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Your favorite over the top, hammy villain?


Ham to Ham Combat  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most entertaining?

    • Kempf (FE5)
    • Narcian (FE6)
    • Batta the Beast (FE7)
    • Glass (FE7)
    • Valter (FE8)
    • Oliver (FE9/10)
    • Deghinsea (FE9/10)
    • Septimus (FE10)
    • Legion (FE12)
    • Cervantes (FE13)
    • Excellus (FE13)
    • Walhart (FE13)
    • Nergal (FE7)
    • Garon (FE14)
    • Demon King (FE8)
    • Schaeffer (FE9)
    • Gangrel (FE13)
    • Bandit Bros (Maggie and Rose, Victor and Vincent, etc.) (multiple games)
    • Valthome (FE10)
    • Iago (FE14)

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Valter is implied to be a rapist too. If you think about it, he's kind of like an insane, bloodthirsty version of Narcian.

And IMO, the scene between Narcian and Clarine is one of the funniest scenes in FE6. It helps that Clarine herself is also one of the most entertaining characters in FE6.

Exactly. He wants to capture Eirika to make her his bride. Both are bad guys, but Narcian is just better imo because he's actually entertaining despite the situation with Clarine.

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Ah shite. Changing my vote. And yeah that scene is funny but it's basically to make fun of Narcien for how pathetic he is; he's so non threatening, he can't even get his own sex slave to be scared of him! And then the punchline comes if you have her fight him in CH 16. But that isn't him being over the top, it's him being pathetic.

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It seems you've set yourself up for a losing battle, Mr. Matthewtheman; my impression is that the series has too many hammy/maybe-hammy villains to count. Personally, I would have voted for Valtome (FE10) if he were up there, uwhee hwee hwee (he's sort of evil-hammy). Alternatively, I selected Cervantes, and his ferocious facial hair (much more likable-hammy; if only Awakening had boss-capture)!

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It seems you've set yourself up for a losing battle, Mr. Matthewtheman; my impression is that the series has too many hammy/maybe-hammy villains to count. Personally, I would have voted for Valtome (FE10) if he were up there, uwhee hwee hwee (he's sort of evil-hammy). Alternatively, I selected Cervantes, and his ferocious facial hair (much more likable-hammy; if only Awakening had boss-capture)!

I can add him. More options is never a bad thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iago is way more hammy than Garon.

Gangerl and Aversa would fit perfectly on Ru Paul's Drag Race.

I've heard about Iago, but I haven't played Fates yet. I hear he's a bit like Excellus or something? Anyway, thanks for pointing it out, I'll add him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first played Sacred Stones (which was my second game, after Binding Blade) I initially thought Valter was the SS's Narcian archetype. Yet Valter is much more memorable. Valter's bloodlust is just so over the top, it just becomes laughable. And yet he still is more threatening than Narcian is, considering what he did to Cormag's brother, and also Dussel's description of Valter in one of the former's support conversaton. My favourite scene in SS? Right after Chapter 5 Gaiden when he taunts Ephraim: - Valter's description of requesting Ephraim's surrender is funny if also scary, and the way Ephraim retorts against Valter with the proverbial "Fuck your bullshit, I'm outta here!" is awesome.

I've actually adopted a Walhart persona for my FE Fates Conquest blog I am running over at Bulbagarden. (Unfortunately, for some reason the blog's global setting is on "private" so only members can read. I might have to reproduce my blog entries here.) The title of my Chapter 5 entry is "Stop infusing your pacifism! For I am Walhart! The king of conquerors!"

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