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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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We now must remain single admist a bunch of loving couples. ;D

Unless we want to die, that is.

* @Nightmarre cuts finger and signs blood pact

<@Nightmarre> Your turn

<@Nightmarre> Hurry

<HeroRaven> he's bleeding to death

<@Nightmarre> Sign the pact

<Songbird> ='(

<@Nightmarre> Knife

<@Nightmarre> Songbird

<Songbird> *Cuts finger and signs pact*

<@Nightmarre> Excellent

<Songbird> I don't know how to do your fancy purple text XD

<@Nightmarre> Knife

<@Nightmarre> Knife

<@Nightmarre> Knife

<@Nightmarre> Knife

<@Nightmarre> Sign the blood pact

<Knife> where do I post?

<Knife> okay

<Knife> *signs*

<Songbird> Okay D:

<@Nightmarre> Finally!

<Songbird> So now none of us can become non-single

* @Nightmarre holds up blood pact

<@Nightmarre> This is proof!

<HeroRaven> so you are all going to stay single?

<@Nightmarre> Yes

<Songbird> Seems like it

(But if you ever need me pairied up for a story, then you can do as you like, as it would be only fictional, and none of us would die. XD)

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I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm.



I think I'll go with... just walk away.

Same here, why don't you think I haven't said anything yet

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Fox+Pissed+mod powers= nothing because she doesnt go on FftF anymore

I am on SF right now

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I feel like bragging! I am better than you, I am an Admin on two forums, and I was an Admin on 3 or 4 others, that I have retired from, I am also a Global Mod on a forum. In Short I am better than you.

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I feel like bragging! I am better than you, I am an Admin on two forums, and I was an Admin on 3 or 4 others, that I have retired from, I am also a Global Mod on a forum. In Short I am better than you.

Congrat's this is my caring face.


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Well I broke my arm because I was bored

*looks at title*

Shit, I thought that this was the stupid shit that you have done.

That was directed at you TC. That was directed to BK

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Well I broke my arm because I was bored

*looks at title*

Shit, I thought that this was the stupid shit that you have done.

That was directed at you TC. That was directed to BK

I know but it said I feel like bragging.

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