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/r/fireemblem Popularity Poll Results

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So, I conducted a poll on /r/fireemblem asking "Who is your favorite/least favorite character?" You can find that thread here. However, that's not what I'm focusing on here. I'm focusing on the results after 500 votes.

The spreadsheet containing the ranked results is here.

Edit: More current ranked results here

Edit: Current results are now here

My thoughts:

Peri being that despised came as a huge surprise to me. I knew she wasn't popular, but I didn't expect her to be voted down that much. Rinkah being in second worst came as a surprise as well.

For second gen, Hisame beating Rhajat as least favorite came out of nowhere. I've never seen anyone say much of anything about Hisame.

The males went as I thought they would.

Your thoughts?

Edit: The current results are here

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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people probably find Hisame's pickle thing a bit too much, and he's pretty boring besides that. Rinkah is probably due to gameplay.

Leo remains supreme as usual. Yukimura is just sad though, no one likes him. and I would've added +1 to Shigure if I had known out about this earlier

Edited by singularity
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Takumi being quite low down surprises me, especially being lower than Ryoma, but it's pretty cool to see the royals not stacked up the top as usual. Las and Odin being up top is a bit suss, though. Flora being lower than Hinoka is a CRIME.

I'm also surprised at how M!Corrin did so much worse than F!Corrin.

Stupid Goddamn Hairâ„¢

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Well, these are certainly...results. Takumi is far down the list while Elise is high up, Hinoka is above Flora and Ophelia is the most popular kid.

I'm just going out on a limb here and assume they care more about design than characterization - judging by how far up female Kana is in comparison to her male counterpart, most of the voters were male, which would also explain why Ophelia is so high up.

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Takumi and Soleil being divisive is not very surprising, but I didn't expect people to hate on Rhajat and Peri so much. Also, no Yukimura love whatsoever is a damn shame.

The discrepancies between the male and female Corrin/Kana are interesting as well. Not the fact that the females are more popular, but rather that the males got so many 'least favorite' votes.

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I don't understand the Rhajat hate.

Afaik, FKana's better VA delivery alone makes her more lovable than MKana.

Sorry about this double standard (for the love of everything holy, don't make what I'm about to say into an issue), but to me personally, FCorrin's ignorance of everything can be almost... acceptable (not growing out of it bothers me all the same). As for MCorrin, it just comes off as beta, but people would rather follow him because plot demands it.

If I ever play a male character in an RPG that I find unrelatable, or embarrassingly stupid, I'll judge him harsher than the female counterpart. I think most guys who make a male character in an RPG would instinctively self-insert themselves, and would find being MCorrin intolerable. As for FCorrin, I'd suspect that it's only more tolerable because it's much easier to see her as a different persona when the player and the character's gender are opposites. Just a thought.

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>Xander being that high up

>Elise being higher than Oboro



Did you know my tastes are objectively better than yours?

I don't understand the Rhajat hate.

Afaik, FKana's better VA delivery alone makes her more lovable than MKana.

Sorry about this double standard (for the love of everything holy, don't make what I'm about to say into an issue), but to me personally, FCorrin's ignorance of everything can be almost... acceptable (not growing out of it bothers me all the same). As for MCorrin, it just comes off as beta, but people would rather follow him because plot demands it.

If I ever play a male character in an RPG that I find unrelatable, or embarrassingly stupid, I'll judge him harsher than the female counterpart. I think most guys who make a male character in an RPG would instinctively self-insert themselves, and would find being MCorrin intolerable. As for FCorrin, I'd suspect that it's only more tolerable because it's much easier to see her as a different persona when the player and the character's gender are opposites. Just a thought.

Oh boy...

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I don't understand the Rhajat hate.

Afaik, FKana's better VA delivery alone makes her more lovable than MKana.

Sorry about this double standard (for the love of everything holy, don't make what I'm about to say into an issue), but to me personally, FCorrin's ignorance of everything can be almost... acceptable (not growing out of it bothers me all the same). As for MCorrin, it just comes off as beta, but people would rather follow him because plot demands it.

