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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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  • Metal Rabbit


  • Masu


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  • Liz


Fireman is right, we need to stop all the hate. Masu, I'm sorry for being a jerk. Bianchi, I'm sorry we had that misunderstanding that we thought one or the other was cheating on the other. Hikerusa, I'm sorry I attached a mine to you in order to stop you from destroying the universe. Fireman, I'm sorry that I tried to kill you this morning. Metal Rabbit, I'm sorry that we had 4 wars today.

I'm sorry everyone. I've been a fool. Group hug?

Also, I'm sorry I went emo for a minute there.

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Fireman is right, we need to stop all the hate. Masu, I'm sorry for being a jerk. Bianchi, I'm sorry we had that misunderstanding that we thought one or the other was cheating on the other. Hikerusa, I'm sorry I attached a mine to you in order to stop you from destroying the universe. Fireman, I'm sorry that I tried to kill you this morning. Metal Rabbit, I'm sorry that we had 4 wars today.

I'm sorry everyone. I've been a fool. Group hug?

Also, I'm sorry I went emo for a minute there.

I'm sorry to Masu to that Princess joined the B-Team. (It is partly my fault.)

I'm also sorry about the whole Bianchi and Lyle cheating thing.

I'm also sorry that you had to blow up Hika with a mine, lulz. (lol, I had nothing to do with it this time)

I'm also sorry that Lyle tried to kill me this morning. (....)

I'm also sorry that we had 4 wars today. not.

*joins in on group hug*

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no one here can hug her. SHE can hug YOU. But YOU dont touch HER. *ready's a rexbolt* wait......this is how wars start.......well, just, dont touch her for too long. <_<

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Oh coolness. Then i'll hold off on the braket. So far i have

MetalRabbit&SoujaBoy vs Chaos Ninji and his little brother

Princess Kilvas&Royal Guardsmen vs Knife&Dr.Dorian

Me&Lyle vs Copain and Hika

CGV&Raven vs ..................

theres where the blank comes in.

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