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Help me to make a Powerfull Birthright Corrin


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So finally Fates has arrived in Europe and I want to play Birthright first.

What are your recommendations for MaleMyUnit in terms of Boons, Banes and Secondary Class?
(I would prefer a good physical Unit) Is +Speed/-Luck a good Combination like it was in Awakening?

What are your recommendations in terms of marriage to produce a powerful Kana? Is Scarlet a good choice for a Physical Kana? Or is Kana with a Dragonstone superior?

I have heard Swordmaster is good in Conquest and also Revelations because of the Yato but what about Birthright?

Sadly the Europeans are far behind in terms of knowledge (powergaming etc.) compared to the US People. So i hope some of the experienced players can help me out. Any help would be appreciated.

Greetings Mugen

Edited by Mugen
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Thank you very much.

I go with +Strength/-Magic then i guess.

Another question:

What is a good partner (and Mother for Kana) for Corrin with this setup?

If anyone has other suggestions please post it;D

Edited by Mugen
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Thank you very much.

I go with +Strength/-Magic then i guess.

Another question:

What is a good partner (and Mother for Kana) for Corrin with this setup?

If anyone has other suggestions please post it;D

That kinda depends on what you want to do with Kana. You mentioned having her use her dragonstone most of the time. That's a magic weapon and so with her dad's bane being magic, that will become her boon. That will also help her use staves if you stay Hoshido Noble with her. As for a mama, I don't tend to min/max the parents. Even on Lunatic/classic it doesn't matter that much. But if I had to pick, Felicia or Mozu wouldn't be that bad.

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So the final stat modifiers for Kana are:

(+Mag/-Str Corrin) + (Mothers Modifiers) + 1 to all stats from the Children?

Edited by Mugen
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Thank you very much.

I go with +Strength/-Magic then i guess.

Another question:

What is a good partner (and Mother for Kana) for Corrin with this setup?

If anyone has other suggestions please post it;D

Boon: Speed, Skill or Strength

Bane: Magic

Secondary Class: Ninja

Forge yourself an Iron Shuriken as far as you can. Let the killing begin.

I don't recommend -Magic as a flaw because it lowers Speed as well. Yes, Master Ninja has naturally high Speed, but what's the point of reducing it further?

+Strength, -Defense/Luck is generally the better option for a physically-oriented Avatar, as the Defense flaw won't impact a +Strength avatar much, as +Strength also increases Defense.

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I don't recommend -Magic as a flaw because it lowers Speed as well. Yes, Master Ninja has naturally high Speed, but what's the point of reducing it further?

+Strength, -Defense/Luck is generally the better option for a physically-oriented Avatar, as the Defense flaw won't impact a +Strength avatar much, as +Strength also increases Defense.

That's true unless you pick Speed as your boon. Then you only lose 1 from the +4 mod, plus you get Ninjas absurd Speed. I tend to get a bit scared to recommend Defense as a bane given the RNG penchant for allowing 15% hit chances or lower to get through. :)

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+Strength, -Defense/Luck is generally the better option for a physically-oriented Avatar, as the Defense flaw won't impact a +Strength avatar much, as +Strength also increases Defense.

I can't really agree with a Defense bane because this IS Birthright we're talking about...

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I can't really agree with a Defense bane because this IS Birthright we're talking about...

As I already mentioned, a +Strength asset also increases Defense by 2. While -Defense decreases the stat by 3, it all balances out and a -1 Defense mod isn't much.

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I guess +Str/-Luck then?

You get +10 Strength Growth Rate, -5 Magic and -20 Luck.

But kcirrot wrote that the Avatars Boon will be Kanas Bane etc.

That means Kana would get modifiers from +Luck/-Strength Avatar right?

And that is pretty bad i think;D

Is Defense that important in Birthright?

I want to play on Lunatic/Classic btw.

I know most of the game mechanics because i watched Lets Plays from Mangs etc. but in terms of powergaming im kind a noob compared to Awakening^^

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I guess +Str/-Luck then?

You get +10 Strength Growth Rate, -5 Magic and -20 Luck.

But kcirrot wrote that the Avatars Boon will be Kanas Bane etc.

That means Kana would get modifiers from +Luck/-Strength Avatar right?

And that is pretty bad i think;D

Is Defense that important in Birthright?

I want to play on Lunatic/Classic btw.

I know most of the game mechanics because i watched Lets Plays from Mangs etc. but in terms of powergaming im kind a noob compared to Awakening^^

Birthright is rather lacking in tanks, so... I'd say so. Also, I'm not a fan of a Luck bane, because you need 2 points of luck to get one point of crit evade.

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Birthright is rather lacking in tanks, so... I'd say so. Also, I'm not a fan of a Luck bane, because you need 2 points of luck to get one point of crit evade.

Rinkah, Oboro (if you're Defense-blessed), Great Knight Silas, and Scarlet are decent tanks, IMO.

