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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Will I slay a dragon without pants?

What time is it?

Am I loved?

Are you gonna eat that?

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its peanut butter jelly time!



cuz i can.

Metal Rabbit and Bianchi... What?

Why would FFoF want to know where MR was, too?

We're running for office together.

Because I'm dead sexy.

what number am i thinking of right now?

69 for obvious reasons

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Why are albinos called albinos?

Shouldn't THEY be called white people?

Why does bread taste so good?

Why can I believe it's not butter?

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how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

what's the meaning of life?

why am i dead sexier than you?

what's a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenents?

and where the hell is fireman?!

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Why are brown people called black people?

Cuz we're white.

Why are tan people called white people?

Cuz they wanna be black.

Why are albinos called albinos?

Cuz they not black

Shouldn't THEY be called white people?

Don't mix us up with those albino freaks ._.

Why does bread taste so good?

Why is ur face like that?

Why can I believe it's not butter?

Because you're too damn optimistic.

how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?



what's the meaning of life?

A monty Python Movie

why am i dead sexier than you?

because you're dead


what's a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenents?

it's a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenents, duh.

and where the hell is fireman?!

hez in ur base, killin ur dudez

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what's next week's winning lottery number?

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

i could tell you, but I'm more inclined to purposely give you a wrong answer.

how many years can a mountain stand, before it washes away?

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i could tell you, but I'm more inclined to purposely give you a wrong answer.

how many years can a mountain stand, before it washes away?

i thought YOU were answering the questions....

What do you know about tweetle beetles?

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can you type a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenants on this site?

whats the capital of thailand?

whats a death note?

whats a kanon?

why am i asking so many questions?

do you like... certain things?

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can you type a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenants on this site?

a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenants on this site

whats the capital of thailand?



whats a death note?

It's a horrible show

whats a kanon?

a cannon with a K.

why am i asking so many questions?

cuz you touch urself at night.

do you like... certain things?

i don't like vauge stuff... no

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can you type a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenants on this site?

a word with 1 vowel and 8 consenants on this site

whats the capital of thailand?



whats a death note?

It's a horrible show

whats a kanon?

a cannon with a K.

why am i asking so many questions?

cuz you touch urself at night.

do you like... certain things?

i don't like vauge stuff... no

death note is not a show, its an anime

and how do u know i touch myself at night?

why r u crazy?

why do i use "u" and "r"

what are you ding right now?

how many miles is it from here to neptune?

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death note is not a show, its an anime

I don't watch anime.

and how do u know i touch myself at night?

So you admit it then <3

why r u crazy?

why are you still here?

why do i use "u" and "r"

because u r fun to mess with

(that came out wrong)

what are you ding right now?

I assume you mean doing. I'm evading homework.

how many miles is it from here to neptune?

neptune sucks, its not even a planet anymore

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Pokemon is far deeper than Eva. Naturally, all those little kids out here might be fascinated by giant robots with bloody hands, awkward religious references, primitive 50-year-old psychology, and the badly constructed Cabbalistic ritual of Final Unification. But I can only say – time to grow up and watch Pokemon! And I have even decided to start a new thread to show you why.

1. Visual Art

A real artist does not concern himself with following the simplistic aesthetics of the masses. Instead he twists the common kitch into a whole new dimension, which may seem epatage to narrow-minded bourgoise Westerners accustomed to realistic color, fluent animation, and anthropomorphic character design. The creator of Pokemon, Mr Zebrinsky-Takahachi, possesses a deep understanding of postmodernistic art ideas and tendencies, which allows him to freely combine the old, battered impressionism with streaks of primitivism, cubism, and the dysfunctional art of Warschaw mental asylum #3 inhabitants, into one gloriously unorthodox picture. While some believe this to be a symbol of his contempt towards the Mongolian clay painting schools of early 1360’s, my personal feeling is that Pokemon Art is a masterfully used medium for bringing us some of the more advanced symbols conveying the interpretation of our surrounding pseudo-reality.

For instance, look at the “Pokemon” color scheme – note the usage of only solid colors, without any hues and soft transitions whatsoever! Only an ignorant neoplatonic would argue with this symbolizing the internal unity of Universe in a system known to masses as the 7-color rainbow. But this conclusion is suddenly threatened by the absence of hues – since any natural rainbow that we know possesses smooth transitions between colors. Exactly – any NATURAL rainbow! Pokemon Art demonsrates how the peaceful perfection of Nature is ruined by Man and his artificial doings, thus leading to a revolutionary idea – that Kellippot, the evil reflections of Sephiroth, are actually the result of Man’s actions! Which of course means that Man is the antagonist of God!

