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Fire Emblem Fate English Voices Aren't That Bad.

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I just cant stand Nyx's English voice tho. Thats the only one i outright abhor.

I also think Nyx's voice is kinda ehhhhhh, come to think of it. My problem with it personally is that... I understand why she would have a high-pitched voice, but first of all, her attack "grunts" are terrible and don't sound like she's exerting herself physically at all, they just sound like... generic cutesy noises. Also, while some of her lines do do this, more of her voice clips need to have her speaking with the cadence of an adult even though her voice is high-pitched. It's not really terrible I wouldn't say, but it could definitely be a lot better.

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I dunno, isn't Ike's voice actor generally mocked? Its not for nothing ''I fight for my friends'' became a meme.

Is that guy even a voice actor? I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just something I've heard, and now I can't stop imagining this non-actor just being pestered by Nintendo to return and voice a character over and over again for more than a decade.

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Is that guy even a voice actor? I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just something I've heard, and now I can't stop imagining this non-actor just being pestered by Nintendo to return and voice a character over and over again for more than a decade.

probably not. If he was he probably get better at voicing Ike but maybe he doesn't get that many gig, probably works at MacDonald's.
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Is that guy even a voice actor? I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just something I've heard, and now I can't stop imagining this non-actor just being pestered by Nintendo to return and voice a character over and over again for more than a decade.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jason Adkins is just a long time Nintendo employee who has just happened to stay on since PoR was localized in 2005. I mean, some voices from PoR to RD changed, yet he's been Ike for about a decade. Maybe it's a Rare type deal, where just hiring in house is cheaper. Like Thane, I don't mean to sound rude, but after watching a Crit/Skill Activation line compilation, it's amazing how bad Ike sounds compared to everyone else.

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Is that guy even a voice actor? I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just something I've heard, and now I can't stop imagining this non-actor just being pestered by Nintendo to return and voice a character over and over again for more than a decade.

IIRC he's a baseball player.

What makes me actually wonder is if he voiced Brawl!Ike. If he did, then that's a pretty huge quality drop right there.

Edited by singularity
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probably not. If he was he probably get better at voicing Ike but maybe he doesn't get that many gig, probably works at MacDonald's.

I'm all for some friendly mocking as much as the next guy, but even for someone that thinks his performance in PoR was horrendous, I think that is simply uncalled for.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm all for some friendly mocking as much as the next guy, but even for someone that thinks his performance in PoR was horrendous, I think that is simply uncalled for.

Preach it, Rey. Preach it. His performances as Ike in PoR and Fates are definitely shaky, but I actually really liked his performances in RD and Smash Bros.

Edited by KoolioKenneth
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I feel as if many others are more familiar with the original Japanese voices then me, Since I refused to watch anything that could potentionally spoil the game the only time I would hear the Japanese voices is during the Nintendo trailers or short clips showing gameplay, meaning I haven't even heard all the characters' Japanese voices, and the characters that were featured say in gameplay clips or trailers, were often short and of course didn't feature everyone so it was either I never even heard the Japanese voices or I don't even remember how they sound.

This is probably why I don't have too much of a problem with any of characters' voices, like with Nyx, I like her voice, the first time I heard it, it did surprise me but I actually ended up liking it and felt like it fit her, same goes with Felicia, when I first heard her it was just weird but I grew to love her voice and her awkwardness, and personally I think M!Kanna voice can be quite cute and don't hate the voice cracks that appears in some of his lines, the only time I think M!Kana sounds a tad bit off is his Private Quarters lines, I feel like to others he may sound the same but to me I don't know. While I love the private quarters I felt like quite a few characters' lines there sounded off, either some were too rushed or the tone of their voice didn't quite match their line

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But the older Fire Emblem games didn't have voice acting. Well except the game cube ones, I heard their dub was terrible. But my favorite is Xander Voice actor my favorite is when he scremes 'For Nohr!' I feel the energy! While Matthews Royma is good I don't feel the hype when he said 'For Hoshido' but I like the ascent he does with it.

His crit line "You die! Now!" Is pretty good tho. I still feel Matthew Mercer did a good job as Ryoma.

