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Skill Request Thread For Europe/Australia


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@heartmann & Benishigure> I get aptitude for Takumi, thanks !

Tomorrow I'll probably need aptitude for Saizo, Orochi, Reina & Kagero, If one of you have them, could he/she set them up in his/her castle ?

Off topic : Does anyone knows if the cap level of promoted units depends on the level we use the master seal on the non-promoted unit ? for exemple, If I use a master seal on a level 10 samourai to promote him to master of arms, the cap level will be 20 or 30 ?

Edited by Van-Fanel
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I'm playing revelation and i have scarlet

so would it better if i dont make her a mother of any child unit

in revelation?

btw got azama aptitude from you in case you need to switch out

Well she can only S-Support with M!Corrin, anyway.

But yeah, no point in getting her married.

[spoiler=Rev things]Since she only sticks around for 2 chapters. She permanently leaves your party at the start of chapter 18.

@heartmann & Benishigure> I get aptitude for Takumi, thanks !

Tomorrow I'll probably need aptitude for Saizo, Orochi, Reina & Kagero, If one of you have them, could he/she set them up in his/her castle ?

Off topic : Does anyone knows if the cap level of promoted units depends on the level we use the master seal on the non-promoted unit ? for exemple, If I use a master seal on a level 10 samourai to promote him to master of arms, the cap level will be 20 or 30 ?

All four are up and ready.

Also, the level cap is always 20 regardless of whether the unit is in a base class or promoted class. So if you promote your unit that early, they essentially lose on the stats they would have gained on levels 11-20.

The only exceptions to this are the Songstress class, DLC classes and Jakob/Felicia, since both are promoted units but they have 4 Eternal Seals built in from the moment they're available, and the amount of EXP they gain is the same as unpromoted units.

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Hello, I am looking for Aegis and Pavise on Camilla. If anyone has those that would be much appreciated.

Pavise is up—no aegis, I'm afraid.

looking for Camilla, Beruka and Selena with aptitude (and Kaden and Keaton too if possible, I will need them soon). If someone have them, could he or she set them up in his or her castle, please ?

With the exception of Keaton, these are all up now too.

Oh, and I'm looking for Inspiration (and I suppose, Demoiselle) for Sakura.

Edited by heartmann
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Hello, I am looking for Aegis and Pavise on Camilla. If anyone has those that would be much appreciated.

looking for Camilla, Beruka and Selena with aptitude (and Kaden and Keaton too if possible, I will need them soon). If someone have them, could he or she set them up in his or her castle, please ?

Oh, and I'm looking for Inspiration (and I suppose, Demoiselle) for Sakura.

The rest of the skills you still need are up.

MU (Akira): Death Blow, Renewal, Lancebreaker, Pass, Replicate

Niles: Lifetaker, Quixotic, Air Superiority, Replicate, Lethality

Ophelia: Dragon Fang, Certain Blow, Miracle, Life and Death, Quixotic

Sakura: Bowfaire, Vantage, Replicate, Demoiselle, Inspiration

Percy: Vengeance, Bowbreaker, Aegis, Pavise, Certain Blow

Ignatius: Aegis, Pavise, Luna, Astra, Quixotic

Leo: Tomefaire, Darting Blow, Certain Blow, Amaterasu, Renewal

Camilla: Aegis, Wary Fighter, Certain Blow, Renewal, Quixotic

Felicia: Luna, Duelist's Blow, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lifetaker

Keaton: Aptitude, Vantage, Counter, Lifetaker, Life and Death

oh good to know

and oh yeah i have f corrin cause i wanted corrin to look like me

and the male one has no hairstyle that comes close enough

but there are enough chars so i can get all child units in rev?

If you're F!Corrin then one of your female units will be left unpaired, which I guess is alright if you're more concerned about getting all second gens anyway.

The game just has enough female unit options for the male units but doesn't take the M!Corrin into account, which is why you miss out on a kid if you marry a first gen female.

Edited by Benishigure
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Sorry for sounding stupid, but is she in your castle right now? And if she is I cannot find your castle#

Err … she should be? I just checked, and she's there, so unless I've forgotten to update it (which may be a thing), or have misunderstood the process (again: possible; though unlikely, as others have seemingly successfully picked stuff up), she should be there. Anyway, just rearranged and (hopefully) updated it; everything should be up and ready to go now. The address is:



In other news, I'm looking for Siegbert with vantage, life or death, swordfaire, duelist's blow and seal strength. Anyone have one or more of these? Thanks!

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Err … she should be? I just checked, and she's there, so unless I've forgotten to update it (which may be a thing), or have misunderstood the process (again: possible; though unlikely, as others have seemingly successfully picked stuff up), she should be there. Anyway, just rearranged and (hopefully) updated it; everything should be up and ready to go now. The address is:



In other news, I'm looking for Siegbert with vantage, life or death, swordfaire, duelist's blow and seal strength. Anyone have one or more of these? Thanks!

Hey man, sorry for putting you though all of that trouble, just realized I couldn't reach your castle because this was meant for Europe/Australian players only, I'm such a fool.

Edited by Knobu
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