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Metal Rabbit

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<_< ........really now.

I totaly flipped out yesterday in the lonely hearts and the im broken topics begging princess to tell me what she wanted.........

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She likes people acting like themselves, so we need to get me a pimp outfit ASAP.

But that's not being yourself, that's being the fake image you portray of yourself because you don't feel confident enough. You hide your true self under a mask of over-pervertiveness and ego. If you act like yourself, I'm sure Kiryn will pick up on it.

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But that's not being yourself, that's being the fake image you portray of yourself because you don't feel confident enough. You hide your true self under a mask of over-pervertiveness and ego. If you act like yourself, I'm sure Kiryn will pick up on it.


Damn, he saw through that.

...Well, you know how sometimes I get all righteous and serious? That... more or less is me.

I can't act like that all the time.

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isn't the answer in your sig though?

Yes the answer is that.

And lyle is right. I tried to act like i was a non-perverted perfectionist boy to her and it only annoyed her, but when i was myself and made perverted jokes and would give her some space she started to open up to me rather than feeling obligated to do so just so i wouldnt go crazy.

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Damn, he saw through that.

...Well, you know how sometimes I get all righteous and serious? That... more or less is me.

I can't act like that all the time.

I think you need to find a balance. When you're Metal Rabbit, you're too wild and crazy for Kiryn to take seriously, When you're Arc, you're too serious for Kiryn to enjoy your presence. I think you need to become: 'Arc the Metal Rabbit.' And find that middle ground.

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I think you need to find a balance. When you're Metal Rabbit, you're too wild and crazy for Kiryn to take seriously, When you're Arc, you're too serious for Kiryn to enjoy your presence. I think you need to become: 'Arc the Metal Rabbit.' And find that middle ground.


...You must have the ability to see into the future.

I've been planning something ever since I changed back to MR.

Be Metal Arc.

Stop it! O_o

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...You must have the ability to see into the future.

I've been planning something ever since I changed back to MR.

Stop it! O_o

Could this be........providence?

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I don't even know what to think of this anymore. At first it looked like a topic about getting an online couple back together, which normally I wouldn't even look at twice. What's worse is not only did I go into the topic, I somehow managed to helped the guy and he thanks me. *sigh* I can't help but feel I'm being dragged into your pace here.

Oh and MR, the problem with you and Kiryn doesn't seem as much like you're trying to balance out your selves but you're trying to hold on to your perverted egotist side to fall back on if she doesn't like your serious side. With that thought process you have effectively split yourself into two beings, thus destroying whatever "real self" existed. I've had this happen several times and it's caused me nothing but trouble. All I'm trying to say is if you truly love her, you can trust her with seeing your whole self not just the two sides you keep separate. Show her all that you honestly are and I'm sure she'll accept you.

...Shit now I'm giving relationship advice. I really am becoming like them.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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