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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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Actually, it's Envoy on Black Wings...lol

*fixed* Either way, It made me sound important. XD

EDIT: Excuse me Songbird. But I don't believe we've met. Salutations! I am the artificial Princess of Kilvas!

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Well, Nightmare isn't really one for relationships.

"As one flower wanes, another is born to replace it."

could this be a symbol for Me and Bianchi and the two of you?


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burning up for you baby
Awww, how sweet ;D


ouch...I got burned(lol, pun)....

Also, my previous posts were from a song...

Hm. Do I smell a Fireman and Songbird relationship starting?
ooh, The Fireman and Songbird! lol!

I moved from Nightmare to Fireman in one day.

What kinda girl do you think I am, people?! LOL

Great...Now Nightmare's coming for me.


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Well, Nightmare isn't really one for relationships.

"As one flower wanes, another is born to replace it."

could this be a symbol for Me and Bianchi and the two of you?


don't worry lyle, if you don't do any major mess-ups well be back to normal in no time!

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don't worry lyle, if you don't do any major mess-ups well be back to normal in no time!

I'll try my best.

......No. I am determined to have our relationship bloom again. And if not, then I shall do my best to make her happy in some other way.

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Somehow I don't think you have to worry so much Fireman, because when you first suggested it, Nightmare seemed hardly impressed at the thought of relationships LOL.

I think you'd have to worry about him attacking you just for the sake of attacking you. D:

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