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Cipher Series 7 - Info, News, Leaks, & Discussion: Dec 16: Tournament Promos Revealed!


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Very nice! Looks like new art for Jakob, Eliwood, and Serra, with two of those three not even confirmed (though assumed) to be in the set.

A few more poster shots were posted up on Cipherbook showcasing some new cards!



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Everyone is going Kinshi minus Takumi xD!

I really like how Kiragi looks in the art! I think its pretty, and his expression fits him. And I love it because I want to keep my Kiragi as Kinshi

Serra's cards look good too, but at first it took me a bit to recognise her in the R and R+ card haha

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Today's card reveal is the very pretty Lucius with his own R card!


After the double Serra Reveal I was expecting another Fates Card Today.

I'm glad to see Lucius here, he is a nice guy.

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After the double Serra Reveal I was expecting another Fates Card Today.

We already got a Fates card in between with Kiragi. They usually swap colours day to day.

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We already got a Fates card in between with Kiragi. They usually swap colours day to day.

But only the a Kiragi card. I remember some days with repeated colors because one of the days before the repetition, the other color release a art with two or three cards (like the Sigurd/Quan/Eldigan Artwork)

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Today's card reveal is the very pretty Lucius with his own R card!

the very pretty Lucius with his own R card!

Lucius with his own R card

his own R card


triggered rn
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So, Vince and I had fun over Discord today trying to come up with a theoretical set list based on what we know. Take a look and let us know what you think! Admittedly, he did most of the work, I was pretty much a sounding board and organizer:

[spoiler=Theoretical Set List]

001-003 - Eliwood
004-006 - Hector
007-009 - Lyn
010-014 - Kent (2), Sain (2), and one more. Wil or Marc??
015-016 - Florina
017-018 - Serra
019-020 - Erk??
021 - Nils
022-023 - Lucius
024 - Rath
025 - Matthew
026 - Rebecca
027 - Oswin
028-029 - Guy
030-031 - Priscilla
032-033 - Raven
034-035 - Canas
036-040 - Ninian somewhere, then 4 more open spaces (2/2, 2/1/1, 1/1/1/1 - Karel? Fiona? Pent/Louise?)
041-042 - Nino
043 - Jaffar
044-045 - Lloyd
046 - Linus
047-048 - Limstella and one more. Ursula?? (Sonia?)
049-050 - Cipher Mascots

051-053 - Ryoma
054-055 - Hinoka
056-057 - Takumi
058-059 - Sakura
060-061 - Saizo
062-063 - Kagero
064-065 - Setsuna
066-067 - Oboro
068-069 - Hana
070-071 - Joker
072-073 - Rinkah
074-075 - Orochi?
076-077 - Silas?
078 - Scarlet?
079 - Yukimura?
080 - Izana?
081 - Fuuga?
082-083 - ???
084-085 - Shiro
086 - Kiragi
087-098 - Mitama, Dwyer, NPCs/Villains
099-100 - Cipher Mascots

Edited by Kirie
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Sain ought to get two cards like Kent. Would be really unusual otherwise since the Cain and Abel archetype characters have always gotten two each. Ninian should be somewhere too.

I don't believe Mark will necessarily get a card because their involvement as a unit in the game is pretty much non-existent, but I guess it isn't impossible.

I think Wallace will get a card, but he'll just be a tourney promo.

Edited by Prince of Iris
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Oh, yeah, we even talked about Ninian (especially since she's probably our best bet for 3rd female SR), but not in terms of numeric placement, so I forgot to stick her in when I put together the list. I guess her card ought to go in that middle, questionable section (fits with recruitment).

And Sain only listed once is a typo; I meant to put 2. -_-;

Going back to edit those in now.

I also don't think it's likely that Marc will get a card, but it was brought up as a possibility, and I think it's kind of amusing.

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There was also a new Cipher Column post today. Google translation isn't the best, but the images mostly speak for themselves. We've got a few new S7 cards shown off, new Player Boxes and Artbooks available at Comiket, and Risen artwork for S8.

Edited by Kirie
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