's still Azura, who would make a fine mother as well.

What do you people think?

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Mozu is more for physical child units. If you really want to patch up Rhajat's Skill stat, go with Orochi, who has the strongest Skill mod out of any non-Avatar Hoshidan mother. And Orochi is also magical to boot!

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Mozu is more for physical child units. If you really want to patch up Rhajat's Skill stat, go with Orochi, who has the strongest Skill mod out of any non-Avatar Hoshidan mother. And Orochi is also magical to boot!

Dat speed doe...

I guess if you could find wary fighter and make her nosferatank

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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Mozu is more for physical child units. If you really want to patch up Rhajat's Skill stat, go with Orochi, who has the strongest Skill mod out of any non-Avatar Hoshidan mother. And Orochi is also magical to boot!

Wouldn't that cause skill overlap, though?

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Wouldn't that cause skill overlap, though?

Skills don't really matter as much in Fates because of skill buying unless you're in a no-grind run. When it comes to marriage and inheritance, mods and class access (for both the children and the parents) tend to take priority. Also, class inheritance doesn't work the same way as in Awakening.

As both Orochi and Hayato are both Diviners, Hayato gets Apothecary from Orochi while Orochi gets Oni Savage from Hayato. Rhajat receives Apothecary from Orochi (Rhajat gets Diviner and Oni Savage by default).

Child has a default starting class and inherits primary classes from both parents (if the child doesn't already start as the non-variable parent's starting class). If the parents have the same primary class, the child inherits the secondary class from the variable parent. The child also inherits the secondary class from the non-variable parent if s/he has the same starting class as her/his non-variable parent.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Skill overlap? You mean both parents giving Rhajat the same skills? That doesn't happen in this game. Since Rhajat's base class is diviner, Hayato gives her Oni Savage instead of Diviner as a secondary, and then Orochi, who's in the same boat would give her apothecary. I would say that Orochi even gives Rhajat better skills, because Sniper, what Mozu would pass down, isn't a bad class but none of it's skills are really all that note-worthy. In contrast Apothecary gives Rhajat option to spendthrift and replicate, both useful in PvP, and Profiteer which isn't as important in Birthright/Revelation but is worth having anyways. Aptitude is a really good skill, but if you're making a PvP team there's really no reason to get aptitude from an online team.

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I put Mozu with Hayato on my first playthrough because they look like they're close in age.

Rhajat came out fine. In fact, half of her stats were higher than both of her parents who were around the same level. Her growths seem fine.

The only problem is that Mozu can be a mother for some other characters that may need her growths, but Fates is set up in a way that children can have a selection of mothers and still turn out pretty strong. It's a little difficult to mess them up, unless you do it intentionally.

Plus, Mozu's dark hair is so fitting for Rhajat.

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also note Aptitude was nerfed to 10%. Mozu is a decent parent for basically anyone unless you factor buying skills, then she's not as universal but still average at the very least

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