2. Symbolism in “Pokemon”.

Wherever Ash and his team goes, he meets the same people (Team Rocket with same motto, police girl, Pokemon center girl etc) and does the same things (fight Team R, capture Pokemon etc). The only basic difference is the Pokemon themselves. What does this tell us? That there’s no “spacial” journey to speak of, nor any “time” journey. The place and time are the same – nothing/infinity. The characters are symbols of primal forces, locked in a neverending interaction – a striking resemblance to the Tree of Sephiroth. The Pokemon are the only thing “out” of this system, yet the primal goal is their incorporation. Therefore it is possible to assume that Pokemon are a symbol of human souls, being lured into the struggle of Powers.

“Pokemon” is founded on the basic conflict of two opposing forces – the Trinity of Ash/Misty/Brock and the Trinity of James/Jessie/Meowth. The Star of David is constructed of two intertwined triangles – one black, the other white – the interconnections of powers of expansion and impansion, Fire and Water. In Cabbalistic terms expansion could be considered as the existence and freedom of mankind, whereas impansion is the reverse process – the return into primeval Unity/Nothingness. So which Trinity is which?

Consider that the current state of our world is expansion. Consider that Ash and his team are in a journey to DO something, i.e. change the status quo. Consider that Team Rocket tries to stop them. And you will find the answer.

Ash Ketchum. Ever thought about the significance of that name? Ash is earth, from which Adam was created. However, it is not simple earth but burned out earth, and as heard in “ashes to ashes” is the symbol of human Death.

But look again at that line from the final prayer. “Ash’s to Ash” – which means that the dead belong to Ash, and are prompty returned to him in an ancient ritual of burying. This leads us to believe that Ash’s realm is considered to be under ground.

Ketchum. A phonetical double of “Catch ’em”. Ash’s purpose is to catch the wandering Pokemon into his sphere of power, or realm. What associations does this immediately summon? Jesus Christ was once named a “Catcher of humans”, meaning he collects souls. But so does Lucifer. So how can we decide which one of them Ash symbolizes?

Considering the underground realm, and the fact that Ash uses the captured to do his bidding and spread his power, we might vote for the latter choice. But once we take into account that Jesus Christ was/is also using his followers to increase his power on Earth, and that people still have to die and be returned to Ash’s whether or not their souls are in the grip of the Dark Lord, another idea begins to unfold. The creator of Pokemon considered Christ and Satan alike in their drive for souls, and Ash Ketchum is a symbol of BOTH.

Hence the controversial design of the Pokeball. It is a sphere, the form which was considered Perfection by Platon and some other Greek philosophers. But its perfection is ruined by the division into Red and White halves. Red is an effective substitute for Black, and the Pokeball clearly bears resemblance to the everpresent Good/Bad, Ying/Yan, the dialectic principle of the struggle and unity of opposites. To further this symbol into Cabalistic realms, the Pokeball is the Unity of Adam’s White Moon and Lilith’s Black Moon.

Now the female aspect of God in the Tree of Sephiroth is Shekina, who resides in Malkuth. Lilith is the head of the Inversed Tree of Kelippot. Therefore the Unification of Lilith with the male aspect of God (Adam) is forbidden, since it would mark the triumph of Kelippot, the demonic shells of Chaos.

By catching Pokemon (souls), Ash increases the power of this forbidden unity, thereby bringing closer the End of the World as we know it.

Did you notice the meaning of Ash rotating his cap backwards? It marks his will of inverting the current Universe. Have you ever wondered why Ash is wearing cut-up gloves? The same reason why Ikari Gendo does – he has Stigmata on his palms, the marks of suffering for another. However, Ash’s gloves have their fingers cut off, thus explicitely pointing out the imperfection, or even falsehood, of his Stigmata. He bears the Sign of God, yet it is a false sign… He is the unity of Christ and Satan… He struggles towards Inversion, Chaos and Destruction… He is the Anti-Christ. The final antagonist of God.

And his journey is nothing more and nothing less than the Prelude to Apocalypse.

How exactly does Team Rocket attempt to stop Ash? They have undergone the Purification ritual, dressed in white clothes (symbol of purity), soothed their hair with yelei (the substance used to mark Kings for ruling). They have chanted the recitation (commonly known as “motto”), and formed the Triangle. They have drawn the sacred circle, and turned it into a rip in the space-time continuum, a black hole, a door out of this world. A grave, effectively. This ritual of banishment, designated to send Ash to his plane of residence (underground), definitely shows Team Rocket as practicioning Cabbalists. Or rather, as powers whose actions are manifested in the material plane as cabbalistic rituals.

Finally, the most obvious yet most important symbol of all - The symbol of “Pokemon” itself. Utilizing one of the numerical techniques of Gematria (summing the numbers of original letters) - p16 + o15 + k11 + e5 + m13 + n14 = 74. 7+4 =11. The number of Sephiroth, counting the hidden Sephiroth Da’at. Note how easily Mr Zebrinsky-Takahachi breaks the Cabalistic tradition of excluding the eleventh Sephiroth (either Da’at or Kether). In fact, we may openly admit that “Pokemon” is the first TRUE incarnation of the Tree of Sephiroth, therefore the only TRUE PATH TO GOD!

So the question is... PROVE ME WRONG.

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