My thing is. At the beginning when people first heard Male Corrin's English voice in the trailer, everyone was like "oh my god that voice is GROSS! It's so deep it's DISGUSTING!" And i'm like....listen, Cam Clarke has been voicing young men for like 30 years, unless YOU can do a better job you should stop talking! I don't even like Yuri Lowenthal's rendition that much but I won't bash it. He did something I'll never be able to do. People were just being weebs and complaining because it wasn't a 26 year old who sounds like he's 15(Shimazaki)

The voice for male Kana is bad yes. I meant to quote that post too. I do agree. I told my friends that he sounded like Bowser Jr. At first lol

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The voices I don't like:

Peri: It's just nasal.

Hinoka: Probably an unpopular opinion. I'm all for it being raspy but it sounds raspy, nasal, and when she "cries" it sounds so fake that I can't feel a thing.

Nyx's battle "grunts": they make no sense. I'm ok with how she speaks tho.

Male Kana: Like I said before? , he sounds like Bowser Junior and i think this game has a completely different tone than a Mario game.

On Felicia's voice: I'm really happy we got her, because her Japanese squeeking is cringe worthy. It's Like Olivia & Nah. They had great voices in Awakening but their Japanese VA (they have the same one) made my ears bleed.

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On Felicia's voice: I'm really happy we got her, because her Japanese squeeking is cringe worthy. It's Like Olivia & Nah. They had great voices in Awakening but their Japanese VA (they have the same one) made my ears bleed.

And that's the duty of localization.

The stuff they find ideal or expect Is different from other countries.

Which is why I expect Tsubasa or other females in #FE to have some cringing from American fans.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's weaker than Awakening but it's not horrible and most people are overreacting. What I do like is that most of the VA's managed to give some of their characters a lot of different tones to each each characters voice especially Matthew Mercer and Brianna Knickerbocker.

The only few character voices I don't like are:

The new Ike voice
Effie (But her confession scene is brilliant XD)

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I don't particularly like any of Ike's crit quotes, except for "No holding back!". I don't know why, but for some reason that quotes always make me giggle. Maybe it's the execution. Or the timing. I don't know.

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I don't see what the problem is with Nyx's voice. I think she sounds fine. Mabye because i never heard her japanese voice.

After watching the crit quotes again, i don't think Ophelia and Ike's are as bad as i remembered (though i still don't like how Ophelia sounds when she says "Luminary Uppercut").

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Some of my favorites:

Percy (literally just Pit. I'd accuse Antony del Rio of being one-note, if he wasn't also Silas.)


Jakob (still waiting for him to call out "Armies of Hoshido/Nohr, Battle Stations!")

Dwyer (Gideon Emery is overworked and tired... although now I know why Keaton sounds so much like Gauis.)

Severa (never used her much in Awakening, oddly enough)

Nyx (I know she sounds kind of child-like, but there's a certain sharpness I appreciate)

hon. mentions: Niles, Oboro, Buttercup Hinoka, Saizo, Midori

Honestly I feel like the voice acting is generally on-par with what Awakening's got to offer (although, its absence from support conversations is... unfortunate). They've assembled a cast of talented voice actors. Even those voices that are iffy or unconventional (Male Kana, Felicia) tend to offer their own quirks. Certainly, one is free to opine that some of the voices are bad. I just can't identify any one as "bad" - for me, it's a range of "okay" to "great".

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No, I've heard those. I don't think they sound that bad. Am I missing something? I'm usually the first to cringe because of bad voice acting.

Don't get me wrong, it's not "so bad it makes my ears bleed" bad. The VA did a fair job, it's just that I feel like its a downgrade from his original voice.

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This one has a couple lines. I don't think the voice acting is bad, its just way too quite in battle.

Thank you. It's not one of the best voices but it's certainly not that bad if you ask me.

Don't get me wrong, it's not "so bad it makes my ears bleed" bad. The VA did a fair job, it's just that I feel like its a downgrade from his original voice.

His original voice? I thought his performance in the Tellius series was hated?

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His original voice? I thought his performance in the Tellius series was hated?

It's fairly disliked, but Codename Steam and Fates are even lower lows, in a good amount of peoples eyes, including mine, his only decent performance was Smash and that was more his grunts than actual talking.

They really need to get someone entirely new.

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