If I ever play a male character in an RPG that I find unrelatable, or embarrassingly stupid, I'll judge him harsher than the female counterpart. I think most guys who make a male character in an RPG would instinctively self-insert themselves, and would find being MCorrin intolerable. As for FCorrin, I'd suspect that it's only more tolerable because it's much easier to see her as a different persona when the player and the character's gender are opposites. Just a thought.

Which is funny, since if you look at the advertising, M!Corrin is associated with Birthright (arguably the best of the three in terms of story) and F!Corrin with Conquest (easily the worst).

>Xander being that high up

>Elise being higher than Oboro/Azura



Did you know my tastes are objectively better than yours?


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Ehh. I know this is going to sound like I'm discrediting the poll because I dislike the results, but I strongly dislike the results.

I feel like HIsame's poor showing has more to do with localization blaming than anything, even though his supports are virtually identical to their Japanese counterparts. The fact that he placed below Rhajat and freakin' Soleil somehow did well definitely raises a lot of eyebrows.

Looking at the placement of Xander and Kaze (as well as Leo taking #1), I have a strong suspicion that waifu/husbando nonsense may have had a sizable part in this.

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Have you read some of their supports? They're all pretty good. And I gotta say, Xander basically exudes charisma.

Not many, but from what I've heard, Support!Xander and Story!Xander are two different people and I can't stand Story!Xander. Azura can be a good character too if you ignore her story presence and look at her supports. *necessary peace-making gesture to Phillius*

Looking at the placement of Xander and Kaze (as well as Leo taking #1), I have a strong suspicion that waifu/husbando nonsense may have had a sizable part in this.

That's probably why Femui consistently ranks higher than Mamui, because she's cute and people wish they could waifu her.

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Not many, but from what I've heard, Support!Xander and Story!Xander are two different people and I can't stand Story!Xander. Azura can be a good character too if you ignore her story presence and look at her supports. *necessary peace-making gesture to Phillius*

That's probably why Femui consistently ranks higher than Mamui, because she's cute and people wish they could waifu her.

The Killer Troubadour is satiated. For now...

As for the second part of you're comment, this is very relevant:


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I don't understand the Rhajat hate.

Afaik, FKana's better VA delivery alone makes her more lovable than MKana.

Sorry about this double standard (for the love of everything holy, don't make what I'm about to say into an issue), but to me personally, FCorrin's ignorance of everything can be almost... acceptable (not growing out of it bothers me all the same). As for MCorrin, it just comes off as beta, but people would rather follow him because plot demands it.

If I ever play a male character in an RPG that I find unrelatable, or embarrassingly stupid, I'll judge him harsher than the female counterpart. I think most guys who make a male character in an RPG would instinctively self-insert themselves, and would find being MCorrin intolerable. As for FCorrin, I'd suspect that it's only more tolerable because it's much easier to see her as a different persona when the player and the character's gender are opposites. Just a thought.

Stop thinking with your penis

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Stop thinking with your penis

Too bad that you got my line of thinking wrong. If my self-insert is an idiot, of course I'm going to judge him harder. FCorrin isn't a good self-insert candidate if she's not the same gender as me. I'd sooner see her as her own character.

As a matter of fact, I literally said this the sentence immediately following what you bolded. Good job on reading.

edit: chad thundercock?

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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Too bad that you got my line of thinking wrong. If my self-insert is an idiot, of course I'm going to judge him harder. FCorrin isn't a good self-insert candidate if she's not the same gender as me. I'd sooner see her as her own character.

As a matter of fact, I literally said this the sentence immediately following what you bolded. Good job on reading.

edit: chad thundercock?

Hey man don't make fun of people's names

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I know it's all opinions and stuff, but man do I disagree with everything on this poll.

I can only assume Rinkah is 2nd least favorite because people barely used her on the ground that she ''teh sux'' gameplay-wise.

Hisame being this disliked is probably because people still buy the story that Treehouse turned his lines into pickle memes, when

a) they don't show up THAT often

b) most of them were in the original.

