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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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*Eats Cake*

by simple analysis, if the cake is a lie, and shadrach eated it, it is a logical conclusion that shadrach is a lie.

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i've been trying to make Lyle come but hes always like "when did i agree to work in your bakery?"

as soon as he hears "your woman lives in it" he'll be like


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i've been trying to make Lyle come but hes always like "when did i agree to work in your bakery?"

as soon as he hears "your woman lives in it" he'll be like


lol! i bet!

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TRG is a lie so the cake and shadrach exist! And the cake is good!

That's bull shit. I'm not a lie, I'm a moron. There's a fine line between lie and moron.

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Roses...This brings back memories...I am the rose master.

For instance a single red rose indicates the utmost devotion to the person.

2 red roses indicate that the two people are deeply in love and they are in their own happy place(I like this one).

3 roses convey the message, "I love you"(I reccomend this one)

I could go on and on about red roses....but let's learn some more about the other colored roses.

A pink rose indicates admiration and appreciation.(will work better for something like Mother's day.)

A yellow rose indicates joy and friendship.(not the rose for this situation)

A white rose(one of my favorites) indicates purity and remembrance(better for thinking of good times)

An orange rose indicates desire and enthusiam.(best used when Bianchi is drunk)

A lavender rose inidcates love at first sight. (way too late to use this one)

A black rose(my most favorite) indicates death and rejuvenation. (really not the rose you want for this situation)

A blue rose indicates mystery and intrigue. Some say this rose doesn't even exist because it's so rare. (best used when you save Bianchi from a burglar and ride off into the shadows)

A cream rose indicates perfection and richness.(give this to Bianchi to remind herself of herself)

A peach rose indicates gratitutde and sympathy.(give this to her when you feel grateful to her or if she is sad)

A yellow and a red rose indicate happiness and celebration. (give this to her to celebrate a party)

A yellow and white rose indicates harmony. (give this to her when you feel everything in the world is at peace with you)

A red and white piece indicates unity. (give this to her when you two feel "united"....)


Also grabs some .....nevermind.

Wait, then how did you eat that cheescake earlier?

....NO BIANCHI!!!!

*Saves Bianchi from dying through some miraclous means.*


*Carries Bianchi to a doctor.*

More woot!

Lol. Thank you Lady Bianchi.

*Hugs Bianchi.*

Woots again!

there is nothing like a happy ending!

*hugs Lyle*

*and pulls out a knife*

........to be continued.........

dun dun dun


*Takes out his own 'knife'*

dun dun dun more

Thank you for getting rid of that evile Bianchi clone!

i would never kill my Lyle-poo!

ahhh...i think....

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how is what i said perverted? If iwas trying to be perverted i woulda said:

"Bianchi you and sis share a room and me and princess sleep in the same bed naked!"

THAT would have been perverted.

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