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there are two Pchems at my school, for biochem majors and the regular Pchem for chem majors. was there not a dumbed down life science version of pchem at your school?

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at my school there's a baby pchem version that non-chem majors and can take, but chem majors have to take the real 6-credit one >_<

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I just don't find it as interesting as chemistry.

Also I got a C in comparative vertebrate anatomy which slayed my science GPA so I might still be salty about that

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It's okay I'm useless at Bio too

I can't get through the easier parts of bio because of lack of math to get to the bit where I might actually be useful at bc I'm good at statistics

so I didn't even take bio, in Compsci we had to do 2 life science (one sequence, +1 other) for some reasons even though we don't really need any of that material-wise in CS (Graphics needed like, one thing from Optics but it was easy and we can just code to the equation anyway???) and I guess game programming required forces (again, simple enough shit that you can probably google, it's just programming to equations) and my god why are they way more time consuming than my actual major courses like

okay I'm really salty about the labs and the homework, basically

fuck aleks

Also it didn't help that gen physics was literally fucking 7 am like what kind of college-aged computer scientist can function at 7am bar all nighters

Edited by Thor Odinson
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whats wrong with bio ):

lots of interesting material, but monotonous studying. doesnt really require understanding so much as it requires just plain memorization. organic is fun in the sense that you can derive shit and there is minimum memorization(my class allowed us an index card as a cheat sheet) but these didnt help due to how you needed innovation to do well. i feel that anatomy courses required more understanding(omg intro anatomy was so hard. managed an A but thats cause the curve was amazing) since they quiz you on patient shit. but for the most part you're sitting down watching lectures and taking notes.

but its mad fun explaining to people at frat party what weed and jungle juice does to you on a physiological level. and when they are in your major and they understand what you're saying its a real good time.

^ i felt the same way about CSE101. the professor(mcdonnel, you prolly know him) seems like a decent guy, but it seems to be a lot of shit for a 101 course. if it were just python coding id be fine with it, but he was teaching us truth tables and circuits and stuff that i guess matters with CS stuff, but just like you i have major stuff to deal with so i gpnc'd it. not even taking the final :))) i'll take the NC.

also kek taking phy131 next semester. but the online version so i dont have to wake up at 8am :))))))

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Did you get a BS or BA in chem?

Did you get wrecked by p chem?

I'm scared for p chem am i going to get wrecked by p chem how do i do p chem

I forgot to say, I have a BS.

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I get my masters this year (assuming i pass everything i hope i do)

I'm old

wtf can man stay there for your phd

there's a good chance i end up there for med school we could be bestest friends

fuck aleks

l m a o we have that here for gen chem so as an incoming freshman I had to do the whole GCAT thing over the summer where you basically do your entire pie right and like i literally slaved over that but then i was a chem major so i had the option of taking freshman orgo instead because I had the dank AP credits and it turns out to don't need to do aleks for that so basically i did an entire summer of aleks for nothing and i am a salty spitoon three years later

Edited by Austin
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wtf can man stay there for your phd

there's a good chance i end up there for med school we could be bestest friends

l m a o we have that here for gen chem but I AP'd out of that shit real quick



(or not two more years till 21)

and lmao you had alecks too? you guys had it lucky i had two semester of that bullshit.

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(or not two more years till 21)

and lmao you had alecks too? you guys had it lucky i had two semester of that bullshit.

wow best friends in the making

get a fake you floop

also apparently my fraternity is like pretty active at stony brook too i feel like going there would be a fun time

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those cost money, and i usually just throw some money at my friend who has one to get shit and we throw suite parties. which frat are you in i might have been to the house

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never heard of them lmao.

and you're gonna need a car if you want to get anywhere stony brook is in the middle of nowhere. also campus is getting dryer since there was this place frats used to pick up that they cant anymore because cops so party scene isnt as loud as it used to be. people just stay in now.

also stony is not a fun place its really depressing here ngl. the med school is prolly worst, dont know the brookhaven bars but idk if worth.

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Wow that turned me off faster than watching boku no pico with my ex-girlfriend

it's my 21st choice on my list anyway

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wtf can man stay there for your phd

there's a good chance i end up there for med school we could be bestest friends

l m a o we have that here for gen chem so as an incoming freshman I had to do the whole GCAT thing over the summer where you basically do your entire pie right and like i literally slaved over that but then i was a chem major so i had the option of taking freshman orgo instead because I had the dank AP credits and it turns out to don't need to do aleks for that so basically i did an entire summer of aleks for nothing and i am a salty spitoon three years later

I'm not getting a phd i suck at academia and being rigorous at anything i just want to code so now im going INDUSTRY and get $$$$$

but the job im likely to land is really close to the school so we could still probably meet?

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