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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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I think you guys are being a little harsh on Claire. Certainly the older users like her, (People who have been here since the site opened.) so she must have some redeeming qualities. She just doesn't seem to have natural respect and consideration towards others she doesn't see eye to eye with.

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As long as she still clings to that retarded "avatar" and sig i will hate her. Everyone here knows it was just a joke and we were fooling around and shes stupid enough to think everyone else here is as dumb as her to believe that crap to be true.

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As long as she still clings to that retarded "avatar" and sig i will hate her. Everyone here knows it was just a joke and we were fooling around and shes stupid enough to think everyone else here is as dumb as her to believe that crap to be true.


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ugh. After reading my post it does look like i am being a bit too mean and i sound immature myself. Pfft. I GUESS i'll ATTEMPT to not be so rough on her from now on.........

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I have this issue with FAILING EPICLY at ignoring ppl when they say stupid stuff. Im sorry.... :( Oh princess while you're here, would you mind being in raven's huge epic story? He says he needs you in for obvious reasons but i told him i'd ask if you want to be in it first so you dont get pissed or surprised. (I think it will be fluff...not what lyle did......I THINK)

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I have this issue with FAILING EPICLY at ignoring ppl when they say stupid stuff. Im sorry.... :( Oh princess while you're here, would you mind being in raven's huge epic story? He says he needs you in for obvious reasons but i told him i'd ask if you want to be in it first so you dont get pissed or surprised. (I think it will be fluff...not what lyle did......I THINK)

Ok! Sure.

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YES! *starts to think of..............stuff that can happen in the story* Hey im gonna...........talk to raven for a bit........ <_<

*Hits Masu for being perverted.*

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Well I'm about to get back to work in a couple minutes..

WUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! NOOOOOOOO! *rolls around on the floor*....... :( ok then. Good luck on your work!

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I had forgotten about you.

That's just like the queen to forget her subjects.....Please don't hang me.

OH come on! Im kidding! I would never force princess to do anything she doesnt want to!


:lol: *clings to princess*

Just make sure she's in one piece when you're done.

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