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Who here commutes to work/school by bicycle?


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So for the first time in my life, I decided to commute to work with my bicycle. Melbourne (Australia) has increasingly become more suitable for such a commute, due to its expanding dedicated bike lanes, and its generally flat terrain. Though there are still some missing links which forces me to walk my bike. It previously took me 30 mins to get to work just by walking from my house just north of the city/CBD/downtown to the architecture firm I am working in in the inner east. While I had some trouble finding the bike locker in my office which resulted in 25 mins door-to-door, it should take me 15 mins on a good day.

So who else rides their bike to work? Is it good?

Edited by henrymidfields
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I used to go to school while riding my bike, it was faster than taking the city bus and I got some good exercise from it. I enjoy biking quite a bit, I realize that biking isn't for everyone but I really encourage people to do so. The only downside I had when I did commute via bike is sweat, although that was remedied through carrying my actual school shirt/deodorant in my bag while wearing a tank top or something.

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I used to, then I realised I was too lazy to cycle and I preferred walking the distance instead. I used to have to cycle 10 miles for parts of my course, that was fun when it wasn't pouring with rain.

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Yeah, I've been doing so since I was 12 (and the only reason I didn't do it before that time was that it was a 5 minute walk from home to my elementary school). I still ride my bike to college and to anywhere I need to be that's relatively nearby. I just love biking.

The Netherlands have good biking provisions too. Bike lanes and bicycle-exclusive roads are pretty standard around here.

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The only downside I had when I did commute via bike is sweat, although that was remedied through carrying my actual school shirt/deodorant in my bag while wearing a tank top or something.

Thankfully, my office has a shower room for that, and it's pretty cold right now. But yeah, that'll become an issue once spring hits. Actually, tram tracks are another thing to worry about in Melbourne. I had a couple of time where my wheels fell into the grooves and my bike (and I) nearly fell over.

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I usualy perfer to walk or take transit, but i did bike between two specific clases that were right after each other on oppisate ends of campus this semester. Now that that has ended, i don't plan to do it again.

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I cycle to work. Takes about 20 minutes. Though I walk if it's raining heavily or dangerously windy. Then it takes about 35 minutes.

The rush hour traffic where I live isn't too terrible, but people are impatient enough I feel safer riding a bike through small streets and alleys than trying to driving on the main roads.

I think cycling to work/school is a good habit if one's work situation makes it feasible. In my case, I hate driving anyways. And now I don't feel guilty if for some reason I can't go running on the odd day. There's also a great shortcut cycling home that goes by a grocery store.

Helps it's also masses cheaper than maintaining a car or using public transportation.

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I cycle to work. Takes about 20 minutes. Though I walk if it's raining heavily or dangerously windy. Then it takes about 35 minutes.

The rush hour traffic where I live isn't too terrible, but people are impatient enough I feel safer riding a bike through small streets and alleys than trying to driving on the main roads.

I think cycling to work/school is a good habit if one's work situation makes it feasible. In my case, I hate driving anyways. And now I don't feel guilty if for some reason I can't go running on the odd day. There's also a great shortcut cycling home that goes by a grocery store.

Helps it's also masses cheaper than maintaining a car or using public transportation.

High five, dude. :B): I too am glad that I don't have to drive anymore, unlike my previous job in Western Sydney. There's insurance and gasoline/petrol costing an arm and a leg, plus, as you said, impatient drivers - and this is on a 80km/h road that only has a single lane each way with sometime no shoulder to pull over. I do miss my old boss, my old friends, and my old workplace, but I certainly don't miss the expense and danger of driving.

I half do that; I drive to my friend's place and then I bike like two miles from their place.

Out of curiosity, what is the reason you half-drive as mentioned, as opposed to driving or cycling all the way? Does your friend ride with you? Edited by henrymidfields
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As said above, the Netherlands in a great place for bicycling. College is only 35 minutes away by bike for me, so there's no way I'd pay for transport. (Well, there are ways, like that time my back gave in. Good thing public transport is plentyful here too.)

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Out of curiosity, what is the reason you half-drive as mentioned, as opposed to driving or cycling all the way? Does your friend ride with you?

Because my commute is like 5-6 miles and I don't have the endurance for that... it's also because I'd end up having to go like 5-6 miles uphill in the morning and that's not something I'm willing to deal with when I'm half-asleep. My friends live like 2 miles off campus so I just drive there. Parking ain't free unless I do that.

Edited by Lord Raven
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