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Hello to the Forest


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Hello everyone,

so I have been following this site quite a while now and since it's just one more day to the Fates EU release I thought: Why not sign up and join the hype train here?

I have started playing Fire Emblem two years ago with Awakening (it's a shame that I haven't played any of the games before even though I knew about them through Smash)

and ever since then I fell in love with the series and started playing the GBA titles aswell.

Aside from Fire Emblem I like video games in general, anime, books and science/technology stuff. I wish I could do some fancy things like drawing or writing stories, too but you can't have everything, I guess.

Oh and please forgive grammar and especially comma placement mistakes as English isn't my first language.

What else to say? I don't know.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all.

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Welcome aboard, Giganon.

Your English is practically perfect compared to some other stuff I've seen, and I've said this before, but those who have English as a secondary language seem to have mastered it, compared to those who have it as their first.

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Welcome to the Forest, Giganon!

You know a good way to improve your English (wich is fine by the way)?

Write some stories! You may be bad at it today but you'll sharpen your pen in no time!

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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