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I'm probably reading into the opening AMV too much + Royals' Class Theory


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I'm wondering if there might be more to the clips used in the Nohr-Hoshido War montage.By that, I mean more footage than what's in the finished product. I figure even if there is, it's unlikely to ever be released.

On a related subject, I've been wondering for a while if Xander, Hinoka, Leo and Camilla were originally going to be a different class. All four use mounts but they could have easily been a different class:

  • Xander: I think he may have originally been meant to be a Hero, another Nohr Class opposite Ryoma being a Swordmaster. You don't see him mounted outside other than in the Prologue or during Chapter 6 in cutscenes and video clips involving him. The decision to make him a Paladin instead was likely done to complement his trademark weapon, Siegfried. It IS a pretty big sword though he can clearly use it with one hand.
  • Leo: Obviously, he was meant to be a Sorcerer He has the design down already though as a Nohrian Prince, he's a Dark Knight instead. Strangely, you never see him mounted outside combat and his VS AMV.
  • Hinoka: I think she was originally going to be a Spear Fighter/Master but making her a Sky/Falcon Knight fits her growth as a character pre-Fates much better. You do see her mounted in both her VS AMV and the Birthright Ending AMV.
  • Camilla: I think she was originally going to be either a Berserker or a Sorcerer and they couldn'y settle on one. The Malig Knight is the solution being able to use Magic and Axes. LOL. Unlike the other three you never see her mounted outside combat. That's the most telling in my opinion she was definitely meant to be a different class.

...Plus with all four they needed to balance them with their respective retainers XD

Sakura and Elise are both Healers, Takumi is clearly an Archer/Sniper and Ryoma is obviously a Swordmaster. Those four are clearly defined. Xander, Leo, Hinoka and Camilla, on the other hand are a different story.

Thoughts on my theory and earlier question welcomed <3

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The reason the Royals are never seen without mounts outside AMV is simply because it look stupid

Also Xander DEFINITELY was meant to be Paladin from the get go if you know the story behind Fates route separation. Ryoma being a Swordmaster is a convenient coincidence too since Swordmater originally comes fron the Hero line.

Edited by JSND
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Each family has their melee, healer, ranger and flier.

Plus even in Awakening, mounted units weren't seen on their mounts. That's just a normal thing.

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I kinda wish Xander had been a Hero, 'cause Paladins kinda suck in this game (Xander why are you so slooooow, you're on a horse dammit). But I feel like he was meant to be a Paladin, because of his Chivalrous nature. Something about Knight's Code of Chivalry, to parallel Ryoma's Bushido Code.

What I found odd is that 3/4 Nohrian royals are promoted, while 1/4 Hoshidan royals are promoted. I guess it's related to when they join you on the respective paths, but still feels unbalanced.

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It also doesn't make sense story wise for the Nohrians to be mounted in many of their scenes. A considerable number of scenes take place indoors, or where horses wouldn't be.

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With the exception of Camilla, who has a more stylized outfit, all of the sibling characters outfits are designed like their default class. It's an odd conclusion to reach that because they appear a few times un-mounted, they were originally conceived as unmounted classes.

As an aside, does it seem weird to anyone that Hinoka isn't a prepromote? Her backstory has her training from like the age of 7 to become a pegasus warrior in order to save Kamui. Normally I wouldn't care because a character's level need not represent their canon abilities, but considering the parallels to the Nohrian siblings, it seems like she of all people should be promoted.

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As an aside, does it seem weird to anyone that Hinoka isn't a prepromote? Her backstory has her training from like the age of 7 to become a pegasus warrior in order to save Kamui. Normally I wouldn't care because a character's level need not represent their canon abilities, but considering the parallels to the Nohrian siblings, it seems like she of all people should be promoted.

Yeah I find it weird that Hinoka isn't promoted either. It makes sense for Takumi and Sakura, 'cause it kinda seems like they're still in training, but Hinoka is supposedly the warrior princess.

I'm okay with Takumi being pre-promoted but Leo being promoted though, 'cause Leo's some sort of genius, while Takumi has an inferiority complext

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