As I already mentioned, losing a point in a stat means nothing, IMO. You can always build character statues to patch up negative stat modifiers. The Silas and Oboro statues give Defense, for example, but you'll have to let the subjects get in kills to upgrade the statues to affect other characters.

Edited by ChaosGallade
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Rinkah, Oboro (if you're Defense-blessed), Great Knight Silas, and Scarlet are decent tanks, IMO.

As I already mentioned, losing a point in a stat means nothing, IMO. You can always build character statues to patch up negative stat modifiers. The Silas and Oboro statues give Defense, for example, but you'll have to let the subjects get in kills to upgrade the statues to affect other characters.

You DO realize that statues are unlikely to be a factor ingame? Anyways, I generally found Rinkah and Scarlet to not hack it as tanks when I got to BR lategame, though I might've gotten supremely screwed in HP and Defence for the latter.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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You DO realize that statues are unlikely to be a factor ingame? Anyways, I generally found Rinkah and Scarlet to not hack it as tanks when I got to BR lategame, though I might've gotten supremely screwed in HP and Defence for the latter.

Some characters have statues that specialize in a stat they have a negative modifier in. Examples are Rinkah (Strength) and Kagero (Speed). These statues cancel out the subjects' negative modifiers completely.

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I think the Goddess Icon raises luck by 4 so it should be possible to negate the lack of crit evade completly right?

I think there are no other characters in Birthright which benefit from Goddess Icon. So i could use them. The only character i know who sucks in the Luck Section is Arthur and he is in Conquest.

hmm its difficult to decide guys^^

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I think the Goddess Icon raises luck by 4 so it should be possible to negate the lack of crit evade completly right?

I think there are no other characters in Birthright which benefit from Goddess Icon. So i could use them. The only character i know who sucks in the Luck Section is Arthur and he is in Conquest.

hmm its difficult to decide guys^^

Kaze's Luck also isn't the best, so saving a Goddess Icon or two for him might not be a bad idea.

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ok thank you for the information about Kaze. Unfortunaly i know the Conquest Characters better^^ I know Kaze is available on both routes but as i mentioned i watched the Conquest Lets Play from Mangs and he benched Kaze^^

Lets say i go with +Strength/-Def or +Strength/-Luck. What is about Kana? If Kana gets the opposite Boon/Bane as MyUnit that makes the process much more complicated^^

What Waifu should MaleMyUnit go for with +Strength/-Luck or +Strength/-Def?

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Lets say i go with +Strength/-Def or +Strength/-Luck. What is about Kana? If Kana gets the opposite Boon/Bane as your MyUnit that makes the process much more complicated^^

What Waifu should MaleMyUnit go for with +Strength/-Luck or +Strength/-Def?

"Your My Unit"

Ugh. Don't you realize how completely awkward that reads?

Anyways, Kana's statue will be that of whatever stat was picked as the bane during Avatar creation.

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@Levant Mir Celestia

ok thank you for that.

Sry i must apologize but english isn't my first language.

It's all right.

Some characters have statues that specialize in a stat they have a negative modifier in. Examples are Rinkah (Strength) and Kagero (Speed). These statues cancel out the subjects' negative modifiers completely.

I don't know why you're telling me this, since unless you're either super lucky or talking about a stat that a unit has a high growth in but their class has a low cap in, you're likely not capping much of anything ingame.

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It's all right.

I don't know why you're telling me this, since unless you're either super lucky or talking about a stat that a unit has a high growth in but their class has a low cap in, you're likely not capping much of anything ingame.

Kaze capped strength pre-promotion in 2 of the 3 playthroughs where i used him. (it helps that his cap as a ninja is only 15).

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-Mag speed reduction is nothing in Birthright. Enemies are about as slow as molasses. The point is 1-2 range is awesome.

-Luk is probably fine, though. Goddess Icons are +4 this time and it comes as early as chapter 4. And there's like, 5 of them in birthright.

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I just ran +str -luck on birthright lunatic with no issues. (except for being really def-screwed, but that's irrelevant to a -luck bane). For reference, i did a knight nature, ended up as a paladin, and spent time in all the classes in the knight, caviler, pegasis, and archer trees to pick up skills.

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ok thank you for the information about Kaze. Unfortunaly i know the Conquest Characters better^^ I know Kaze is available on both routes but as i mentioned i watched the Conquest Lets Play from Mangs and he benched Kaze^^

Lets say i go with +Strength/-Def or +Strength/-Luck. What is about Kana? If Kana gets the opposite Boon/Bane as MyUnit that makes the process much more complicated^^

What Waifu should MaleMyUnit go for with +Strength/-Luck or +Strength/-Def?

You can go +Speed/-magic and let Kana tank as a dragon. Dragonstones are magic so the magic bonus will help her, and since they can't double the speed penelty hurts her less. You can even buy Wary Fighter for her from someone's my castle. Makes the most of her personal skill too.

What you do with Corrin also depends on what kind of Corrin you want. There are several options you can take.

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