I'll agree with Thane on how they probably voted based on design too.

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The Awakening characters being so high disgusts me. They should've never been included in the game, imo, and this is coming from an Inigo and Severa fan. I'm not saying old characters should NEVER be brought back, but if you're going to bring them back, at least make it make sense. These three were literally just shoehorned in because of popularity and I hate seeing Inigo and Severa treated this way. And don't get me started on the three Awakening clone children...

And those results for Ryoma and Silas's results, just wow... Why don't many people like them? Ryoma is the definition of a badass (who's also hot) imo, and Silas is the biggest sweetheart ever, I thought he'd be the most popular female Corrin pairing at least... Yet more people there hate him than like him. That's really sad.

But then again, it's Reddit who are full of idiots to me. So I guess in the end it's not a big deal. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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And those results for Ryoma and Silas's results, just wow... Why don't many people like them? Ryoma is the definition of a badass (who's also hot) imo, and Silas is the biggest sweetheart ever, I thought he'd be the most popular female Corrin pairing at least... Yet more people there hate him than like him. That's really sad.

Now, I like Ryoma as well but he seems a bit too perfect for people to empathize with. Both Xander and Takumi have massive issues and Leo, while more level-headed than them, still craves for attention from his older siblings (especially Camilla). Ryoma, on the other hand doesn't really have any flaws or insecurities and even on Conquest he kills himself for Corrin's sake, showing tremendous faith in someone who just destroyed his kingdom. And he's also a badass like you mentioned, being the best unit in the game and one of the best prepromoted units in the entire series

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W-Why the hate on Mozu? She's great! Is it because of the trainee thing? If it is, I can kinda let that slide(although, she isn't that hard to train...for me anyway). That and her supports with Benny and Kaze are good.

Sure she isn't on the levels of Arthur(who's just so dang loveable and respectable), but she's still pretty alright.

Charlotte, in my opinion, would be better of without the whole "two faced" facade. I kinda like her more as her normal self. Why? Because she kinda comes off more cool(heck, she took out a tree with her bare hands. MU B support). I also like her support with Arthur, because "I'm not that strong and I need protection in battle" my butt! *sigh*...but at least good ol' Arthur still sticks with her despite that!

Leo being top contender pleases me.

Also...I don't know why, but I just seem to love Leo's smirk look. I don't have much reason for it, but I love that smirk of his so much.

Peri......Peri, Peri, Peri. I don't hate the girl, but the combination of childish and killer wasn't the best combination. Its a bit of a double whammy. Not sayin it can't work, but it doesn't work too well for Peri. I Honestly think she's more childish than killer...ish, which is worse then her being more killer than childish(I haven't had a lot of supports with her, but it shows in just a couple I've seen). That kinda made her C support with Joker enjoyable(since he kinda reprimanded her...sorry Peri).

Lastly, if you couldn't tell at this point, Arthur is great! I can't help but love and respect him so much(although...I worry about the guy too...he's too nice for his own good. Not that I can talk...)!


Just to note, I haven't beaten the game, but I can say who like or kinda dislike at this point(well...minus Flora, haven't got her yet. I've been support grinding......that's two words I didn't think I would be saying together).

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Now, I like Ryoma as well but he seems a bit too perfect for people to empathize with. Both Xander and Takumi have massive issues and Leo, while more level-headed than them, still craves for attention from his older siblings (especially Camilla). Ryoma, on the other hand doesn't really have any flaws or insecurities and even on Conquest he kills himself for Corrin's sake, showing tremendous faith in someone who just destroyed his kingdom. And he's also a badass like you mentioned, being the best unit in the game and one of the best prepromoted units in the entire series

Why does someone need to have insecurities to be a likeable character? A likeable character just needs to have flaws, good character, and to be well written. And Ryoma didn't feel perfect to me. Sure, I didn't notice any notable flaws myself, but at least he wasn't written poorly like Birthright Xander or a blatant shoehorning like the Awakening trio.

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